BitchScopes for June 1-7
BitchScopes for the Week of June 1

The full moon this week is also an Eclipse. It’s the first of a new set of eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius. This is not going to be a gentle or sweet full moon. This is going to continue to highlight justice, law, and beliefs. Are we in alignment with what we do and say? The

June 3: Venus square Mars could be sexual tension, could be angry tension, could be angry sex...
June 5: Full Moon In Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse - Sun in Gemini opposite Moon in Sagittarius. Moon Square Mars. Moon Opposite Venus. Mercury sextile Uranus.
Spiritual experiences, anger, impulsiveness. Do our beliefs line up with our speech? Do we walk the talk? Unexpected news or conversations. Electric thoughts.
June 6: Sun square Mars - Competition, assertiveness, conflict
You may feel more open hearted and emotional than usual, and have a hard time putting your finger on what the deal is. Your soul is calling you into action, a natural state for you. Communication with those close to you, or those you haven’t connected with in awhile, will be helpful. Your romantic life feels strong, as does your career track. Someone higher up is paying attention and you may be able to step into a more meaningful position.
You’ll be feeling yourself, and a bit more creatively inspired. Even finances are lining up better for you. Emotionally, things are deep and you’ll probably be craving closeness. If you can’t get it in your current relationship, Venus retrograde may be telling you something. Be aware of what you attract during this time, because until Venus goes direct, your picker may be off. This goes for investments as well.
You will get a much needed injection of self esteem and confidence. Love you express will come back to you as well. If it doesn’t, consider that relationship out of balance and stop over giving in order to earn love. You may feel sensitive and drawn to romance, art and beauty this week. It may not be your most productive work week. This week’s work is happening in your heart space.
Tired, but restless. Anxious. You would be well advised to be a little selfish this week and take care of yourself. REALLY. Look at your daily routine and see if you can carve out some time and space to do something other than care for others. Remain cool if and when you butt heads with those close to you. Things will settle down around you.
You may feel kinda mushy this week and miss your social connections. An artistic or creative outlet would do you tremendous good right now. Don’t be shy about texting or calling your peeps. They need your sunshine as much as you need their love. You should feel a shift toward more lightness this week. Whew.
This might be a good week to redecorate, start a remodel, or paint. This could go for your home, or your office setting. You might even just feel happy to get some colored folders at work. Adding some joy to your home (or office, since that might be close to home for you workaholics anyway) could actually improve your productivity and your bottom line.
You should feel a shift this week, or at least I hope you will. Hope and light and the ability to take a deep breath should reappear. With some much discord around, you may feel burdened. But breakthroughs are coming. Planning for a little adventure of any kind might boost your mood and energy.
Intimacy. (I feel like I talk about that a lot with you heehee) Deep conversations will lead to deep connections and intimate experiences (yes, even sexual intimacy). Using your words is important this week, as it will both prompt conversation, and promote that intimacy you crave. It could be uncomfortable at first, but you will break through with that laser ability of yours.
Naturally, you’ll be deep in thought this week trying to encounter the deeper meaning of the events. The eclipse may rattle you a little, so meditation and solitude might be a good way to shield yourself from unnecessary strife. However, if you do end up in a scuffle, speak your piece and keep it brief.
You might feel exhausted in almost every way. You need to give your brain and your body a break and you need to do it ASAP. Why? Because you are, well, to be cliche - essential. Give yourself permission to play more and work less, even if it is just this week (though downshifting for a couple weeks is not a bad idea!)
Your values and the values of those around you may be under a microscope this week. Its possible that the group(s) that you spend most of your energy on are no longer a great match for what you’re trying to accomplish. Try not to take things out on your family, because that’s not the group I’m referring to. Even though your family may not mesh with your ideals, and you may not expend a lot of energy there, its social and professional values that you will probably be observing.
Home Sweet Home! That will be your oasis this week. Ironically, it is you, the most sensitive of the zodiac, who may experience some regeneration this week, despite all the chaos. Your professional life may be ready for a little make over. You may not know what to do just yet, but your awareness will help point the way.
You might feel exhausted in almost every way. You need to give your brain and your body a break and you need to do it ASAP. Why? Because you are, well, to be cliche - essential. Give yourself permission to play more and work less, even if it is just this week (though downshifting for a couple weeks is not a bad idea!)
Your values and the values of those around you may be under a microscope this week. Its possible that the group(s) that you spend most of your energy on are no longer a great match for what you’re trying to accomplish. Try not to take things out on your family, because that’s not the group I’m referring to. Even though your family may not mesh with your ideals, and you may not expend a lot of energy there, its social and professional values that you will probably be observing.
Home Sweet Home! That will be your oasis this week. Ironically, it is you, the most sensitive of the zodiac, who may experience some regeneration this week, despite all the chaos. Your professional life may be ready for a little make over. You may not know what to do just yet, but your awareness will help point the way.