Unexpected Insights
BitchScopes for July 27- August 3 This week has the energy of change and unexpected insights and events. Tension is very possible and you’d be wise to be aware of your own energy as you interact with others. You may vascillate between bubbly optimism and desolate pessimism and its all OK. This Aquarius full moon is a major contributor to this energy, but has a lot of help from Mercury and Uranus. Be fearlessly yourself, or at least imagine what that would look and feel like. Your imagination does give life to things. Journaling this week about who you would be if you had nothing to lose could uncover some delicious and valuable truths for you. July 27th: Jupiter Sextile Neptune - Optimistic, hopeful, spiritual connection, a portal for your dreams to become real - This transit happens about every 4-9 years. But in 2020, the year of WTF, this transit happens 3 times. This can be thought of the Universe providing us a bit of a buffer or reprieve from the Pluto and Saturn energ...