Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, July 9, 2023

BitchStrology for the week of July 10-17

Ok, so not only is this week very busy and significant for all of us, for me it is the first week of subscription scopes, which really lines up with the astrology and that was not my conscious intention…but this week is also July 10-17. July JUST started! How are we at July 17 now??????? What is even happening with the time space continuum?? Damn!

This is a significant week in astrology. The biggest deal is the changing of the Lunar Nodes. But we also have a lot of Mercury activity, 2 planets changing signs, and a new moon!

Monday, Mercury in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn at 29°! This aspect alone can create inner tension about how to express something, or some difficulty in accessing your power, but with it being at 29°, we might feel some urgency about it. Then Mercury enters Leo.  Also on Monday, Mars moves into Virgo where we combine our ambition with practicality. Take action steps toward what you want. And then, Mercury enters Leo, giving us the ability to express ourselves with confidence.

Tuesday, Mercury squares both nodes (he is at a 90° angle to both), creating some difficulty with moving forward. Overthinking is very likely here. Be aware of any frustrated feelings you have so you don’t do something dumb.

Friday this theme continues with Mercury quincunx Saturn, creating a feeling of being burdened by responsibilities. Obstacles don’t mean you should give up. Sometimes they are to tell you the timing is wrong, or that the plan needs to be tweaked. With a quincunx in particular, there is this resistance to a change that is required.

It’s actually next Monday the 17th where most of the big action is, but I have to tell you this week so we don’t miss it!

Next Monday there’s a Mercury square Jupiter aspect. Even though this is a square, it is an optimistic transit. I feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and it isn’t “THE light” at the end of “THE tunnel”...we are gonna make it through this shit.

And then a few hours later we have a new moon in Cancer. This is a beautiful new moon for manifesting and setting intentions. Get that vision board going, because Cancer will nurture those visions and dreams! Shortly before and after this new moon, the moon sextiles Uranus and trines Neptune. Dream of the future - yours and others’. Enjoy doing something weird or out of the ordinary. Allow yourself to change your mind. Embrace weirdness.
Cancer is heart centered, so listen to your heart and take care of yourself this week. Do what feels good. This is not necessarily a new moon in which you need to push yourself. Cancer wants comfort. What kinds of comfort do you want to manifest for your life? Comfort in your body? Comfort with money? Comfort with family? These are all things Cancer is good at, so lean into the nurturing, motherly, protective energy of this dark new moon and allow yourself to be soothed and cared for. That Mercury square Jupiter aspect blesses whatever you plant at this time.

A few hours after the moon, we get the biggest news - the nodes of the moon changing signs!

The nodes of the moon are interesting because they have an effect on us personally, but also provide the overarching theme to humanity as a whole. The nodes also determine where the eclipses will occur during that period (eclipses are lessons and opportunities for growth). The north node indicates where we need to be headed, and the south node represents our past and the things we’ve mastered and draw strength from in order to move forward. Somewhat ironically, the nodes are always retrograde, so they move backwards through the signs. This week the North Node will leave Taurus and back into Aries. It will be there until January 2025. With the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, there has been a lot of focus on money, values, debt, currency and the like. With the North Node in Aries, the South Node is in Libra our focus shifts to “self” and “other” and finding the balance between me and we. There will be more of a focus on self reliance and independence, and also how we fit into relationships. Libra rules the 7th house of contractual agreements, which includes marriage. The concept of marriage has fallen out of vogue over the last couple decades. It will be interesting to see how marriage plays out in the global headlines over the next 18 months.

Ultimately, we are called to draw strength from the relationships we have formed and embrace more self reliance, independence, entrepreneurship, competition, and initiation. We need to learn to speak up for ourselves, particularly in the area of our chart/life where Aries falls.

So while there may be some frustration about lack of movement or inability to express ourselves the way we’d like this week, it builds up to this new moon that says “come here and tell me”, and then the North Node swings into Aries and bursts into the room where the Cancer moon is braiding your hair. It’s like the bold, badass girlfriend or super empowering spouse who is like “Girl! Go after what you want! You’re amazing! You’ve got us behind you! Go get it and we’ll sell the tickets, bitch!”

And there you have it. This week’s Bitchscopes have a lot of focus on, but will zero in on where this new moon hits your chart what the North Node in Aries means for you, and other tidbits. Read for your rising sign first, then your sun sign. BitchScopes are $5 a month, subscription links below. <3

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(subscription podcast currently only available on Spotify)

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Full Moon in Capricorn July 3rd - and the end of a BitchScopes Era...accidental epiphanies and info within

Hey y’all. Last week I was so obsessed with poetry, I overlooked the fact that the full moon falls on Monday July 3rd. Sometimes I do the Scopes through Sunday, sometimes Monday. I just plain fucked this up and missed the opportunity to give you guys a heads up. So I’m going to publish this as early as I can on Saturday or Sunday as opposed to my usual Monday

My hubs, who is nothing but supportive of me and my dreams, asked a good question. "Why do you stress yourself out when BitchScopes are offered for free?"

Good question, babe!

I have dabbled with the idea of pulling the Scopes from 12Listen and the blog and offering them on a subscription basis on Patreon or somewhere else. They are a lot of work. I spend the better part of my weekends writing and researching and recording. It is hours of work every week.  Monthly scopes are actually worse.  I have sat with this idea for months, and as I write this today, the thing that feels right for me is to create a subscription for them. So this might be is the last time they appear on the blog this way. Rest assured that any paid service I set up will be affordable. It isn’t so much about the fact that I want to rake in money for them, although, of course I do! Energetically BitchScopes are very imbalanced at the moment. There is no exchange in place.

I hope you understand where I’m coming from on this. I am on a journey just like you guys and this feels right for me. I truly hope you will continue to read and enjoy them.

** It’s been 24 hours since I typed the words above. This still feels right to me. After this week, BitchScopes can be read at under the BitchScopes membership for $5 a month. I know some of you are like “ugh. It’s a patreon. I don’t understand patreon. It’s yet another website. I hate websites” I promise it isn’t that complicated. Click the link. I hope you’ll go on this journey with me. If you’re a podcast listener, episodes after this week will also be subscription based at $4.99 a month.

Having said all that, here’s the scoop for this week.

This full moon in Capricorn rises to maximum fullness in the wee weeee hours of the morning on Monday July 3rd. If you’re a night owl, you will be able to see it nearly at max fullness before you go to bed on Sunday July 2nd. But keep in mind that full moon energy is good for a day on either side, possibly more. So you don’t really need to get up at 3am to maximize your intention setting.

This moon will bring to fruition things you need to take responsibility for. The concept of responsibility is a Capricorn and Saturn thing for sure. The other thing that this moon will bring up is what is no longer working for you. As I typed that, I realized the sort of irony of all I just said above…ummm, yeah. Sooo, what’s not working for you? What projects are you pouring yourself into that don’t fit you anymore? What are you doing that other people expect of you that doesn’t align with who you are? Do you have too many irons in the fire? Are you working too hard or not hard enough? This moon will open up these inner dialogues.

Influences on this moon are: a sextile to Saturn, a trine to Jupiter, and an opposition to Mercury.

Saturn offers security and stability to your home life. Jupiter offers emotional growth and self understanding. And Mercury can add just a sprinkle of confusion to this. There could be difficulty understanding or communicating feelings that come up. Anxiety is not entirely unlikely either. But whatever comes up will also pass fairly quickly. The important thing is to do that inventory of what you put work into and see what still feels right. What are you willing to take responsibility for and what do you need to release?

I truly can’t believe how much those words are staring right at me, and I can’t emphasize enough how unintentional this was.

As for the rest of the week: There is a lot of “adjustment” energy afoot, which seems apropos after that full moon in Capricorn. Several quincunxes are the cause of this. When the taskmaster Saturn (who rules Cap) does his thing, duties are shuffled around and people are re-assigned and changes flow down the line.

Neptune is pretty active this week too, and he’s retrograde so things can feel extra hazy. The upside of this is that intuition is strong with Neptune in retrograde. You can touch in with your inner knowing much better than you can with facts and whatever reality is.

I had to look at my own chart to see if there are any clues in there about my accidental breakthrough here. The moon is conjunct my natal Neptune as I type this. Also, my Sun is parallel to Neptune in my natal chart, and this is akin to being a conjunction. When the sun is parallel or conjunct a planet in the natal chart, there’s a great deal of that planet’s energy bestowed up on the person. So in this way I am an honorary Pisces and tapped into my ruler Neptune. Mercury was also Cazimi, or conjunct the Sun, when I wrote my accidental epiphany...that kinda blows my mind.  

Aaaaanyway, my intuition is really strong today!

Also at play this week - Mercury and Mars both change signs and move into Leo and Virgo respectively. Mercury in Leo is bold and expressive. Mars is about our actions. In Virgo, Mars is ethical, generous, determined, and practical. All in all this is a lot of energy that says take care of your business, say what’s on your mind, and do the right thing.

So with that, here’s your BitchScopes for this week. Love you bitches!

ARIES - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 10th house of career and public image. What aspects of your public image can you let go of? Is there something about your reputation that you’re clinging to too hard? Do you give too much of a fuck what people think of you? These are the things you are invited to let go of under this full moon. As Mars enters your 6th house of work, he will help you find practical solutions to these questions. Mercury moves into Leo and your 5th house, and empowers you to be bold and passionate. And with Neptune retrograding in your 12th house for the rest of this year, your meditation or dream life will be enhanced. Who needs other people’s opinions when you have all that?

TAURUS - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 9th house of big dreams and adventure. Your path forward is illuminated. Take a chance, make the leap of faith! You might possibly find yourself having a different belief system too. Changing your mind is a sign of growth, so embrace it. Mercury enters Leo and your 4th house of home and family. Is your home a true expression of who you are? Can you be your true self with your family? Meanwhile, Mars enters Virgo and your 5th house of romance. This is a great place for Mars and the pursuit of romance.

GEMINI - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 8th house of other people’s stuff. With Capricorn here, there is a strong energy of gain, so take control and make changes. With Neptune retrograding in your 10th house, your business intuition will be strong, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the true payoff until early next year. Mercury in Leo will empower your voice in a really big way, and Mars in Virgo motivates your sense of family devotion in a way you may not have felt in a long time.

CANCER - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 7th house of relationships. Emotions can run high in this kind of lunation so just be aware. This can make things very clear if there has been any uncertainty. Mercury in Leo empowers your 2nd house of income and value. Be bold and
Know your worth, both personally and professionally. Mars in Virgo in your 3rd will lend some really practical action steps and empowered communication to whatever you’re trying to accomplish. But this can be particularly helpful if emotions are running high in your relationship, because Virgo might be able to cool it down.

LEO - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 6th house of work. So you’re one of the signs that has some major professional juju working in your favor. If you are tasked with too much, or a lot of busy work, or things that don’t help your career trajectory, this is a great time to work on getting rid of those things. Mercury will be moving into your sign, giving a voice to your personal authority. (Why must I hear Cartman’s voice every time I type that word? Respect ma authoritah!) And Mars moves into Virgo in your 2nd house of income and value. Mars is motivated and Virgo is grounded and practical. You have so much energy to help you move ahead!

VIRGO - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 5th house of expression. This is your moment to own the stage, work the spotlight, walk like the pretty girls (a reference to the song “pretty girls walk”) and own your magic! Let go of what is holding you back. Fear? Fuck fear…you’re a Virgo! You have accomplished things! You get shit done! You rock a spreadsheet, bitch! Work! Mars will be in your sign as well, giving you all kinds of personal power. Let your imagination run wild with Mercury in your 12th house. I really think Virgo is one of the signs best suited for the saying “if you dream it you can become it”.

LIBRA - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 4th house of home and family. Full moons in the 4th often bring news of a move. Your focus is likely to be squarely on your home life right now. If there are aspects to your home routine, or family traditions, or the dynamics of family that you wish to see change, this is a good time to set intentions for that, even if you don’t communicate it just yet. There could be some muddiness around your routines while Neptune retrogrades in your 6th house (Saturn is Rx there too). With Mars in your 12th house, there isn’t much you can do about these things right now. But you might find some of the changes that you buck at first you end up enjoying…

SCORPIO - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 3rd house of communication. What area of your life do you find yourself biting your tongue and holding back? The restraints may come off during this lunation. Mercury moving into Leo in your 10th house tells us that there is something that needs to be said in the professional area of your life. There’s a lot of retrograde action coming from your 5th house of creativity. If your personal brand is not on point, that might start to bubble up more and more until you get to a place where your authentic self is expressed. The 3rd house is also very social and busy, and you have Mars moving into your 11th house of friends and audience as well. So you might want to make some room in your calendar for the next few weeks!

SAGITTARIUS - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 2nd house of income. Mars, the planet of action will also be moving into your 10th house of career. So there’s a set up here for potentially big news. Even if you’re not expecting or in a position for some kind of promotion, get your resume and social media polished up. There’s some significant retrograde activity in your 4th house of family. If there is something within the family dynamics that holds you back, let that shit go under this moon. There’s often guilt (which is a Cap thing) associated with money, so let that go too.

CAPRICORN - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 1st house of badass go get ‘em self. This is your moment in the spotlight. Can you handle it? Does the attention feel good or do you shy away from it? What is it about success that you shy away from? Let that shit go under this moon. Let go of any fears that hold you back and step into your own badassness. Mercury moves into Leo and your 8th house this week, offering some heat to your intimate life. Both Saturn (your ruler) and Neptune are retrograde in your 3rd house of communication. If you’re struggling to express yourself, that may be why. Unless things are on fire and you need to use your voice, uitlize this full moon for just yourself and your own satisfaction!

AQUARIUS - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 12th house of the unconscious. Since full moons are for releasing, there is nothing better than releasing guilt, which is a part of the Capricorn shadow. Self sacrifice is also an aspect of the 12th house. Have you been giving too much, to the point you are shriveling up? Shriveled is not a good look, Bitch. Fix that shit. Let go of the over-sacrificial bullshit that you’ve bought into. With Neptune and Saturn retrograding in your 2nd house of values and money, there’s a good chance you’ve already been thinking about this. You have support for this! Mercury moves into Leo in your 7th house, helping you find a bold voice via one of your partners. Mars enters your 8th house of benefiting from other people’s stuff. Lean in to these people and stop being so damn proud of asking for nothing.

PISCES - This Capricorn full moon lights up your 11th house of friends and audience. Capricorn speaks to professional success and public image… every public image also has an audience and yours is now filling up the theater. Capricorn rules the concept of karma, and many friendships are karmic. Are you hanging on to something or someone that has already served its purpose? Let it go. It is dimming your star. You need to do some energetic exfoliation of the friends and connections you have that are either just hangers-on, or are not doing anything for you anymore. Scrub, and let your light shine!


SUN - Cancer
MERCURY  --> Leo
MARS --> Virgo
JUPITER - Taurus
SATURN - Pisces (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini 
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra 
PALLAS --> Virgo
JUNO - Cancer
VESTA - Gemini
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)

Monday 03 July
Full Moon 4:39am PDT  at 11°Capricorn
Moon quincunx Vesta
Moon opposite Juno
Moon sextile Saturn
Moon trine Jupiter
Moon opposite Mercury

Tuesday 04 July
Mercury square Chiron
Chiron trine Lilith
Sun quincunx Chariklo
Saturn trine Juno

Wednesday 05 July
Neptune (Rx) quincunx Pallas

Thursday 06 July
Mars quincunx Neptune (Rx)
Mercury sextile Uranus

Friday 07 July
Mercury sextile Uranus
Venus trine Eris

Saturday 08 July
Mercury square Eris
Venus trine Eris

Sunday 09 July
Mars quincunx Pluto 29°
Mercury trine Neptune (Rx)
Pallas enters Virgo
Saturn square Vesta

Monday 10 July
Mars enters Virgo
Mercury enters Leo

Pallas trine North Node
Mars trine North Node
Mercury opposite Pluto 29°

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Poetry BitchScopes for June 26- July 2

Mercury is very busy again this week, pretty much all week. He enters Cancer on Monday which shifts our communication skills into a very instinctive mode. It is logical but also intuitive and protective. Mercury communicates with most of the major planets (the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus!) this week and several of the minors. That’s a lot of transmission energy, both subtle and overt.

Venus and Lilith are conjunct this week, forming a badass little alliance as the long Leo summer begins. Venus will spend 5 months in Leo, as opposed to her usual 4 weeks, due to a retrograde in July. We’ll talk more about that in a week or so but it’s nothing to panic about. The Venusian Summer has all kinds of juicy potential for everyone!

Neptune begins its annual retrograde this week, casting a fog of confusion and a “lavender haze” over the 2nd half of the year. Intuition is heightened, but facts are hard to figure overall during his retrograde.

This week I decided it’s poetry time. I haven’t done poetry-scopes in a while. It’s summer and the livin' is (supposed to be) easy. Mercury is Mercury' let’s get a little less serious and dip into the romantic vibes of Venus and Neptune (and supposedly Cancer is romantic. Please message me if you know of a romantic or seductive Cancer! I keep seeing other astrologers talk about this and …not in my experience. No shade, but…nope.) and seek guidance from some of the more soulful energies out there! (Please note: I am not going to include any paragraph or line breaks in these poems because the formatting on 12Listen would take me forever. One does loose some nuance this way, but it is what it is for these BitchScopes)

ARIES - Your poem is “Skylark” by Percy Byshe Shelley. Immediately though, my mind is pulled to the Song. I am a huge Ella Fitzgerald fan, but k.d. lang’s version is SO good! (And is very apropos for Pride month!) The first stanza of the poem is: 

Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. 

Shelley goes on for TWENTY ONE stanzas about the bird! So, Aries, slow down. Take your time. Spin a yarn. Say too much, feel too much, take too long to do everything. Jogging and gym be damned…pretend you have nothing better to do than to write 21 stanzas about a bird!

TAURUS - Your poem is “The Arrow and the Song” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 

I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For who has sight so keen and strong,That it can follow the flight of song?Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end,I found again in the heart of a friend.

The implication is that we put our words and our selves out there in the world and we don’t know how they will affect countless strangers over time. The ripple effect of sharing your feelings, your art, your words, is always an unknown. There are consequences that come out of everything we do, because we are all connected in countless ways.

GEMINI - Your poem is the famous Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

The message is that Bitch, you're beautiful!

CANCER - Your poem is...oh I love this... "Much Madness is Divinest Sense" by Emily Dickinson.

Much Madness is divinest Sense - To a discerning Eye -Much Sense - the starkest Madness - ’Tis the Majority In this, as all, prevail - Assent - and you are sane -Demur - you’re straightway dangerous - And handled with a Chain -

Emily Dickinson is famous for being emotionally unwell at times. She shared her darkest thoughts in her poetry. She is the classic tortured artist. In this poem she talks about how the "crazy" person in the room is sometimes the most sane. What society thinks is "normal" is often pretty screwy. So put that in your weird bonnet and smoke it! Rock your weird, Crabby Patty!

LEO - Your poem is new to me..."Oak and Lily" by Ben Jonson 

It is not growing like a tree In bulk, doth make man better be; Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere: A lily of a day is fairer far in May, Although it fall and die that night — It was the plant and flower of Light. In small proportions we just beauties see; And in short measures life may perfect be.

If I were to sum this up, I would borrow a favorite phrase from my Brother in Law "I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a good time!" This poem speaks to finding joy and beauty in the little things in life. This Summer and well into the Fall your sign is exalted by Venus and Lilith. Live!

VIRGO - Your poem is "Ode to Solitude" by Alexander Pope  

Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air, In his own ground. There are 3 more stanzas, but this poem speaks to a beautiful, simple life. He is unfucked-with by drama and nonsense. He values the quiet and anonymity of his plain life.

As the energies surround Leo and infuse them with light this summer, those same energies occupy your 12th house of solitude. Simplify. Let things be quiet. Ponder. Retreat. Meditate.

LIBRA - Your poem is "No Man is an Island" by John Donne 

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

This is an excerpt from a sermon about how all people are connected to each other and how we must take care of each other. What happens to one of us, happens to all of us. I feel like you, as the sign that rules relationships, get this. This summer as Leo hangs over your 11th house of people we know, associations, colleagues, this message is perfect. Remember that even though you are wonderful and unique, so is everyone else...

SCORPIO - Ok I had to pick from ee cummings for you. cummings is my all time favorite poet and perhaps because of my 8th house Scorpionic Sun...he writes of everything that is sensual, forbidden, taboo, even crude. He holds nothing back. He even says fuck it to syntax and grammar. AND he says "fuck" a lot (and he wrote in the early 20th century!) This poem is from 1926 and refers to his boyhood friends.
the boys i mean are not refined they go with girls who buck and bite they do not give a fuck for luck
they hump them thirteen times a night one hangs a hat upon her tit one carves a cross on her behind they do not give a shit for wit...they speak whatever's on their mind they do whatever's in their pants
the boys i mean are not refined they shake the mountains when they dance

There are a couple stanzas I left out for the sake of space, but you should read it. Basically this is a tribute to the joys and stupidity of youth. Go get you somma that! (Pisces retrogrades in your 5th house of joy and children!)

SAGITTARIUS - Your poem is "The Daffodils" by William Wordsworth  

I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze...For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.

Much has been made of this poem, historically. I love it because if feels so simple. The field of daffodils was pretty, and it made him happy, and sometimes he imagines that moment and that thought makes him happy. This summer, even while Leo beckons you from your 9th house of adventure, make sure you spend some time in nature. I know you want to go and see and do and travel and expand. But consider having some time for daffodils.

CAPRICORN - Your poem is by my 2nd favorite of all time - Robert Frost. "Two Tramps in Mud-Time"

Out of the mud two strangers came And caught me splitting wood in the yard, And one of them put me off my aim By hailing cheerily "Hit them hard!" I knew pretty well why he had dropped behind And let the other go on a way. I knew pretty well what he had in mind: He wanted to take my job for pay...And all their logic would fill my head: As that I had no right to play With what was another man's work for gain. My right might be love but theirs was need. And where the two exist in twain Theirs was the better right--agreed.

Like the other scopes, this was a random pull from flipping open a book of various poets. This poem is about the meaning of work and how it can provide purpose in life. Some work is even enjoyable. There is a complex message here. Should the wood chopper let the "tramps" do the chopping for pay? Or should he maintain his simple, individualistic, independent life? The poem's conclusion is open to interpretation. But you're a Cap, so I'll ask - are you working too much?

AQUARIUS - Your poem is another favorite of mine by Walt Whitman - "A Noiseless Patient Spider"

A noiseless, patient spider,I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.And you O my soul where you stand,Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them,Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold, Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.

Whitman compares the human soul to the spider endlessly building webs, connecting things, searching for connection. We are so small in an unfathomably vast universe...but we keep spinning! Cancer rules your 6th house of work. Neptune retrogrades in your 2nd house of income. Do you find meaning in what you do? Focus on your web.

PISCES - Your poem is new to me "A Friend's Greeting" by Edgar Guest 

I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me; I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be;I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day As you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way.

This is a delightfully simple poem with obvious meaning. And considering how empathetic Pisces is, this is very appropriate. My Pisces people seem to have an un-ending well of compassion. The only place your compassion lacks, FishFace, is at times for yourself at time. Are you as good a friend to yourself as you are to others? When Neptune, your ruler, retrogrades in your sign, it would be a beautiful time to meditate on YOU.


SUN - Cancer
MERCURY  - Cancer
MARS - Leo
JUPITER - Taurus
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini 
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra 
PALLAS - Virgo
JUNO - Cancer
VESTA - Gemini
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 26 June
Mars square Uranus
Mercury quincunx Pluto 29°
Mercury enters Cancer

Tuesday 27 June
Mercury sextile North Node
Mercury conjunct Chaos
Mercury square Ceres

Wednesday 28 June
Sun trine Saturn
Venus conjunct Lilith
Mercury conjunct Juno

Thursday 29 June
Venus trine Chiron
Mercury trine Saturn

Friday 30 June
Neptune turns retrograde 27° Pisces
Sun conjunct Mercury
Mercury sextile Jupiter

Saturday 01 July
Sun sextile Jupiter

Sunday 02 July
Mars trine Eris
Venus square Uranus
Mercury quincunx Chariklo