Dear Karen
I’m watching Mrs America on Hulu. It’s a mostly true depiction of the fight for women’s rights in the 70s...the ERA, Roe v Wade, etc... proponents...and opponents.
It’s not a documentary, but y’all, not much has changed. We still don’t agree on this shit! Even women don't agree on women's rights!
I am thinking of a lot of people who don’t agree with “those kind of women”- and they’re all over my Facebook feed. I’ve mostly unfriended and unfollowed these people that I don’t align with. And trust me, I went through a period where I judged myself for that. Why? Because I am an intellectual, and I value information and the burden of educating ourselves. I value opposing arguments. I love a good debate. My fucking brand is based on the word “bitch”! So I had to really examine myself when I started to put distance between myself and people who offend me. Am I becoming that person who only associates with other people like me? (I’m pretty sure that’s called a “Karen”. ) What about the value of other values? Am I a hypocrite?
I am thinking of a lot of people who don’t agree with “those kind of women”- and they’re all over my Facebook feed. I’ve mostly unfriended and unfollowed these people that I don’t align with. And trust me, I went through a period where I judged myself for that. Why? Because I am an intellectual, and I value information and the burden of educating ourselves. I value opposing arguments. I love a good debate. My fucking brand is based on the word “bitch”! So I had to really examine myself when I started to put distance between myself and people who offend me. Am I becoming that person who only associates with other people like me? (I’m pretty sure that’s called a “Karen”. ) What about the value of other values? Am I a hypocrite?
That answer is for me alone. You should examine this in yourself too. But rest assured, remaining with people who don’t actually support your rights is a disservice to yourself. People who care about what you have to say won't trample your words. I have decided that if you don't agree with me, and you have no interest in learning anything about anyone else or a point of view other than yours, you can go. To be in alignment with myself, I need to have a tribe of people that aligns with me and I with them. Bye Karens.
The last few years have been a total rehash of the 70s and 80s, socially, politically, astrologically.
The last few years have been a total rehash of the 70s and 80s, socially, politically, astrologically.
I guess we will keep having this Dejavu until we pull our heads out of our asses.
And until then I guess the hypocritical patriarchy and it’s people will keep calling all of us “angry snowflakes” and a lot of other things.
I know it’s a touchy subject because I’m white, and somehow in recent times that makes my outrage less valid. But I truly believe in equality for ALL people. And I am outraged at every assault against black people, children, impoverished people, women, gay and trans folk, people of all colors, shapes and sizes. I hurt every time one of these people is trampled upon. I do the best I know how, and its tricky to know how to do it. But I do try.
The fight for equality is an active and ugly war, still. It is the fire that burns, even though the people with power hide us under a bushel, continually. Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights of any substantial sort only go back to our grandparents.
- It was during our grandmother's lives that women had the national right to vote (1920)
- The ERA was proposed in 1923 but didn't pass until 1972.
- In 1948 the military was de-segregated, and in 1954 the schools were. And even still, Ruby Bridges had to be escorted into school in 1960....this was just during our parents' lives.
- It was also during our parent's lives (1955) that Rosa Parks, and countless unsung, unnamed heroes stood up for equal rights for black citizens.
- It wasn't until the 1950's, and tenuously at best, that gay rights even dared to take a breath.
- A Commercially available birth control pill was first available in 1960. And you had to have your husband's permission to use it...
- In 1963 was MLK's "I have a dream" speech. in 1964, we got the Civil Rights Act.
- Equal pay only became a law in 1963, but we're still a far cry from that being a reality for most women. (Ask me how I know!)
- Countless other Civil Rights Acts were signed into law in the 60s, thanks to LIGHT workers who FOUGHT for justice.
- In 1973, Roe v Wade passed. And women gained full control over their reproductive rights. Sorta.
- That same year, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from a list of mental disorders!
- The first woman served on the Supreme Court in 1980. NINETEEN EIGHTY!
- Also in 1980, was the first mention of "gay rights" in an election
- in 1994 Clinton signed the Violence Against Women Act to work to end domestic abuse.
- 1997 - Ellen came out.
- 1998 - Matthew Shepard was murdered
- 2003 and 2004 - Gay marriage begins to be legalized.
- In 2007, Pelosi became the first Speaker of the House. Two Thousand and Seven, y'all.
- 2011 - the Military allows openly gay members (My children were school aged!)
- 2013 - the Military removed the ban against women in combat.
- 2016- we almost had a female president, but nope, I guess we weren't ready.
- Its 2020, and instead, we have a President who proudly proclaims things like "bleeding from her whatever" about an outraged journalist, "grab them by the pussy", and openly mocks, women, disabled people, and name calls anyone who disagrees with him. He has a sexual crime history which we just can't bring ourselves to give a shit about. He was a close associate of Epstein, and countless other degenerates. He's an affront to women and minority rights in every way. But by God, Make America Great Again.
Yep. I said it and I don't care anymore who doesn't like it. It's true. If you voted because you think he represents your values, that's fine. I don't want those values around me. And that doesn't make me a Karen, or a hypocrite. It makes me aligned with my beliefs. It makes me a warrior for what I know is true - that we are ALL equal in the eyes of Goddess.
When I first learned what a “light worker” was, I thought “well that’s lovely. Like angels. Peace and love and light. Amen”. I have since realized that being a light worker is far from fluffy and love and light all the time. I’m a warrior. I was born that way. It was smooshed out of me for many years and I acquiesced. But when I had my awakening, it wasn’t about being a peace loving hippie. It was a spark of righteous rage that grew inside me. I was angry that I had been trampled, and I couldn't help but start to see everything differently. I didn't want anyone to feel that way. And I knew that my journey was just a little blip compared to the hell some people live through. I have no delusions of victimhood. But I can't go back to sleep, nor would I chose to. So I point out hypocrisy, speak the ugly truth...(usually with science and facts, but also with love, and empathy and compassion and knowledge and passion) in the hopes of achieving peace eventually. That peace starts within and spreads outward. But don’t be fooled. It spreads like fire, not like fairy dust.
2020 has lit me up.
Don't like me? I'm used to it. I'll still be here fighting for equality, in every small way I can think of, even for you. I love you, even if I think you're a misguided asshole.