BitchScopes for the week of 4/27-5/3
This week is very mercurial, both in the fact that Mercury makes several aspects and in that the mood will change a lot from week beginning to end.
The beginning of the week asks you to be particularly well connected to your body. Your senses can guide you to breakthroughs. You’ll need to do some mental work to climb the hill of this idea. But once at the top, the view will be stunning.
Sunday be aware of intoxication and illusion in regard to yourself and someone else.
Here’s this week’s planetary activities, which provide the over-arching theme of the week. Below that are the weekly scopes by sign.
Apr 27 - Mercury enters Taurus - sensory input and information from the body becomes more important. Decision making can take a bit longer. When you speak, people will be inclined to listen.
Apr 29 - Pallas enters Aquarius - ability to see the big picture and to think futuristically
Apr 28 – Mercury square Saturn- hard mental work, best done solo. Attention to detail in communication.
Apr 30 – Mercury conjunct Uranus- brilliant insights and flashes of genius
May 3– Venus square neptune- disillusionment about self or love
ARIES - you may surprise yourself with a desire to learn and expand. And it may not even involve running or working out… wut?!! A seed was planted in your mind recently that you weren’t even aware of that will ignite a need to understand something new. In this process, a new friendship may form. This is all happening behind the scenes right now. But this week you may get a hint. What is the thing which has your mind occupied lately? Tune in.
TAURUS - temptation may tap you this week. But you’d be wise to tune in to the source of inspiration you may have found recently instead. If you haven’t found it yet, you will. You don’t need to do anything except have your eyes open. This week, boredom may continue to taunt you. But you must leave well enough alone. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Let sleeping dogs lie. Any other cliches to illustrate the wisdom of not poking a bear.
GEMINI - a snap judgment or decision you’ve made may have you second guessing yourself. Self reflection is good, and honestly not your greatest strength. But let’s be clear- your ability to think on your feet and make quick judgment calls IS one of your strengths. So the issue may be with a person involved in said decision and not the decision itself.
CANCER- perhaps the only sign who dislikes confrontation more than you is Libra. And this week a regular source of stress ( in the form of another flesh suit) may really irk you. Your tendency is to back away slowly (or sideways) but in this case you really should stand your ground. It might be uncomfortable but you’ll be glad in the end.
LEO - this week you may feel a little off kilter, which may lead to annoyance. Be aware that this is probably coming from within, not someone else. Explore the idea that you are feeling the desire for more control in some area of your life. And maybe not everyone would tell you this, but you should have it. But it may also be a practice rather than an instant change. Be patient and flexible in how you achieve comfort. But do go after it.
VIRGO - you know exactly what your skills and talents are. This week you may be asked to teach some of them. This suits you incredibly well, but you may find yourself second guessing. Go slow and don’t commit to anything big just yet. Take a nibble. I think you will be pleased.
LIBRA - you are, or soon will be, in a great position for making leaps ahead. But in order to avoid that analysis paralysis you sometimes suffer from, it would be very good for you to sit with yourself and think about what you want and how you want your future to look. Write it down. Reverse engineering, even… write down your ultimate goals, no matter if they are big or small. Back up a couple steps to what would be needed to get there. Then when opportunities arise you will know what is the best fit. It’s exciting!
SCORPIO - this week may challenge you. You’ll need to look at the big picture and remain calm in the face of minor drama. Don’t get caught in a whirling dirvish of details. Rise above the situation using your gut. Part of this may be a professional situation, which is why your response is important, versus your reaction. Level head. You can do hard things!
SAGITTARIUS - your mission this week, should you chose to accept it, is to have patience with people around you. Certain people close to you may step on your last nerve. Sure you could hand them their ass. But you could also try to listen without interject a thing. In better news, a career opportunity is coming. A way to expand your current gig or a new avenue. Keep your mind open
CAPRICORN - this week should find you feeling creative and communicative. Forging connections and solving problems will happen pretty naturally. Harness your creative streak to tap in to new ideas you can work into your business plan. Your challenge is to try to allow things to remain organic and don’t fuss too much or for too long.
AQUARIUS - this week you will probably want some space. Not that this is unusual. You just may be a little behind on your alone time quota. So when you are asked to participate in some group activities (even meetings by zoom, etc) you may feel irked. Try to contain your annoyance because later in the week you will have plenty of alone time. In other words, play nice. It’ll be your turn soon.
PISCES - a personal relationship may cause you some angst this week. The problem isn’t really them, it’s more likely how you’ve let them treat you. Squishy Boundaries- The ever present pisces problem. Dig down and try to identify the specifics of the boundary problem. This is fixable if you want it to be.