It ain’t easy, being mean

Moment of honesty and transparency, guys? Sometimes I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing in the Spiritual community. I look around and feel like such an asshole because I see a lot of what I consider be to be bullshit that’s being peddled as THE EASY ANSWER. 3 ways to manifest, 10 ways to heal, the one thing you’ve been missing, 8 steps to financial perfection, 45 steps to the body you love, the one true path of happiness, the 5 steps to everything you ever wanted. Um well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but, maybe you didn’t read the contract for being human. Article 409, paragraph 3.1.z.a, line 9,854: Life as a human is usually hard. The inner dialogue I have with myself in these moments of frustration are complex, and confusing. For your enlightenment, I shall now compare my inner world to that of Seinfeld… It starts with all my Capricorn, which I think is Jerry. My Mercury in Cap, which longs for proper...