BitchScopes for May 4-10 - Love Her Madly
I am hopeful that this week we can collectively feel some soothing energy, hear some good news, and feel more deeply connected to ourselves and others. There are some beautiful transits this week to create this vibe. Mercury is still strong and very active this week, making deep connections for potential breakthroughs and insights. Mercury can also make you feel jittery and nervous, depending on how it lands in your personal chart. Neptune is available to help with that, but be aware that Neptunian paths often lead to dissociation by use of substances. Soothe yourself consciously.

For some reason, maybe because I made a joke with someone about it earlier this week, I keep hearing The Doors music in my head as I write this. It does embody these vibes accurately for me. Dig?
This is for you, Greg. Thank you for everything you taught me when you were here. I'll forever be naming imaginary bands...
May 4 – Sun conjunct Mercury strong mental connections and energy
May 5 - Moon nodes shift into Gemini and Sagittarius.
May 7 – Mercury sextile Neptune (same time as the full moon) - soothing words, spiritual energy
May 7 3:45 am pst – Full Moon Scorpio - will be the opposite bookend of the tense new moon on April 22nd. This moon offers compassion, healing, and insight galore.
May 9 – Mercury trine Pluto - powerful mental energy, but watch for obsessive thoughts.
May 10 – Mercury trine Jupiter - great insight, research vibes, optimism
May 10 – Sun sextile Neptune - heightened intuition and spirituality
Weekly scopes by sign, with the return of nicknames…*
This moon, and its Neptunian influence, will have you in your feelings, Clark. You may feel compelled to express yourself more during this time, maybe even verbally, which is a change up for you, since you are generally more physical.
This week offers you time to think about your financial and business goals, and the partnerships you have in place to achieve those goals. Trust is a key component for your growth in the coming days and weeks, and that means a certain amount of vulnerability. This brings us back to the feels, and the importance of intimacy with those you wish to grow alongside with.
Wally, this moon may tickle your urge to merge.
Wait, that’s every day. Ok well...more than usual...
This moon represents intimacy, although not just sexual. How you relate to the people around you will be highlighted by this moon. If you allow it, this moon will actually merge with YOU, and become a part of you going forward. It has the potential to really strengthen your most personal relationships, and to change how you approach these things from deep inside you.
Also, you in particular could have some great sex with an established partner during this time. So cheers, lucky Bull!
Jimmi, you might feel best in a bit of a cocoon this week. The isolation is somewhat forced upon all of us during this time. But you can also choose to disconnect from social media for a few days this week in order to quiet your mind. If you give yourself this time, you might uncover some career insights that could not have otherwise broken through the noise.
This moon highlights your 6th house of work, routine, and service. You could best grab hold of this energy by making some small changes to your lifestyle during this time. Whether its your morning routine, or the elimination of a particular food, this moon will help you incorporate this with more ease than usual.
If you do not currently volunteer or donate, you might consider even a small regular donation during this time. This will do more for you than you realize.
I think you’ll feel pretty great this week, Cancer. This Scorpio moon is nestled in with Neptune, so it doesn’t get much more watery or homey for you.
Your creative streak may feel very comfortable strutting about this week, Patty. So let it run amok.
Your creativity will benefit not only you, but also your tribe. Those around you have much to learn from your “hobbies”. The things you do to cope, and feel better, have the ability to heal others and help them grow. So basically, the world needs you to enjoy yourself.
Fluffy, You may not be the biggest fan of this lunation, but then again, maybe you will. It depends on how comfortable you are with your own emotions and your ability to be honest and vulnerable. (hint: your feelings don’t have to make sense or be logical.)
Your home or personal life will ask for, if not demand, attention. But you may be more comfortable hiding in a project, a daydream, or a pint of ice cream, and that’s ok too. Ask yourself if you’re hiding from doing the work, or you’re just not willing. Relationships that have gone off track a bit can be course corrected this week if you put some energy there. On the other hand, if your gut tells you that you’re done with whatever that is, then use this time to build something new. Express yourself and your feelings to the people you trust, and nurture and soothe yourself. Build the life you want, not just the one you inherited.
This week is about connecting dots, creating, and communicating, Virg. You live to serve, but your best service this week is to yourself. Tap into your knowing, your gut, and explore your creative side.
Its to your greatest benefit this week that you use your words. Use them carefully, as they will have more potency than usual. But if there is something that you have not been able to resolve, this could be a week that progress is made. This is where the creativity could come in. Brainstorm on paper and see what new info might come out of your cranium. You are likely to find a creative solution and the ability to express it.
Libby, this week is a great time to bust out a spreadsheet and look at your budget, your long and short term goals, and the money that you share with your partner(s). Your earned income will be highlighted by this moon, but that same 2nd house also rules how you value yourself.
You don’t give yourself enough credit for how stable you are, or how hard you work. Your tendency to compare yourself to others really undermines the strength of that 2nd house. Spend some time thinking about what you have, and instead of berating yourself about what you don’t have yet, write down some of those goals and the steps needed to get there.
This full moon is all yours, Sting. Its likely to be an emotional one, so try to surrender to what comes to the surface. This week your heart will have plenty to say to you. Allowing creative energy to flow through you will go a long way to making progress on anything that you haven’t yet been able to seal a deal on.
As mentioned, which I’m sure you did not miss, this is a pretty sexy and romantic moon. You are the master of sex magic, even if you have no idea what that is. Lean into that energy this week and see what can be created.
Not gonna lie, Terry, this week may not be super awesome and comfortable for you. Nothing to dread, per se. But you should expect the unexpected feeling to randomly ping you throughout the week. Some of what comes up may be old, and strange and hard to figure out. Don’t try too hard to solve any of it. Just be with it.
This is a great week to give yourself a break. Take a breath, give yourself some space. Chances are you’ve been quite busy lately, but you will benefit from a break, even if it seems counter intuitive.
This week might bring you into contact with people who could turn out to be important, Billy. Keep your business cards on hand and don’t be shy about making connections. Some of those connections are likely to happen online, or virtually. So when a video, or conference, or class piques your interest, jump on that. There’s a possibility that your new tribe is calling to you, so listen, and follow your gut this week. It will mean letting go of certain notions of “this isn’t practical or the right time for this”. So when your pragmatism gets in the way of a new experience, this week, just acknowledge the note and proceed with the flutter in your gut.
It IS your time to shine, Barb. Take some time to get clear on what you want to do with your gifts. The fact is, you could do just about anything, and that can create some confusion. But what do you really enjoy doing? Get clear on the steps around making that a reality. The full moon is a great time to shed things we are done with. For you, consider letting go of the expectations of others. You benefit the collective most when you are feeling your best.
You, of all the signs, may really love this full moon week. Your feelings will be in full bloom and you will radiate strength and compassion. You give so much to others, Gill. This week, take a moment to give yourself some credit. Reflect on the importance of your presence in the big is OK to feel important, because you are.
This moon might encourage you to share some of your personal truth and wisdom, or knowledge about a project, or a technique you are really vibing with right now. . And while you might feel shy about it, lean in to the idea of sharing it. There is something waiting for your energy and it will find you when you shine your beacon.
*Guide to sign nicknames (welcome to my mind)
Aries = Clark, as in Clark Kent. Because you’re an unstoppable badass
Taurus = Wally, because you are strong, sturdy, and rather immovable, like a wall
Gemini =Jimmi, because it reminds me of Jimini Cricket, because you have many voices in your head and they’re all yours
Cancer = Patty because of Crabby Patty
Leo = Fluffy, because its a cute cat name and because your ego and your hair are fluffy
Virgo = Virg, because you’re a difficult sign to nickname
Libra = Libby because I was getting tired by this point
Scorpio = Sting because you have a powerful stinger, and he’s an amazing musician
Sagittarius = Terry becuase I was getting tired of “Sadge” or “Sag” which just means droopy, which is not you
Capricorn = Billy because you’re a goat scaling the mountains of life
Aquarius = Barb, because you can be a little barbed, and because “Barbara Wawa” from SNL is funny, and you’re a water carrier, and I’m an Aquarius so this one is as complicated and convoluted as I am.
Pisces = Gill,