The Cosmic dating game
I have been asked a few times about the astrology around this pandemic. So I thought I would touch on it a little. Though more than the pandemic itself, my focus tends to be on the societal ripples from the pandemic.
For a while now, the astrology community has been making a big deal out of 2020. It’s almost cliche, because of the weird futuristic fiction novel vibe of the number 2020. But here we are, in the future with our floating cars and tinfoil fashion and telepathic implants. Wait, sorry. Disregard. I have jet lag from the Time Machine.
Anyway, with the big planets recently all piling up in Capricorn, it has triggered a lot of “stuff” (understatement!). I call it the Cap convention, because its like the G6 summit of planets, with the power houses getting together and conjuncting each other to create powerful changes and shifts. So let’s look at who has been in attendance and a little about that planet. But I’m tired of politics so now I’m calling this a dating game.
*Game Show Voice*
Pluto - Pluto is the planet of Power and Death. His hobbies include: change, disruption, upheaval, disease, transformation, rebirth, and sexuality. Pluto’s not afraid of commitment and stays in a sign for about 16 years or so. Pluto is currently dating Capricorn, and the last time these 2 coupled was during the American Revolution.
Jupiter - Jupiter is the planet of luck, fortune, and expansion. Her hobbies include making things grow, bringing more of whatever she touches, travel, experience and optimism. Jupiter likes to date around and hangs around in a sign for about 12 months. The last time Jupiter courted Cap was 2007-2009, which was our last major recession in the US.
Saturn - Saturn is an older, stoic fella who is austere and aloof. He gets a bad rap for being restrictive, stern and authoritative. His hobbies are building structures, foundations and boundaries, condensing things, and driving with one foot on the brake. Saturn is a short term serial monogamist who stays with a sign for about 3 years. The last time he was with Capricorn, the Berlin wall fell. He recently moved in with Aquarius but will go back to Capricorn briefly.
This menage-a-tois of powerful planets has created the COMPLETE social and economic upheaval we are experiencing as a world! Saturn’s tete a tete with the earth sign of Cap has shown us the oppression by world leaders, problems in the global economy, and societal isms like, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc.
But all three of these characters are moving into Aquarius, who is quite different from her predecessor. Aquarius is chaotic and likes to break things in order to fix them. Saturn in Aquarius (he is there now) will shake shit up and tear up some rules in favor of humanitarianism. As Saturn gains traction in Aquarius, world leaders will be held accountable and equality will be the focus.
Aquarius also rules technology, and the last time it was there in 1994 the internet was born to society!
We all pretty much knew that the Saturn- Pluto conjunction in January (in cap) would bring about something big...because WWI, WWII, The Great Depression and the AIDS epidemic... all happened during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction. So clearly we are in historically significant soup right now.
Then sassy Jupiter will conjunct Pluto 3 times this year, indicating some interesting dates of note regarding the Covid Pandemic and the economic impacts of it. Those dates are April 4th, June 10th, and November 12th. Watch for numbers to possibly peak (infections, deaths, unemployment) around these dates. Of course this is all a bit subjective and full of confirmation bias. But it is pretty fascinating, all the same.
Spring is “retrograde season” every year. This year is no different. Pluto begins retrograde on April 25th, Saturn on May 5th, and Jupiter on May 14th. What’s that mean? Well take your pick!
As with many areas of study, differing theories abound. Some think retrogrades intensify the energy of a planet. Some think it weakens the energy. I tend to fall more in the latter category, but also believe that the energy around that planet becomes more focused.
So anecdotally, looking at the projections and speculation, as well as astrologically, I think our global trajectory is something like this - a peak in April, especially here in the US. A slight decline in May. July a little “normality” (normality nouveau) returning to society. I do think there will be another smaller wave in late Fall. Then I think we will get a vaccine shortly after. Jupiter moves into Aquarius in December, with Saturn, where I think humanity as a whole will benefit from expansion of science. Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024 through 2044 and will really cement and deepen the work that Saturn and Jupiter did in Aquarius.
This threesome is over this year, and Saturn and Pluto won’t meet up again until 2052. Breaking up may not be so hard to do, at least not for society. But the ripples of this triad will continue for many, many years.
What really interests me though, is not the predictions. It’s the changes and effects on society that are both transitory and probably permanent that I have my eye on. First of all, I, the grocery delivery Queen, am all about the drive through/curbside delivery life! I’m here for that! I’m also here for people minding their space a bit more, as that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I’m all about virtual happy hour with friends and family around the world! I’m all for a lot more companies offering work-from-home options. I’m happy that our education system will be pushed toward more online options. I’m hopeful that “wet markets” will become a thing of the past. For real. Such animal markets came under scrutiny after SARS, but then nothing much happened. I hope that governments see the cracks in their armor, the holes in their systems, the gaps in the medical care. I hope people in authority who’ve been humbled by the truth in the face of their ignorant denial hold on to those lessons in their souls. I hope we truly start to see how fragile society is, how quickly people can slip into poverty, how fast poverty turns to starvation. I’m fully here for people encouraging and checking on each other. I’m here for kindness. I’m all in for viewing our food service and grocery workers with more respect. I’m here for living wages for the people we took for granted until we were personally affected.
These are the things I hope the Capricorn love/hate triangle will teach us. And as we move into the age of Aquarius, may we truly care about each other more than we care about ourselves.
Be well. Take care. Connect with each other.