Eyes on your own paper!

BitchScopes for June 22-28

Well Venus is direct this week, but we are still neck deep in retrograde season. Some tension that has lingered in relationships for the last few weeks might suddenly just be smoothed over. Or you might suddenly have the nerve to deal with it. But we are in a very mixed energy right now, so you should examine and reexamine your feelings and what you say before you say it. Because you may think your ass is on fire, and be ready to dial 911, only to find out later that you just have a sunburn, or wore the wrong pants. Your judgement is clouded and you’re likely to be a little over reactive. Its best to pull back, focus on your personal goals, and observe yourself (and others) carefully. Take stock of your feelings and be prudent in what you say and to whom this week.

Having said that, however, do talk to your people, your loved ones, your friends. Enjoy some laughs, and some art, and some summer time. Don’t isolate yourself too much. If you feel particularly annoyed, try to work through it and then do your people-ing.

It might also be a good idea to talk with some of your trusted people about some of your goals. Don’t over share and don’t share with more than a couple people.

June 23: Neptune retrograde in Pisces (until 29th November)- Neptune retrograde can cause a distorted sense of reality. imagination and daydreaming may be turned up.

June 25: Venus direct in Gemini (it was retrograde starting 13th May)- intellectual connections, communicating with people

June 28: Mars enters Aries -Mars feels at home in Aries and it’s power is increased here. We are more action oriented. Quick decisions.

June 28: Mars sextile Saturn - productivity, goals, success

ARIES This week you will have a chance to settle a matter, or disagreement that has been bugging you. Stand up for yourself if necessary. You know what needs to be done. It might be prudent to do it in private and then “announce” it if that is applicable to your situation. Recent misunderstandings will start to smooth over now, thanks to Venus going direct. Although Mercury is now retrograde so...remain vigilant in your proofreading and record keeping.

TAURUS This week, allow your inner stubborn bull to do his or her thing! Don’t be pushed around or charmed into something you don’t want. Stand firm in your power, and walk away from drama. You may be slightly frustrated when things don’t move as fast as you’d like on the job front or a money making opportunity. Spend some time thinking about your spiritual path and maybe perfecting your meditation practice.

GEMINI You may find yourself to be the mediator or negotiator this week, trying to convince people to compromise and play nice. Don’t wear this hat too comfortably because you might get sick of this role in a short time. If something is really bugging you, don’t ignore it. A little bit of an angry moment might be totally justified, and actually healthy. Overall, you deserve better, so don’t sell yourself short this week.

CANCER You may find yourself feeling pretty damn good for no actual reason. Enjoy! I feel this is a glimpse of things to come. Something you’ve been trying to manifest may be taking its time to show up, but some small rewards for patience can come in the meantime. A little get away or trip might juice up your creative and/or spiritual side.

LEO Woot! While you may not have noticed all the progress from behind the scenes, this week you might notice that things are definitely looking up! Finances will be given a boost by some good news. You may have a minor skirmish with a boss or family member this week. Be careful about communicating your self clearly and take more deep breaths than you think is necessary. You’ll be glad you did.

VIRGO Expressing yourself should come a little easier now. You will get a confidence boost by being able to say what you mean and feeling understood. This will help a lingering project or a conversation that has been put off can also enter a stage of completion or resolution. You will have a lot more clarity in the coming weeks about the people close to you and who your real people are.

LIBRA You are very concerned with fairness and compassion, but you often forget that this should include YOU. Don’t put yourself last anymore. Don’t always do what others want you to do...stick to your own guns. If someone around you is behaving badly, it isn’t your job to sooth them or fix it. Let things just unfold and be without getting your hands in it just for now. Just observe. Your big projects that have been put on hold will gain traction very soon.

SCORPIO You hold yourself to high standards in all things and in relationships. And you hold your partner(s) to the same. When you are disappointed, the world stops and you get kinda...well...assy. When disappointment knocks on your door this week, don’t give in to the dark side. Watch for your trademark paranoia or jealousy. The antidote to that is to lead with your heart and not your very sharp mind for the moment. That includes leaning into any artistic impulses you have right now...art could sooth your sting.

SAGITTARIUS This week you may struggle to figure out a complex family issue. Break it down into the simplest possible story and see if that brings some clarity about how to proceed. Its a good time to pick up an old project that you may have shelved because it was overwhelming. Embrace the romance in life this week - it will soothe the irritation from any of the other issues.

CAPRICORN Its a new cycle for you! Your ship is coming in! All your hard work will bring satisfaction very soon. But also, your relationships will enjoy more ease in this new cycle too.
You may have trouble focusing this week, and that’s OK. Give yourself a mental break. But also, lean on your people a bit. Focusing on your home life will also provide some focus and comfort for you as you try to figure out your path forward.

AQUARIUS Are you waiting for a sign? Ok. Here’s your sign. Do the thing that makes you smile when you think about doing it. That may not be the easy choice, but it is the right one. The easy one might be to stay on the current course, the path of least resistance. But you know eventually you’ll arrive at this choice point again. Do it. To clear your head, try doing something artistic, perhaps with a close friend or loved one.

PISCES While you may feel passionately about a path before you now, hold off on taking that first big step. This one feels pretty significant. Have you considered the implications of this choice? Protect your boundaries this week (and every week), because someone may try to charm you into helping them with something. Too many retrogrades may make things hard to discern. If you focus on just you, and perhaps your career, during the next few weeks, you’ll have a better grip on things.