Our collective Root Chakra
Our collective Root Chakra
It is a challenge to remain grounded when everything seems uncertain here in the US. We try to love all people all over the world, we Light Workers. But the US is a huge energy in the global game, and when our energy is off, it ripples. And when people in this country are suffering, we feel it particularly poignantly.
Be aware of the energy you feel right now, and in the coming weeks. The root chakra is way off, as a whole. I know most of you know how to balance your root chakra already, but here are some key points:
- The color red
- Use of any stone or crystal that you feel connected to that is red or black (my favorites are garnet, onyx, red jasper, hematite, black tourmaline)
- Connecting with the earth, going out in nature, hugging trees
- Physical movement of the body
- Eating root chakra oriented foods: particularly root vegetables, animal proteins, and any red food (berries, apples)
- Essential oils: Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosewood, Ginger, Cloves, Black pepper, Rosemary.
- Affirmations of “I am safe”
- Sound therapy: the root harmonizes to the note of C. You can find many of these sound therapies on YouTube, or contact someone with a singing bowl (cough cough Katie Weaver)
- Activities like cooking and sex (yep.)
Keeping yourself grounded and feeling secure, nurtured, and sufficiently covered in all ways is one way you can help slow down the traumatic ripple we are feeling. Take a few moments to recognize the great amounts of security you take for granted each day. Look around and count your blessings for the bed you sleep in, the couch you sit on, the cupboards in your kitchen, full of stuff. Spare a moment of gratitude for the car you drive, the gas you begrudgingly put in it, the dog food that weighs 20 lbs that you buy at the store. Look at your laundry and be grateful for those clothes. Realize how well taken care of you actually are and send that energy out into the world