Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Bitchscopes May 25 - 31

Action flows where thoughts go...

This week, where your mind goes, your actions will follow, and your actions can lead to rapid changes. So be mindful of your thoughts and manifest the hell out of this time. This week we also may be catching up on things we’ve put off, and remembering goals that got buried. Most of us will be feeling ourselves pretty strongly, and confidence is in the air. Clarity is a word that is mentioned more than once in this week’s scopes. Be an information sponge and soak it all up, but don’t show your hand just yet. The exception to that would be in your closest relationships, which will benefit greatly from your attention this week. Impulse is the word of the week. Follow your impulses, and beware of impulsivity at the same time. Capiche?

May 25 Mars sextile Uranus - craving for excitement, rapid changes

May 28 Mercury enters Cancer - thoughts and feelings go deeper


While you’re usually the King or Queen of DO-ing, this week you need to feel, and examine...ew! Try to avoid being reactive to others. . You may feel people are making demands of you, but their expectations may in fact be reasonable. A peaceful outlet will help you get in touch with what you need to be in touch with and to not be so easily ruffled. If running is your usual meditation, try walking intermittently. The break in your rhythm could bring needed insights.


You may have some flashes of brilliance and lots of ideas. Take time to examine and plan before you throw money at anything right now. Your ruling planet is retrograde so caution is key with investments right now. In fact, your perceptions in general may be hazy. You and your significant other or BFF may not be quite on the same wavelength. Give yourself some space and try to be patient.


This is a good time for you to journal, brainstorm, and examine some of your existing plans and ideas. Your brain is never quiet, but try to down shift the new idea machine just for now and fine tune some that are already developed. If you feel bajiggity or bickery, or give yourself an escape. This energy will pass if you don’t try to wrestle with it. Art would be a great outlet for your mental energy right now, and a healthy way to shift from brain space into heart space.


While you are naturally a feel-er, over the next few weeks you may be an idea machine. Collaboration may be very productive for you. Also during the next few weeks, things that have been on the back burner may show up again. New opportunities get a green light, even though planets are retrograde. Use your gut, as you always do. You’ll know what to say yes to.


You might benefit from a bit of a withdrawal from people in general right now. Put yourself first and take time to do an inventory of your to-do’s and obligations. Are you enabling someone to be sort of helpless, or giving to someone else’s career more than your own? Tap into your creative genius and do yourself some favors for once.


You could be really feeling yourself this week, and ready to mingle and make meaningful connections. They may be professional rather than personal, but hey, what’s new? There’s a reason you are successful. (Romance is by no means ruled out, however.) You may feel more impulsive than your usual well planned out self. And you may find yourself drawn to opportunities that are not your usual flavor. Follow your gut/heart.


Clarity is on the menu this week. You may reach the knot at the end of your very long rope about a topic that is quite over-done. It takes a lot for you to say “peace out”, because you’d rather just have peace. It is important that you stand your ground on this issue, and it is very possible that peace will come after you do so. Your assertiveness in communication will benefit you professionally this summer.


You may be pleasantly surprised by some conversations this week. You may be given some clarity and insight about someone’s true nature. Issues of power and authority, your areas of expertise, may crop up as well. You’d be well advised to be a very good listener and very slow to speak. It isn’t necessarily negative, but it will yield useful knowledge if you can remain cool. And I know you can.


Money and intimacy may be on your mind this week. Be sure you’re in control of the important aspects of your financial life. Don’t be too trusting (not something I’ve ever had to warn you about) of others’ expertise. Shield yourself from people who irk you and surround yourself with your closest people this week. I say this because you may desire time alone, and that’s good for you as well...but your closest most trusted people will bring you a feeling of security that you need right now.


You may bump into your “previous lives” now and for a few weeks to come. Not literal previous incarnations, but people and experiences from your past. It may not be your favorite people, either. There is something meaningful in these interactions though. Milk it, work it, get what you can from these conversations. You’ll know what this means in the moment. Poker face will be useful AF, and your intuition will be strong.


You’ll probably be feeling motivated for self improvement in some way in the coming weeks. Part of that may be your financial life and more practical ways of dealing with some aspect of it. You won’t have any trouble committing (wait what?! Am I on the right sign? yep…) to a project or educational pursuit. All of this will strengthen your career footing.


Don’t second guess, don’t compromise, and don’t budge. You have a tendency to over-give. But when it comes to your future plans, be selfish AF right now. Boundaries in professional plans will set the tone you will need to make great progress in the future. This new found assertiveness may have you feeling kinda sexy, too. So...go with that!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

BitchScopes for the week of May 18th

BitchScopes for 5/18 - 24

Last week 3 planets stationed retrograde, joining the already retrograde Pluto. In June, Mercury and Neptune retrograde, so it’s just a retro party summer! Bell bottoms and frosted eye shadow anyone? Ok that’s not necessary. But we will be in review, re-evaluate and re-adjust mode for many weeks to come. Maybe that’s why summers are vacation time...because we are not quite full speed ahead in life matters. And that's good.  Even though life feels like it is on pause due to the pandemic, things are slowly unfurling from hibernation.

This week the Sun enters Gemini, which, to me is the epitome of the summer vibe. But life these days is so strange and socializing is not what it was even a few months ago. Some of life is “re-opening”, but I suspect even that will be re-examined this summer. Regardless, it is so important, especially in this season, to connect with the people we love. If you can see them in person, great. If you can’t, make an effort to schedule a zoom happy hour or group face time chat.

Love, and the expression of love is important this week, and so is play and art and the child like energy that embodies summer for most of us. This is not likely to be the most productive work week. Your time and energy are better spent connecting with your heart and issues ruled by Venus. Enjoy it.

May 20 Sun enters Gemini - overall we will be more curious, mentally engaged, inclined toward logic, as well as more sociable, friendly, and talkative

May 20 Venus square Neptune - insecurities about appearance may surface

May 22 Mercury conjunct Venus - expression of love is emphasized

May 22 New Moon in Gemini 10:39 am pst - new friends, interests, ways of communicating. Especially since the North Node just moved into Gemini earlier in May. There is a fresh wave of information and Gemini energy headed for all of us

May 22 Sun trine Saturn - achievement and recognition

May 22 Mercury square Neptune - muddled communications, especially in business


You may be pretty popular in the coming weeks, and as a result your calendar and to do list may be pretty full. You will feel energized and raring to go, but keep in mind that it’s ok to say No. Really.

Hey do you want to join our Zoom meeting Wednesday morning? We’re going to talk about income streams. You do? Awesome!

You’re fired! You’re supposed to say No!

Tap into your gut and do what FEELS like a good match for you in the coming weeks, or you’ll risk burn out. There is nothing sadder than a burned out Aries who won’t put on her running shoes…


Cue up your Money playlist, Taurus. This week that’s almost all of what will be on your mind. Almost...because you know what the rest of your mind is. Anyway, do your homework when it comes to money making opportunities. In this case, under the current energy, you’d be well advised to share your plan(s) with 1 trusted person who has a good head for whatever the plan is. But don’t overshare or share with the wrong people. You already know who this person is…


Happy YOU season! You’ve got the world on a string...ish. I mean, don’t get too cocky. But you do have great energy behind you for forging a path to success right now. You probably already feel it. The new moon falls in Gemini this coming Friday. Take advantage of this fabulous window of opportunity to focus on your bigger dreams and concoct a plan of action.


You may bite off more than you can chew at work or on a project at home. Be reasonable with yourself. That same influence (its Jupiter) may have you really wanting to get into your sacred space and meditate or just observe some silence. Give yourself this gift, especially leading up to the new moon on Friday.


You wanna go to school, but you have to manage chores. Wait, whaaaat?! Who are you? You may be feeling very motivated to further your skills or education in the coming weeks. But you will feel the pull of your day to day duties. You’ll have to intentionally carve out time to finish that degree or certification. Also, I never thought I’d have to say this to YOU, but all work and no play makes Leo insane. Take a break!


Lookit you, takin’ professional risks! It looks good on you. You will be on point in all things job related, and while you are generally very practical, you may be a little more willing to think outside your very tidy box this week. Exploring some new options would be great for your career. It could be as simple as your desk, your work flow, your commute, your schedule. If its something bigger, like hiring someone, give it some thought first.


You will feel extra social and confident this week. You’ll be ready to take on a new project and learn new ways. You always love meeting new people, and this may happen too, even during this stay at home world we now live in. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Like minded people are waiting for your arrival.


You’re never one to shy away from a deep conversation. But this week you could be delighted with the intimate sharing. It could be a boom chicka wah wah week, but at the very least, some great discussion could emerge. Slow down your pace of doing, and amp up the connection. You’ll find it very rewarding if you create the space for it.


You should be feeling more energized and optimistic this week, even as your ruling planet goes retrograde. Your inner life will expand and you could feel more focused. Team projects and plans with others should go well now, too. Your closest relationships are supportive and a great sense of strength and grounding for you.


For a crusty, serious goat, you might be feeling pretty smooshy this week. You may be thrown off by a feeling of neediness that you aren’t accustomed to. Don’t panic. Express what you need and spend some time receiving, for once. Take a moment to look at your probably very packed daily schedule and see if you can lighten it up a bit.


You will be in your hapy hippie zone this week, enjoying the simple things in life and a slower pace. Give that big brain a break and do some heART-work this week. Work is important but, don’t make it your #1 priority this week. Take a wee break (not sure why I am typing with an Irish accent) . Focusing on your close inner circle or partner will be the most rewarding for you.


Oooh la la, you could be feeling pretty romantic. Your heart may be in your mouth, but in a good way. If there has been a difficult issue in your relationship, this week might be a great time to tackle it. Old wounds, especially with family, could find some healing in the coming weeks..

Sunday, May 10, 2020

BitchScopes for May 11-17 - We're still movin'

Holy moly! Could there be more going on this week? At first glance it looks overwhelming, but most of this activity is behind the scenes for now. Spring and Summer are always “retrograde season” and this year is no exception. This week 3 planets station retrograde, giving us plenty to work on inside ourselves and our societies. Venus is likely to be the most intense, because it retrogrades less frequently. But all the same, there’s nothing to really be afraid of or usual it’s just an opportunity for awareness.

Leaving the retrogrades aside for the time being, this week has good energy, productivity and focus. It is a “mental” kind of week. Not in a “whackjob” kind of way, but in air-y, thinking, mental processing kind of way. My caveat for this week and the next few weeks would be to watch for impulsivity, over reaction, and frustration because Mars in Pisces is likely to feel bajiggity and a couple of these retrogrades ask for thoughtful actions as well.

We're still movin'.  Even when things seem "backward" and all screwed up, we are making progress. Life is moving.  This is a song by Gregory Porter, who I've been listening to a lot this week because his brother Corny passed away this week from Covid complications.  I went to High School with both Corny and Greg.  So this is for both of them, and all of us:

May 11 – Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn - This retrograde is less intense to us than others, but has an important effect on everyone, and societal structures. During this time we may become aware of rules that no longer make sense Depending on placement, this may challenge your definition of authenticity, or stir up some rebellion without good cause.

May 11 – Mercury square Mars - quick temper, rash decisions

May 11- Mercury enters Gemini - quick wit, sharp thinking, but maybe a bit nervous, jittery, flakey. Easily bored. Strong bias toward logic over emotion.

May 12 - Mercury trine Saturn - good concentration and mental ability; focus

May 13 - Mars enters Pisces - this is an awkward placement for Mars and we could feel easily frustrated. Conscious awareness of balance between action and stillness will go a long way.

May 13 - Venus Retrograde Gemini - Venus retrograde is an intense transit because it does not occur as often as other retrogrades. It repeats transits every 8 years, and the last time it was in Gemini was the Spring of 2012. This retrograde squares Neptune, suggesting we may get caught up in a non-reality, and then have a reality check. Venus rules how we feel valued, what we value, as well as beauty, art, seduction and romance. Its important we stay grounded and have good boundaries, but also that we don’t bail on a situation prematurely. Because retrogrades provide us with insight..they don’t seek to torture us.

May 14 Jupiter Retrograde Capricorn - this retrograde will highlight inequality of the classes, social and political differences, and tension between entities will flare. You may personally feel like a black sheep in some circles. But it is important you remain true to your ideals.

May 15 Sun trine Pluto - the desire to dive deep into whatever engages you

May 17 – Sun trine Jupiter - extremely positive transit - optimistic and friendly, high energy.

Here’s your weekly scopes by sign


You are likely to be kicking ass and taking names this week professionally. Your energy will be high. But a couple notes of caution: Be careful that your actions match your words and visa versa this week; and don’t over-do. Burnout is a real threat to continued productivity so chill out now and then. Make notes so you don’t forget where you left off.


You could quite like this week if you channel this energy the right way. Sweet, sweet Moola is calling your name. But of course, you’ll need to do some leg work to get it flowing. And communication with your key peeps will be important as well. Who are those peeps? You may not know yet. But you should not be shy about reaching out to seek the help of a mentor or expert when the idea strikes. Even though you may have been kicked in the ass recently, you might find yourself feeling pretty optimistic this month. Huh? Is that normal? No need to take your temperature (unless you’re coughing of course! Covid humor. Too soon?) - things are lookin up and you feel it.


ERMERGERD you are so sick of this covid shit! You need to circulate, talk, gossip, muse, socialize...ugh. You’ll be inspired to find new ways of connecting and socializing if you haven’t already done so.
You may also feel particularly yourself right now, despite feeling caged. You feel confident about your abilities and will feel clear about expressing yourself. Go, you!

You may even feel inspired to give your business a little make over, visually. Do it!


You may want a break from people and drama and everyone’s Neeeeeeds this week. And you should allow yourself to take it. Believer it or not, your close relationships will all benefit from you being a little selfish. It will help you get clear on some new project(s) and you’ll be more at ease making the social connections to get things moving. Take a bath and hide if you’ve earned it!


Working or playing with others is likely to figure strongly into this week, even if you are working remotely. Group thinks and collaboration can lead to great breakthroughs and problem solving this week. But as you know, all work and no play makes Leo a grumpy cat. You will desire more intimacy and deeper connections from the people closest to you. This will fuel your creativity, and your creativity will be great for your overall health. Winning!


Partnerships of all flavors could thrive in this week’s energy. Professionally things look positive for you this month overall. But this week in particular, you will be a smooth operator and on your game. Other partnerships will get a boost this month too as your 7th house is activated. You’re just doing life like a boss this week! Congrats!


You may get the urge to fine tune your schedule and obligations this week. You also may find yourself putting more into that schedule in regards to health and fitness. The stay at home orders, if they are still affecting you, may feel more irritating than usual this week. You’ll really have an itch for some nature, but may have difficulty figuring out where to make that happen. (hint: you will find a way)


You may have to have a bit of a come-to-Jesus talk this week. And it may actually be with yourself (and Jesus, if that’s your thing). You may have to admit that you are less than perfect, and as an Aquarius, I feel for you. I mean, because we ARE perfect, but sometimes people think we aren’t. So I get it, sorta. But anyway, you can own up to whatever your short comings have been AND still be the badass you are. Plus you’ll have some extra sexy charm and charisma for several weeks to come, thanks to Mars, and Venus in your 5th and 8th houses respectively. Take your licks so you can...take...your licks. Wow. Ok I’m off to Sagittarius now…


You are very likely to be connecting and communicating with friends and family this week, probably thanks to technology. Also thanks to tech, you are in a great position to make some future plans with finances and career and family plans. You spiritual side will deepen all summer, and you may feel that shift beginning this week.


This week you may be the Queen or King of list conquests in a whole new way. Your to do lists don’t stand a chance! Focus, motivation, and organization will be your companions on this quest. It will be very satisfying and productive! The other thing that is satisfying is standing up for yourself and really tuning in to what is true for you. You’ve recently started shedding things that don’t work for you or don’t align with you. Your empowerment is here to stay for some time, and you are likely to be feelin’ yourself this week!


So you wanna be a millionaire? Well yes, we all do. And if anyone could, its you. This week you should buckle down and make a real, actual plan for business growth, income, and pursuing your dreams. Your energy this week is confident and bold. That’s great for business, but not always awesome for love relationships. You are tough, you run a tight ship and have high expectations of people, and yourself. But soften up a bit as you address old wounds with your partner. You’re safe to be vulnerable.

...Do not look at me in that tone of voice, Aquarius!


You’re on a mission to finish old tasks and goals and clean up your act this week. Your passions will be headed in all the right directions for progress and you’ll have all the support you need when you express your desires to your partner or friends. In addition to cleaning up your own energetic stuff, it’s a good time to finish up things around the house and your physical environment that you’re spending so much time in lately. There’s positive energy around mending family fences too.