The badass goddesses of Samhain

As you probably know if you're reading this blog, Samhain is a Pagan holiday celebrated in conjunction with Halloween. (By the way, "Pagan" doesn't mean Witches, necessarily. It refers to religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions of a region.) Anyway, Samhain is a Celtic holiday that celebrates the end of the Harvest season and the beginning of Winter . It is celebrated on November 1st. Hmmm, what else happens around that time? All Saints Day, Halloween, Dia De Los name a few. It's no coincidence that all of these holidays happen at the same time. When Christian and Catholic Colonists took over a newly conquered area, they tried to mash cultures and religions together to encourage participation by the natives, and then eventually everything is one big soup of holidays. Samhain is said to mark a period where the veils between worlds becomes thinner. There are various deities associated with d...