Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Monday, July 12, 2021

Eris is the tip of the arrow...

Apologies for my posting this later than usual. I got a migraine headache, which started a day before the new moon in Cancer. It is connected to hormones, and my daughter’s cycles seem to trigger mine. Great fun. I looked at when I last had a killer migraine it was in February at the end of a Gemini moon cycle. Gemini is my ascendant, and apparently transits to your ascendant can cause headaches. Since this is a moon hormones (and the literal fruit of my loins and her hormones) are involved. Very interesting and yet very, very annoying. I have said before that I think it is bullshit that the chemicals that literally run our body and keep us alive start petering out so early in life. Back a couple hundred years ago, women were dead before they had to deal with menopause. I’m glad we live longer, but I feel like our endocrine systems need to catch the fuck up! We also become depleted of melatonin as we age, which is why we struggle with sleep cycles. Our digestive enzymes also become depleted. Basically I’m just throwing a tantrum about evolution being a bit too slow for my liking. But back to the astrology...

The big deal this week is a tense cardinal T square between the Sun, Pluto and Eris! This energy will be with us for a while. Eris is at the apex of this T square so a lot of the energy will be released through her. She is an archetype of the dark Divine feminine: a warrior, righteous anger, jealousy, misogyny, feminine rage. The 3 planets form a triangle, with the weak point being opposite the apex...the missing 4th leg. In this case it would be Libra, symbolizing justice and balance and harmony. So I think we can expect a lot more to be revealed around women’s rights and social justice. To counter the tension and friction, we need to lean in to our Libra energy.

Both Vesta and Lilith change signs this week, to Libra and Gemini respectively. Lilith in Gemini can make you feel shame or guilt or wrongness for speaking too much or too little, or similar energy of rejection of your voice.

Vesta will trine Lilith on Monday the 19th, which may fuel us with righteous anger toward a personal goal.

Neptune, Venus, and multiple quincunxes this week also signals the need to compromise, be flexible, adjust your expectations, and be aware that your perception is not 100% in focus right now. Relationships may feel challenged/challenging.

Monday July 12
  • Mercury trine Jupiter - good news and optimism
Tuesday July 13
  • Venus conjunct Mars - desire to connect
  • Pallas opposite Vesta - passionate about your personal beliefs
Thursday July 15 
  • Sun trine Neptune - increased sensitivity and empathy
  • Venus quincunx Neptune - disappointment or disillusion in a loved one; misplaced compassion
Friday July 16 
  • Sun square Eris - triggering energy; exclusion and acting out
Saturday July 17
  • Venus trine Eris - empowered action
  • Pluto trine Ceres - transformative nurturing
  • Mercury quincunx Juno - some friction or miscommunication in relationships
  • Sun opposite Pluto personal crisis - Struggle for control
Sunday July 18 
  • Lilith enters Gemini - can trigger shame for speaking too much /too little; captivating with words
  • Venus quincunx Pluto - relationships challenged; compromise required
  • Mercury quincunx Saturn - feeling out of sorts and disorganized
  • Mars quincunx Neptune - your drive and energy is likely to be off; desire to escape
  • Sun sextile Ceres - inspired nurturing of your goals
Monday July 19 
  • Venus square Ceres - careful not to suffocate your loved ones with too much nurturing
  • Vesta trine Lilith - our passion fuels our righteous anger and goals
  • Mercury square Chiron - internal friction as you work through wounds
  • Vesta enters Libra - striving for equality (in career/office), harmony

Taking all of that into consideration, this week’s scopes are written with a combination of astrology placements and channeled goddess messages to show you how to really fill your cup, regardless of your gender.

ARIES - You’ll like this week’s prescription: take no shit. take action. If a person or male figure of authority is usurping your personal power, put your foot down. Your power is in your words right now. For all the times you’ve been counseled to cool your jets, right now is a time to take a risk, take action, reclaim what is yours, speak up, and kick ass. You’re ready. You’ve got this. ( I'm gonna pop some popcorn and watch <3)

TAURUS - The wheels are turning in your favor, and you, like Aries, have permission to kick some ass this week. are cautioned to kick ass with kindness. Go after what you want, let go of what you don’t want. But don’t be cruel and ruthless, even if that is an option. (I don’t think you would be anyway.) Real love is based in respect. Truth can be stated gently. Roses have thorns, and the thorns don’t detract from its beauty….they are sharp because they protect the rose.

GEMINI - There’s a lot you want to accomplish, maybe suddenly, or maybe it just reignited recently. You are now in, or about to enter, a period of high creativity and inspiration. Even though you’re a very intellect oriented person, get your ass out into nature to really keep the juices flowing. When offers and opportunities roll in, stay in alignment with your beliefs. Spider is your totem, good luck charm, and sign for the next while.

CANCER - Where you find competition or tension, your Ace card is integrity and diplomacy. Even if it seems at first like you’ve lost out, hang tight. Things are not what they initially seem. After you have acted with wisdom and tried to be a voice of balance in the situation, have patience and let things unfold. Your right actions and alignment with truth will be the winner.

LEO - Whatever it is you’re attempting to manifest or create, the secret lies in Mother Earth. Your natural habitat is not camping in the woods, though that would benefit your process right now. Short of camping, do what you can to connect to nature. Ground yourself daily, utilize the cycles of the moon, and then manifest like crazy!

VIRGO - You are being forced to find balance. It probably is not much fun at the moment, but part of all cycles of fertility and growth is the rest period. The space between harvest and planting. You are in that stripped down place now. And because things are moving slowly, you can take this opportunity to really give back to yourself, because that’s where the balance is needed. Experiment with different healing modalities and creative outlets to see what really lights you up. When the cycle changes, as it always does, you will be more ready than ever.

LIBRA - You’re entering uncharted territory, at least for you. Things are coming together, even if out of your sight right now, in a way that will surprise you in the near future. Take time to plan for your success so you can enjoy it when it comes. But don’t wait for a path to light up in front of can find your way in the dark. Follow your heart and your gut (even though as an air sign you’ll want to follow your logic) and you will land exactly at a place that has been prepared for you.

SCORPIO - I won't’ beat around the bush - you have shadow work to do. The current energy is going to heal your mother wound. There’s no real getting around it, it is going to happen. But this is not meant to be a horrible process. It might sting a little at times, but the healing will be profound. Take time to think about your mother, yourself as a mother, the other mothers in your family. Look at your wounds and acknowledge them. Forgive yourself and others. Forgive your resentment for not receiving what you needed or wanted. Then be a good patient and let the healing take place.

SAGITTARIUS - Love requires risk. But If you feel like you’re being tested, you are. You are close to the beginning of a cycle in which you will experience the abundance and love you’ve been working on manifesting for a long time. But before you get there, you will be tested to make sure you know where to find your integrity. (Hint: it's next to your vulnerability.)

CAPRICORN - Even the king of the mountain must rest. Yes, really. You will need to be on your best game in the coming weeks. To maintain a sharp mind and precision skills, you need to rest. When it is time to “move yer bloomin arse”, stay singularly focused on your goal/passion. Don’t be distracted. Don’t get impatient. Counsel yourself the way you would counsel a frustrated child, and sometimes, children need naps. (You are the child…)

AQUARIUS - Your limits will be tested by others in some kind of competitive environment. Your advantage is between your ears. Don’t create trouble where it doesn’t exist, even if you’re sure it's coming. Shut up. Be slow to give your opinion and overly soft in its delivery. This will feel as if it goes against all your instincts, but trust this process. Your grounded and centered energy will win this battle.

PISCES - Something is ending, and it may be something dear to you. You may not be able to put a finger on it, it may just be a vague feeling of something within you changing. But this ending is not all sad. There is a celebration in it somewhere. This change is what you have been praying for. But endings and beginnings are twin flames. So when you feel that vague sense of loss, realize that a celebration is close on its heels, coming up through the ashes...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

BitchScopes for July 5-12

This week your thoughts may be pretty pointed and you could find yourself wanting to call someone on their bullshit. While Neptune is retrograde, our intuition is actually stronger, and we may see a situation with a unique clarity. But of course we have to be prudent and sheath our sharp tongue for our own benefit, because the focus this week is truly about nurturing our loved ones and finding support from them for ourselves.

Both career and partner relationships are on stage this week. Your partner is likely to be a source of support for you, or you to them. The one challenge to that would be Venus square Uranus on the 8th. But I’m choosing to interpret that as a desire for positive change within the relationship based on new information rather than old baggage. That may not feel positive in the moment, but I feel you will be able to sense that there’s a supportive undercurrent to Uranus’ effects.

The New Moon in Cancer underscores this. We will be focused on nurturing, sentimentality, and feeling our feelings. New moons are always an opportunity for a fresh start. And in this case, relationships and family ties and experience positive influences. Try to view everyone as though they are 5 or 6 years old and see how it influences your interactions with them. Do this for yourself too. If you have old pictures, get them out and look at little you. Who were you then? Where are those parts of yourself now? They’re still in those parts have expression? Play with that energy.

July 5

Sun sextile Uranus - pleasant surprises and exciting experiences

July 6

  • Mercury square Neptune - distorted thinking and confusion
  • Vesta quincunx Eris - a challenging situation at work wherein you will want to speak your mind because you see through the bullshit, but you need to consciously craft your delivery.
  • Venus opposite Saturn - loneliness, isolation, delays with money or love
July 7
  • Mercury sextile Eris - realizations and empowering epiphanies
  • Venus trine Chiron - reciprocal energy: relationship(s) provide healing; healing benefits relationships
July 8
  • Mercury quincunx Pluto - deep (possibly dark) thoughts
  • Mercury square Vesta - irritations and interruptions in your work
  • Venus square Uranus - anxiety and sudden changes with love or money; desire for freedom and excitement
July 9
  • New Moon Cancer - positive change, compromise with partner, nurturing
  • Pluto trine Vesta - shifts that provide more control in your work life
  • Neptune sextile Ceres - feeling connection to family and loved ones
July 10
  • Mercury square Pallas - desire to assert yourself and state your thoughts passionately; frustrated communication
Jul 11
  • Mercury enters Cancer - our thoughts and communication are more emotion-based; sentimentality
July 12
  • Mercury trine Jupiter - good news and optimism

ARIES - Your enthusiasm toward a personal goal or achievement may feel delayed or unreachable . If you’ve been sidelined or otherwise held back, find the thing in your way and utilize it to your advantage. It could also be, though this would be somewhat unusual for an Aries, that you haven’t fully committed to whatever this thing is. More likely: you haven’t thought it through completely. When you manifest, and wish, bond yourself to that wish with a vow to stay the course. And if you just aren’t sure WTF you’re striving for, look to the water in your chart for clarity.

TAURUS - You are consistent in your actions, or in your inactions. A repeating pattern of disappointment might be because you haven’t finished your homework. When you get discouraged, your famous stubbornness kicks in and you have a tendency to throw in the towel. Knock that shit off. Do as much as you can today. Then do as much as you can tomorrow. Keep doing that until you’ve pushed past your own limited belief. Look to the Sagittarius in your chart for inspiration.

GEMINI - This week, lean in to your mama bear energy to protect what is yours by birthright. One of those things, which we tend to think we must earn, is joy. Protect your joy! It isn’t something you have to work for or deserve, it is a birthright, so claim it. Don’t let your job steal it. Don’t let your duties as a parent or a partner overshadow it. Don’t give it away out of some act of penance. If there is something you long for but don’t feel you deserve, get out of your own way and go after it. Damnit.

CANCER - Trust the momentum of the river that carries you. If weird things are distracting you, go ahead and follow them. There is wisdom even in wandering. Even your anxiety about certain things contains wisdom: Is it fear or is it excitement? When stuck at a choice or crossroad, pick the option that is the fairest to YOU. You tend to sacrifice your desire for the good of the family or tribe and this is your message from the Universe to pick something for you!

LEO - You are at the threshold of a life change. It isn’t really a choice, it is happening. But the great news is, this is the good shit! You’ve been waiting, working, hoping...and it is coming. Leos get a bad rap too often for being vain and conceited. But what is coming for you is due to your self confidence and charm that you naturally exude. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Don’t downplay them just because other people are jealous. Own that shit, sis!

VIRGO - Things are going to start moving very soon. But take note: when things don’t look or feel the way you’d hoped, look for the blessing in the reality of the situation. You are good at finding the flaw in a system or process, or even in people. In this situation, what you may label as the fatal flaw could actually be the superpower. Wear your vulnerability or disappointment as a badge of courage. The destination where you end up is better than the one you’d imagined.

LIBRA - You’re in the midst of (or will be soon) a change that you’ve sought for a long time. You may feel a bit overwhelmed, both with the work, and by your emotions. Take a moment to realize that past betrayals have pushed you into current blessings. Rejection and protection are 2 halves of a coin. Bless the people who hurt you, and you’ll find that your own blessings multiply.

SCORPIO - You may feel worn out from carrying the weight of your passions. Don’t give up. Push through. Get mad if you need to. But pursue that dream with passionate vengeance. Lean into the fire in your chart to feed your internal fire. Your passion is also your purpose, and you can’t screw it up as long as you are acknowledging it. Don’t hide it under a bushel….let it shine!

SAGITTARIUS - Your innate idealism and optimism are serving you well. When you start questioning if you belong in a particular situation, relationship, place, etc., the answer to that question is in the asking. In other words, no. It is probably time to take a different path and go your own way. Your quest for truth will land you in a much better place. Keep an open mind and believe in what others would call impossible.

CAPRICORN - If you’ve ever been caught in a riptide in the ocean, you know how frightening it can be. The trick is to keep your wits and swim parallel to the shore line until you’re out of the current. You have to use the ocean’s power to overcome the ocean’s power… The situation you’re in now is similar. Keep your head. The fact is you are better prepared and have planned far more effectively than your “opponent”, who isn’t paying attention to how deep the water is. Watch the waves and just keep swimming (you ARE a sea goat after all, not just a mountain climber!)

AQUARIUS - You are about to step in to a period of ease and abundance that has long eluded you. But to recognize it, you need to purify your desires...meaning, get really clear on what it is you want. Don’t be too specific about what the thing looks like, but what does it feel like? Focus on essence, not form. You have the intellect and the skills to have and keep success right in your pocket. You will have the freedom to fill your own water vessel, rather than carrying everyone else’s.

PISCES - Withdraw from the chaos of life whenever possible and examine the path you’re currently on. Visualize a torch on either side of that path. What do those 2 lights represent? It is important you be clear about this and match your forward movement with your personal ethics. You are likely to find yourself in a position of having to choose between 2 opportunities, and understanding what your torches are will make the decision much easier.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

You've got this! BitchScopes for June 28-July 5

In looking over the major aspects this week, it appears that both personal sense of confidence and relationships are highlighted, as well as some Uranian surprises, and the awkward adjustments of quincunxes. July as a whole appears to be full of adjustments, because there are quite a few ingresses (when a planet moves into a new sign) happening this month. There are 9 total ingresses in July (counting asteroids)! When a planet moves into a sign, the enthusiasm and energy of that sign and planet are heightened. It’s almost like the enthusiasm of Aries...ready to get in there and get er done! (As a side note, the anaretic degree, or 29 degrees of a sign, is somewhat like Aquarius and Piscean energy; Aquarius is somewhat detached and ready to move on at any given time, and Pisces is ready to merge with the other. There will be a few anaretic hits this month as well, because a planet must hit the end of a sign before it hits the beginning of another. They will also be brief, for the most part. The anaretic hits are more significant when a slower planet is lingering at 29 degrees for days and weeks.) Most of these ingresses are mid to late July, so for now we are just chuggin along.

Juno is pretty active this week, making her partnering needs known. And as mentioned above, Uranus is adding some excitement to the mix. “Excitement” is a loaded word - it could be good, it could be uncomfortable, it could be a euphemism. It is said that excitement and nervousness are essentially the same energy, with slightly different expectations. How you navigate that really depends on your perspective and current circumstances. Your best bet is to try to not have expectations at all, which can be tough. One of my favorite manifesting tools is the question: “How can the Universe surprise and delight me today?” This has been really helpful to me because I generally dislike surprises. But if you mix it with some delight, sure...sign me up!

Mars and Chiron both make more than one appearance this week as well...some of them as a duet. Mars is your drive, and Chiron is your wounds….so imagine Mars as a sports car, rarin’ to go, and Chiron is a speedbump. If you don’t slow down, something is going to hurt or get hurt.

Currently there are 4 planets retrograding: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. Of these, Jupiter is probably the most noticeable, perhaps with Neptune running a close second, in my opinion. Neptune retrograde can increase psychic sensitivity and intuition, but also pulls the curtain back and reveals what may previously have been illusionary. (Illusionary? Illusory? Gemini does not know!)

A little detour into Astrology 201: The planets are classified based on how they affect us: personal, transpersonal, and transcendental. There is some debate about how the outer planets are classified, because the middle planets used to be the outer planets. The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, and they all move relatively quickly through the signs. The outer planets, also called the Transcendental planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are working on humanity and society as a whole, and move quite slowly, sometimes not changing signs during a person’s lifetime at all. Some astrologers include the middle planets in the “transcendental” category, or call all of the non personal planets “transpersonal”. Other astrologers, and yours truly, call the “middle” planets, Jupiter and Saturn, the transpersonal planets. They move slower than the personal planets but faster than the outer ones, and are deemed to therefore affect generations and smaller collectives.

Aaaaaanyway...Jupiter retrograde isn’t about “bad luck”. When the planet of expansion retrogrades, we tend to expand our experience on the inside. Jupiter and Sagittarius rule religion, belief and philosophy, so we may start to have some deep thoughts about those things. This happens every year. In fact, all the planets except Venus and Mars retrograde every single year. Those 2 are usually doozies. But we don’t have to worry about that for a while!

Control your impulses and enthusiasm, and possibly your demands to have your own way this week. Tend to your partner. And if you don’t have a partner, tend to your business, or your inner child.

June 28
  • Venus quincunx Jupiter Rx - relationship tension or financial stress

June 30
  • Mars trine Juno - affection and sexy vibes in committed relationships

July 1
  • Mars opposite Saturn Rx - frustration, possibly repressed anger, but also perseverance and willingness to do hard work

July 2
  • Mars trine Chiron - overcoming insecurity and fears; more ease in working around obstacles; renewed confidence
  • Neptune Rx opposite Vesta - disillusionment and/or hard truths at work or around career
  • Sun quincunx Juno - Possible tension and need for adjustment around your partner’s needs

July 3
  • Sun quincunx Uranus - anxiousness, unexpected changes can cause nervousness
  • Mars square Uranus - impulsiveness, acting rashly (Drive Carefully!)

July 4
  • Sun square Chiron - your sense of confidence is challenged by wounds/obstacles
  • Venus sextile North Node - your talents are on track to move you toward your goals

July 5
  • Venus trine Juno - ease and joy in committed relationships
  • Sun sextile Uranus - new experiences and pleasant surprises

ARIES - Listen to your gut this week. If you encounter a situation where you feel left out of the group, (family, work family, close friend), try to keep your cool. Acting out or squashing someone else will only prolong the issue. Rejection issues are always the biggest triggers and karma traps. Sometimes silence is the loudest response.

TAURUS - You desire the greener grass that’s “over there”, and you’re ready to walk away from the group in order to have it. There is freedom and forgiveness in disconnecting from a situation where you feel you are constantly defending yourself or your rights or your stuff in general.

GEMINI - Despite your skillful planning, the plan isn’t quite coming together as you’d hoped. There’s a leak in the system, and it might be money. Take stock of how your money is being spent, and where it might be better spent. The loudest advice about how to handle your money is the one you should avoid - it's only going to confuse you.

CANCER - Sometimes freedom can feel a bit overwhelming. If you are confused by all your choices, then don’t make one right now. Slow your roll. What may be causing further confusion is that the previous choice you’ve made isn’t showing any outcome yet, so you assume you’ve made the wrong choice. It is too soon to tell. Don’t let other people’s opinions add more chaos to the mix. Be patient.

LEO - Help help, you’re bein’ repressed! A dictator type may be hogging the glory and shafting you in the process. If you stand up straight, the burden piled on to your shoulders will fall off. Freedom from this situation will come when you confront the false authority/loudest ego in the room.Simply stand up, Tiger!

VIRGO - There are no rules in the grieving process, but there are also no shortcuts. You can’t outrun it. You can’t rush it. You can’t bulldoze through it. The more you resist feeling the pain of whatever was lost, the stickier and heavier it gets. To choose a new beginning and take action toward something fresh, you must recognize the ending of something else.

LIBRA - The feeling of isolation you are experiencing may be more self inflicted than you really want to admit. Don’t let gossip and rumors inform and affect you as though they are accurate information. It is entirely possible that someone you really like or trust will or has let you down. This darkness will persist until you allow yourself to connect more deeply to the people who love you unconditionally.

SCORPIO - A personal relationship may be experiencing change or shift that’s making you feel pretty bajiggity. It is possible you are too dependent on the relationships’ stability and constancy, and need to allow for growth...which always involves change. You may be tempted to withdraw dramatically or completely, but this would be a slippery slope to depression. Reach out instead of caving in.

SAGITTARIUS - You’re happy? Is that possible for the ever idealistic Sadge? Is this everything you’ve hoped for? It might be! But you may find that you feel overwhelmed by this possibility, or doubt that you can really feel good. It will take work, for sure. But the outcome really could be everything you have wanted!

CAPRICORN - Old business will be resolved soon, so don’t spend too much time and energy thinking about all the crap that is in the rearview mirror, or will be soon. This situation, as stressful as it seems, will offer you a new beginning. Take a deep breath. In this next phase, don’t be afraid to be a little more stingy and take care of yourself in a way you’ve not allowed in the past.

AQUARIUS - You may feel blocked because someone around you (likely work) will not address an important issue. Do not let this person fill yoru head with fantasies about possibilities that are not realistic. It may be time to take a step back from this association so you can clear your head. Bottom line: if it seems too good to be probably is.

PISCES - Are you kidding yourself about something regarding money? Have you over extended yourself, or has your partner screwed things up a bit? Take off the rose colored glasses and look at the situation realistically. Stay grounded during this process. There is no need to berate yourself or someone else. No negativity or panic is needed. It is simply time to assess the situation honestly. Ask yourself: are you getting what you need from being where you are?