Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, January 17, 2021

BitchScopes for January 18th - 25th


All eyes are on Washington DC this week, and the inauguration of Biden as President #46. Multiple security threats are afoot and this will be an inauguration that is different than any other in history. At the time I’m writing this, we don’t really know what that will look like.

But certainly this changing of the guard, regardless of the ceremony that swears him in, represents a big change and deep breath for not just the U.S., but for all of US. I truly believe we have reasons to feel optimistic!

Just for funzies, I looked at the numerology. Biden’s life path number is 11. (So were Reagan, Clinton, and Obama.) He is called to diplomacy and leadership. One could argue that all presidents are called to those things. However, for contrast: Trump is a 4, which at the very least carries a lot of responsibility for stability. But it also came from “31” (the numbers in his birthdate added up), which is a number of Karmic Debt. His inauguration day 1/20/2017 was also a 4/13/ karmic debt number. In a case like Trumps, he is “supposed” to bring balance to his Karmic bank account, but he obviously fell into his South Node, and his need to *always* be right. He has definitely let his shadow drive the bus. 2021 is a 5 year, a year of change (which seems obvious for so many reasons). Inauguration Day is an “8”, the number of harmony and balance, as well as achievement and success. Trump as #45 was a “9” (an end), Biden as #46 is a 1, or new beginning. (Kamala is a “5”, and boy does she ever represent change, within a 5 year no less!)

Astrologically there is plenty of enthusiasm available to us in the transits. For as much fear as there is brewing, January 20th will also give at least 50% of the country, and much of the world a breath of optimism and relief. The first part of the week, while full of nervous tension, contains a lot of motivational energy, and just enough dreaminess to have us feeling inspired. Inspiration and leadership are things we have been missing for at least 4 years, and it is right that we feel inspired at this time. Anger can sometimes be great rocket fuel. Obviously we’ve recently seen anger taken way past the point of productivity and well into the destructive nature that we fear about anger. But if we take this bucket of crap we’ve been dealing with and use it to fertilize our garden or fuel our jetpack, we’re in business!

To my readers who may be really disheartened in our system, or who believe that this election was stolen, or who really sincerely fear for what a Biden presidency will do to your life, I offer you this: Change is inevitable. Balance is the goal of everything in existence. When the pendulum swings far to one side, it will also swing far to the other side. Our government and our country are certainly not perfect, and while we might think the reasons for that are vastly different, at our core as individuals, we all just want to succeed and have happiness. We need not trample our team mates in order to ensure our own high score. Let everyone be in the race, and let them all start at the same line. If you really fear you will lose, ask yourself if you are actually being set back, or if you’re just being placed at the starting line. Are you losing, or are you losing your head start?

At the end of the week and into the last week of January, we do have the potential for illusion and a little paranoia. As a collective we have a long road ahead before we feel OK again. As individuals, our job is to stay grounded and help each other. There may be a bit of chaos, but don’t let the loud voices throw you off. Stay focused. Put your oxygen mask on and then assist those around you.

Happy Aquarius season, Happy new beginnings...again.

1/19 Sun enters Aquarius - This transit, obviously one of my favorites, allows us to step back from our rigid individualism and embrace our connectedness and the collective. Goddess knows we need that right now!

1/20 Mars conjunct Uranus - This transit can stir up the need to break out of things that feel limiting. Watch your impulses and risk taking.

1/20 Mercury trine North Node - This transit can help give us the words that take us to the next step in working toward our goals.

1/23 Mars square Jupiter - gives you the energy umpf to start new projects and achieve major successes.

1/23 Venus sextile Neptune - this is a sensual and romantic transit

1/23 Venus quincunx North Node - Venus represents our desires and pleasures, and in this transit, we may feel like we have to sacrifice those things in order to accomplish what we desire. This can also activate the South Node and stir up a situation where we have to look at things differently, often a gift we possess.

1/23 Sun conjunct Saturn - Very strong transit which can encourage you to stand up and be counted. Hard work & discipline are emphasized. Additional responsibilities can show up, but this can also be a time of satisfaction, achievement, recognition, etc.

1/24 Mercury sextile Eris - your mind may be working overtime to sabotage you. Slow down and lighten up. Get other people’s negative voices out of your head.

ARIES - Don’t let any negativity keep you from getting up and going after what you want. Even if no one is going after the same thing as you and they call you “crazy”. Maybe you’re calling yourself crazy. Maybe you ARE crazy. Guess what? We all are...come on in, the water is fine! The major side effect of having a flesh suit is craziness. Take your energy and use it in a way that feels good to YOU. And don’t let anyone talk you out of your dreams.

TAURUS - You may have recently experienced a set back, or a rejection of some kind.It might be financial, or it might be more personal than that. Whatever the case, you’re being urged to not let the bastards get you down! Don’t let a rejection or a betrayal deter you from what you’re trying to accomplish. “No” just triggered your fear response, and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to choose love first. That means choosing loving yourself as well as others, and choosing to make your dreams worthy of the effort required to achieve them!

GEMINI - You’re one of those people who may be inspired by anger. Lucky for you, the collective is full of “inspiration” right now. Channel those feelings into something that lines up with your vision. Whether you literally create some kind of art, or you use the anger to fuel your jet pack, you can really utilize the difficult things you’re navigating to get ahead. Give your emotions honest expression and you’ll find each next step that much easier.

CANCER - Locate where you are carrying guilt, and in the words of some great sage: let that shit go! You can not attemp to feel whole or loved or effective if you’re carrying around guilt. “The mind of guilt is full of scorpions” (Shakespeare). Whatever this thing is, you either did your best, or you made a bad decision. Either way, forgive yourself and move on.

LEO - If I say “you’re obsessed”, what immediately comes to mind? Its time to let that thing go and fully release yourself from it. In (Brothers Grimm) Cinderella, the step sisters were so obsessed with marrying the Prince that when the shoe didn’t fit, they mutilated their own feet to force it to happen. Girl, put down the knife and either go shopping or go barefoot! Let this issue go, because you deserve better.

VIRGO - You may be experiencing unfairness or unbalance in a relationship. But if you make that relationship or that person the villain of your life, that makes you the victim. And if you remain in that energy, you’re missing the point. You may not be responsible for how you got fucked up, but you are responsible for unfucking yourself. I know you’re flipping me off right now and that’s ok. Love you anyway.

LIBRA - Be alert and aware this week. If you work, be on the lookout for new people on the work scene. Smooth talkers should raise some red flags for you. If this person seems very interested about you and your story, don’t give much information. I feel there is a narcissist circling your airport, and this only serves to help you practice your boundaries. You can be your usual charming self and not give a thing away.

SCORPIO - You are right on the threshold of a breakthrough or a jackpot of some kind. If you are questioning or being told you’re too picky, you’re not! Your keen ability to see deep into a person or situation gives you a huge advantage. Don’t question your gut. Keep pushing for what you want and don’t settle.

SAGITTARIUS - You will have a burst of clarity soon about a situation you’ve been struggling with. The thing you are hanging on to the tightest, or hoping for the most, might actually not be the right thing for you. And this week, or soon thereafter, you might have a huge realization about a better way to do this thing. Don’t be afraid to let go and let change happen. You might be holding yourself back with your resistance.

CAPRICORN - Lean hard into your very logical and analytical nature and you’ll find out that the facts more than support your need and request for more from another party. This could be work or personal, but you are not getting “paid” enough in some aspect of your life. I think if you analyze the facts and numbers you’ll find the obvious imbalance and be able to make a strong argument for needing a better agreement.

AQUARIUS - For most people, directing their energy into a chaotic situation yields more chaos. But for you, this is your jam. You understand that chaos is just creatively placed solutions. You will actually create chaos yourself if you can’t find what you need in the current system. Your ability to create order out of madness will not only solve a problem, but you will impress and entertain some people in the process.

PISCES - You may feel stuck or uninspired right now. You can’t seem to move out of the spot you’re in, and you can’t see a path. There are two things here for you: 1) you may be depending on someone else too much in this situation and 2) this situation does not define you. This may just be a Divine timing issue and even though you feel frustrated, it WILL change. However, don’t be complacent about it, and don’t expect a rescuer either. Trust yourself first, and trust the process.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Uranus is Chafed - BitchScopes for January 11-18

Every so often, I like to title this blog “What’s Up Uranus?” I switched it up to “Uranus is Chafed” because I’m super mature, and also because it is accurate. Although I think Uranus is chafing US more than he is chafed himself. But anyway...

Uranus is my ruling planet, and he is making himself known throughout this month. There are a couple of really optimistic aspects at the beginning of the week, and then things turn to feeling frustrated and nervous. Accurate!

If you’re working in an office (anyone remember that?), keep a low profile this week and don’t stir the pot. If you must ask for something, do it on Thursday, when Sun conjunct Pluto increases personal power. But it would be wise to see how these transits land in your chart as well. I would just say don’t ask for much this week, smile and nod, and avoid confrontations.

The New Moon is not gentle or simple either. Working on your personal goals is a great idea. But this moon makes a number of potentially tense aspects to Uranus, Mars, Pluto and Jupiter. (Moon conjunct Pluto, Mars square Saturn, Jupiter square Uranus, Mercury square Uranus, Venus trine Uranus)

In the USA, this New Moon falls in the 2nd house of values, money, and material things. We are still trying to figure out what we stand for and believe in. What do we really value and how? And WTF are we doing with this economy?

In Trump’s chart, this hits the 5th house of creativity and expression. I think he will be self promoting like always. I don’t expect him to take any responsibility this week, despite the building pressure. But the Full Moon in Leo in a couple weeks lands in his 12th house, and I think what was hidden in the dark will be illuminated around then. Of course, that’s after the inauguration, but according to what I’ve read, he can still be impeached after January 20th. He can also try to pardon himself, which seems absurd. I’m not sure I feel he’ll try it, but if he does, it will backfire. Watch that full moon on the 28th carefully, but more on that later!

Have a good week and keep your head out of Uranus.

In writing this week’s scopes, my aim is to offer the best path to peace and gentle energy despite what’s going on. So I’m utilizing Angel energy along with astrology to help us be our best and our least bajiggity selves.

1/11 Mercury conjunct Jupiter - good news and optimism

1/11 Jupiter sextile Chiron - compassion and healing, connection with those who inspire

1/12 Mercury square Uranus - change and excitement, jittery feeling, nervousness

1/12 New Moon in Capricorn - This moon has a little bit of everything: power struggles, frustration, tension...This lunation is potentially intense. It is also complex, with a solid 6 significant aspects to other planets. Tension and frustration are likely to still be high. This is a great time to work on manifesting career goals

1/13 Sun square Eris - possible power struggles due to feeling overlooked

1/13 Mars square Saturn - frustration, feeling limited or confined

1/13 Venus trine Uranus - seeking pleasure in new ways, trying new things

1/14 Uranus turns direct - nervous tension

1/14 Sun conjunct Pluto - an increase in personal power (this is the day to ask for something at work)

1/17 Jupiter square Uranus - big opportunities, changes of fortune, restlessness

ARIES - Follow your fire and your passion and any bread crumbs of joy available to you. Joy begets more joy. There are opportunities for excitement and adventure and lots of reasons to embrace play. Arch Angel Gabriel is helping you this week. He is the messenger Angel and is also a great helper for creative pursuits, confidence and play. Embrace your inner child.

TAURUS - Meditate and sleep. You probably don’t hate that advice. Having Uranus in your sign require you to get really good at grounding and taking care of yourself. This last week was very stressful. So turn off some of the noise and seek the safety of Arch Angel Michael. He can help stabilize your energies and help you feel more secure. Do some reading. Eat root veggies to help with grounding and nourishing yourself.

GEMINI - While you love choices and options, sometimes decisions can be difficult. While the noise of your own head can be plenty, you also have a lot of other energies stuck on your right now too. Scrub and detox! Do whatever spiritual practice suits you to clear yourself. Arch Angel Raphael will be on standby to help you do this, all you need to do is ask. Once you’ve washed yourself of everyone else’s guck, the decision you need to make will be a whole lot easier.

CANCER - Overwhelm might be an understatement, with all the world feeling so charged and unsafe. You have help around you, so try not to fall into a negative thinking pattern. Nurture yourself first right now before you think of nurturing others. This may feel weird to you. Money may be a stressor this week too, but there is help for the complicated issue that may be swirling in your head. Reach out. Arch Ariel is your Angelic helper this week for all your material and self love needs!

LEO - While it may feel like a ridiculous effort right now, think positive. Life is truly full of wonders and you are one of the few people who might be able to see that in the current times. Really “positive think” the hell out of everything this week...because if you can find inspiration, you can inspire the rest of us. Arch Angel Uriel is your Angel for this week and this task, as he will help you tap deep into your Higher Self knowledge and wisdom. Think of Uriel as a pocket sized sun for you to carry around this week.

VIRGO - This week the solutions you seek may come from compromise. The key words for your week are: judgement, forgiveness, patience, self control. Hey, no problem right? Well you have Angelic help in the form of Arch Angel Zadkiel. So while you may be tasked with what feels like too much work, and surrounded by people who are unyielding, you have help. All you have to do is ask for help with the situation and Zadkiel, among others, will be there to inspire the situation.

LIBRA - You detest all the fighting and hate and unrest that is happening right now. And while you feel powerless to bring things into the balance you so love, it isn’t all on your shoulders. As a true optimist, you are able to see the possibilities for growth and beauty in the chaos and the breakdown. Arch Angel Michael is at your side to not only protect your sensitive heart, but to influence any situation you may find yourself in where you feel like the mediator.

SCORPIO - You have permission (not that you’d ask!) to put your attention on your personal life and family during these troubled times in society. In fact there is something to celebrate either happening now or coming soon, and you should not feel guilty for feeling happy. Raphael is your go-to for letting go of guilt, and infusing any family situations that need healing.

SAGITTARIUS - Your manifesting abilities are on point this week, despite the chaos around you. Arch Angel Raziel can help you tap into the Divine energy needed to get your goals on track and draw in the people you need to help you. Your thoughts must be trained to stay in the positive lane, though. So if you find yourself feeling too skeptical or jaded, ask for Raziel’s help in keeping your vibration high.

CAPRICORN - You’ve put in so much hard work over the last couple years. You will soon see the fruits of your labors. Currently you may feel really jaded and downright negative about the world. Arch Angel Jeremiel is near you to help you with compassion and letting go of the past that holds you down and makes you feel bitter. A brand new cycle is here, not just because its a new year, and you will have some awesome new beginnings if you can keep your heart open.

AQUARIUS - Well with Uranus, your ruler, being so active this week, you should not be surprised if your mind is very active and you get sudden bursts of insight. Keep a notepad by your bed, or use your phone to record these bursts. You above all other signs know that there is order in the chaos, and that change is not pretty, but it is beautiful. Arch Angel Chamuel will help you love yourself when you feel low, and this will keep your creative and thought energy flowing.

PISCES - If you are in a position to make an uncomfortable choice this week, and feel afraid about the outcomes, ask  Arch Angel Michael for guidance and protection. Arch Angel Ariel is also coming through for you to help you in any kind of partnership. You may have to compromise something to make this decision. Get clear and write some things down about what you can and can’t give on. Once you set your mind to your choice, the energy that is so uncomfortable within you will settle down right away!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Cosmic Big O!

There are quite a few ingresses this week, which is when a planet changes signs. 3 of the personal planets shift into new energy: Mars, Mercury, and Venus. When a planet changes signs, we often feel a little off for a day or so. But the big news this week is Mars.

We have had Mars in Aries since June 2020 (when it is usually only in a sign for 6 weeks), and it never came all the way to 29 degrees! It came up to 28 degrees, then retrograded. This created a feeling of frustration individually and collectively and we all know what that looked like in society, not just in the US, but globally. Mars played a key role in the spread of Covid in 2020 as well. So this move out of Aries where Mars is its most powerful and impulsive, into steady, Earthy, Taurus is a big deal. Finally reaching a conclusion about something, anything, will feel really fantastic to all of us. Previously I had used the analogy of not quite being able to achieve an orgasm...getting really close but just not being able to climax, and the frustration that results from that. That is exactly what we’ve been feeling in 2020. And on Tuesday thru Thursday this week, we finally get the Cosmic Big O!

Mars at 29 degrees isn’t quite the same as building orgasmic pleasure however. Tuesday and Wednesday we may not feel the afterglow just yet. Those 2 days could be quite intense. We can feel argumentative, frustrated, ready to explode, impulsive, and angry in general. But when the shift into Taurus happens in the wee hours of the 7th, we should feel or sense a “pop”. Yessssssssss!

Interestingly, on January 5th there is an important run-off election in Georgia, and on the 6th, US Congress meets to count the electoral votes. (There are a lot of trigger words in that sentence, eh? Hahaha. Election PTSD!) You can read about how it works here. The chances of any challenges to the electors is high, but the chances of succeeding with such a challenge is low. Pence has a critical role in this as the President of the Senate, and potentially the deciding vote. Whatever goes on, it is certainly going to be hot and probably ugly in there.

I think we can expect some outbursts on the world stage (nothing new there) this week. Overall, this is a pretty astrologically intense week so I would advise you keep your head down, drink your wine, and try to use nice words with the people closest to you. If everything gets too hot (not in a sexy way) in your life, take a deep breath and know that this will pass. Frustration is a difficult emotion to navigate so if we can be aware and give each other some space, it will help. The energy will find its footing very soon and we’ll be off!

1/4 Mercury square Eris - feeling misunderstood

1/4 Mercury conjunct Pluto - adds intensity to thinking and communications

1/5- 6 Mars at 29 degrees - frustration, and then satisfaction
1/7 Mars enters Taurus - determined and resolute, slow and steady

1/9 Mercury enters Aquarius - forward-thinking, unconventional ideas, visionary

1/9 Venus enters Capricorn - relationships become more serious, formal, and conservative

1/8 Sun sextile Neptune - Heightened sensitivity and intuition

1/8 Mercury square Mars - impulsive, short tempered, aggressive speech

1/9 Venus trine Mars - socializing, dating, flirting

1/9 Sun quincunx N. Node - do your core values line up with your goals?

1/9 Mercury conjunct Saturn - critical thinking, serious work

1/11 Mercury conjunct Jupiter - good news and optimism

ARIES - Well we are in week 2 of 2021 and you’re already bored. Here’s the have made some important decisions and had tremendous movement in your life recently. Now you enter a period where you feel like because things are calm(er) something is wrong, or you’re forgetting something or something bad is happening. This is just your mind monkeys needing something to focus on. You’re getting ready to start a new cycle and a new era, but right now you are in the in-between period. I call this “the hallway”. There are all these doors and you’re waiting for someone to come out of one or for something to happen. It will! Take a breath, This is what life feels like when it's not so damn hard. Nothing is wrong. Go for a run for fucks sake.

TAURUS - Dry spell, lull, dessert, scorched earth some degree, this is what things have felt like off and on for the last several years. Like you get a little luck, lose a little more, two steps forward, one step back. Well things are lookin’ up! This year you will find so much more momentum than you have in awhile. Which is great, except you’re you, and it might feel like too much, too sudden, too much change. You may need to remember how to feel happy and relaxed after a period of depression. But what a great thing to have to work on! You have every reason to expect both money and love to flow in your direction this year. So get out of bed and dust the sourdough crumbs off of your plush robe. Company is coming…

GEMINI - You are no stranger to boredom, in that it happens to you too easily. You and Aries may or may not want to hang out this week and compare “boring” lives. This is called “calm” and it may feel somewhat foreign to you. You, like Aries, are embarking on a new era and waiting for something to happen. During this time of calm, don’t waste time ruminating (one of your spiritual gifts!) about the past. Instead, dare to go within that very chatty mind and re-evaluate some things. I feel that you may want to consider taking a more conservative approach to something. It could be money, or it could be how you spend your physical energy. But you’d do well to recognize that lack of chaos is not necessarily boredom.

CANCER - You have manifested some great things during a difficult time. You may have so many opportunities and projects that you don’t know where to put your energy. (After I typed that, it sounded familiar, so I just read the prior 2 weeks BitchScopes for you...this message seems to be in line with those as well.) Prosperity is either here, or its coming. But make sure you take time to have a plan for say, three big projects, and don’t put them on autopilot. You’re restlessness and ability to get distracted could derail some things if you don’t stay focused.

LEO - I feel like the way you deal with money is undergoing a change, or needs to. This isn’t a bad thing or an omen. This is a message to get your shit together a bit in a particular area. You may have been coasting or on autopilot where money is concerned, or you may be excessively worried. Whatever it is, something different needs to happen. More careful thought, organization, planning, and “rulership” of your finances is due. The word “rulership” came to me as I was typing, but it feels so accurate for a Leo. Money is a part of your Kingdom that can not be ignored. Don’t begrudge it, don’t hate it, don’t dread it. Value and respect it and rule over it, so it doesn’t rule over you.

VIRGO - A little tough love, Virg, because you can handle it. You’re in your own way a bit. A great deal of success and happiness is yours for the taking. But you need to get a little more focused and organized. If depression or negative thinking has been a thing for you for a while, it may be because you need a focal point within yourself instead of others. The chaos around you is a reflection of your internal life, not a judgement or failure on your part. You may be spread a little thin. Take some time to look at what you spend your time, thoughts, money, and energy on. If you can’t pinpoint your niche, maybe ask a trusted friend or advisor. Good times are coming, and by that I mean love and/or fulfillment is very likely. But you need to be ready for it. This is one of those “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” moments (and “dressing” may be an energetic thing here).

LIBRA - The hard work you have done in your partnerships will be paying off very soon. This partnership could be business, personal, or spiritual. In any case, you’ve sacrificed and squeezed and challenged yourself and your “other”. During this time in between cycles, don’t start doubting yourself. Use this time to observe what’s working and what’s not, and make adjustments accordingly. The security you deeply crave is coming, if it is not already knocking on your door…

SCORPIO - You may be due for a “come to Jesus” talk, as they say. By that I mean that what has transpired in the past may show up now for reconciling. Where have you, in the past, been a bit careless? That’s the theme for what is showing up in your life now as a responsibility and burden. While you may feel overwhelmed, it is important that you stay grounded and do the necessary work. This is very likely related to Saturn, so you might look to him in your chart to see what’s up. A new cycle is coming, and soon. But you really must tie up loose ends, handle karmic debts and complete the business of the currently ending cycle.

SAGITTARIUS - You may be in a bit of a fight with yourself. Granted, it is probably about someone else, but the real action is taking place internally. What’s really needed is forgiveness, and it may require some work on your part. Forgiveness isn’t something you can fake. It is also talked about far too much in my opinion. I am not one to “force” myself to forgive someone. But in this case, it looks like you need to examine it. You will likely need to withdraw a bit in order to get this done. But the payoff will be huge in the new cycle that is waiting for you.

CAPRICORN - You’ve just emerged from a cocoon. Your wings are wet and floppy. You want to fly but you have to wait just a bit more. So while you are waiting, do a little self reflection. You have put in a lot of work over the last couple years. A lot. In all aspects of life, really. What has worked out and what hasn’t? And can you accept failure? Failure IS an option, and in fact, a requirement. Failures give us clarity about our next action. Once your wings are dry and its time for you to fly, remember to be fair, not only to others, but to yourself.

AQUARIUS - Well seeing as Saturn is now on your front steps, it is time you stepped up your game a little. To be an effective Queen or King, you must have your royal poop in a group, or at least have an idea about how to group them. You’ve had time to be distracted and maybe even a bit lazy. But this isn’t going to cut it going forward...not if you want a, Queendom. Whatever. To be ruler of your weird little world, you must dig in, get focused, and do some hard work. It ain’t easy, bein’ Queen…

PISCES - Bored, disorganized, overwhelmed. Do you know this song? Let’s sing it together, because we all know it after 2020. If 2020 was an infant, it had a blowout diaper, and it leaked out on you, the car seat, the crib, the dog, and your vision board. Now you have to clean it up and reorganize things. Stay with me as I get grosser with this metaphor....Use that shit to fertilize your dreams! This is looking like a positive year for you, and your garden WILL grow. But why not utilize what you learned and gleaned from the weeds of 2020 to really boost the results? What did you learn? Write it down and adjust your vision board accordingly.