Unexpected Insights

BitchScopes for July 27- August 3

This week has the energy of change and unexpected insights and events. Tension is very possible and you’d be wise to be aware of your own energy as you interact with others. You may vascillate between bubbly optimism and desolate pessimism and its all OK. This Aquarius full moon is a major contributor to this energy, but has a lot of help from Mercury and Uranus. Be fearlessly yourself, or at least imagine what that would look and feel like. Your imagination does give life to things. Journaling this week about who you would be if you had nothing to lose could uncover some delicious and valuable truths for you.

July 27th: Jupiter Sextile Neptune - Optimistic, hopeful, spiritual connection, a portal for your dreams to become real - This transit happens about every 4-9 years. But in 2020, the year of WTF, this transit happens 3 times. This can be thought of the Universe providing us a bit of a buffer or reprieve from the Pluto and Saturn energies. The first time this happened was February 20th, then here in July, then October 12th.

July 27th: Venus Square Neptune - impressions and perceptions may not be reality

July 27th: Mercury Square Mars - impulsive or even aggressive speech

July 27th: Venus quincunx Jupiter - relationship tension or financial stress. An imbalance between the love you give and receive needs correcting.

July 30th: Mercury opposite Jupiter - brings big ideas and grand plans and you should feel optimistic and sociable.

July 30th: Mercury trine Neptune - stimulates your creativity, imagination, sensitivity, and spirituality.

August 1st: Mercury opposite Pluto - analytical energy, uncovering information, or a battle of wits

August 2nd: Sun square Uranus - can be unnerving as you sense change and feel impermanence. Unpredictable behavior is possible

August 3rd: Mercury opposite Saturn - general bajiggityness, maybe pessimistic thinking

August 3rd 8:59 AM: Full Moon in Aquarius - As if Aquarius didn’t pack enough unexpectedness, this full moon squares Uranus, so changes and “peculiar” events are very possible. Peculiar...what a great word. This whole year is peculiar! Mercury opposite Saturn also lends an uncomfortable energy to this moon. If the moon is full, it is opposite the sun, which is now in Leo. Your right and left brains, creative and logical sides, as well as your inner child and outer adult (um, if you have one?) will be trying to strike a balance. The best way to do that may be to just be loud, bold, uninhibited. Neither of these signs are particularly shy. Both of them are convinced of their rightness. If you were not afraid of anything, or of any backlash, or of losing anything as a result of it, what and who would you be? Imagine that individual during this lunation and give them a voice.

ARIES - You’ve been very focused lately, with eyes fixed on your professional & financial goals. This week, allow yourself to open up into deeper intimacy with both yourself and your partner. Really lean in to the feelings that both warm you and frighten you. You also may soon find that you’ve successfully manifested the beginnings of a new tribe of people that really get you. Congratulations!

TAURUS - This week you may have the “opportunity” to examine a new path for your life. Will you dare to take what feels like a riskier path that seems to lead to a bolder life? Making this choice will require you to set aside concrete information and logic and follow your gut. If you’re having trouble trusting yourself with this, lean into some creative pursuits and you’ll surprise yourself.

GEMINI - If you have been brave enough lately to dive into the dark corners of your life, and your self, and examine your shadow, you will find reward for that work very soon. It is a lot easier to be pollyanna and deny difficult truths about ourselves. Acknowledging your own darkness is pretty badass. And if you’re still in the midst of that process, remember that there is no light without darkness, so shadow without light. Nothing you find in there is “bad”. Loving all the parts of yourself is hard, but rewarding!

CANCER - If you’ve found yourself in planning mode, and thinking a lot about the future lately, you’re not alone. This week’s energy would like to remind you that in the “right now” there are magic moments waiting for you to find them. This is a very “fertile” time for you (maybe that’s literal?) so slow down a little bit and consciously create from each moment and day.

LEO - You are entering a new cycle (we all are, actually). With each new version of yourself, you become bolder. But in your “newness” you may feel really vulnerable. There’s a lot of power in that vulnerability if you can harness it. If you have recently started nurturing a new project or path, you will see it take root and grow within this year.

You may have recently started a journey of self, and then been thrown off your path. Maybe you were shaken by what you encountered within yourself, or it just felt too vulnerable. But you have everything you need to continue this journey. You may have to own some behaviors from your past that aren’t real pretty, but in doing so you will liberate yourself in ways you can’t yet grasp. Keep on keepin’ on. You’re safer than you realize.

To borrow from a cliche, things that are worthwhile are worth fighting for. The right choice is rarely the easy one. If you feel raw, vulnerable, tired, grieved, don’t judge yourself for feeling tired. You’re not too sensitive. You’re not too anything. Give yourself a moment to feel whatever is present right now, and then get up and keep fighting. What you want is worth it.

The imagination of a Scorpio is a fertile field. You can dream amazing things. You can also manifest amazing things into reality. You may get bogged down in your own sense of pragmatism from time to time, but this new cycle you’re entering is asking you to embrace what seems unbelievable like a child. Your ability to manifest is being kicked into high gear. Use it consciously.

SAGITTARIUS - Can you differentiate between the voice of your ego and the voice of your intuition? If you can set aside right and wrong and feel that quiet voice that tugs at you, you are likely to unlock the door to a long term project that you’ve struggled with for awhile. It may require a slight change of direction, but if you can follow that softer energy and sense of knowing, you’ll find what you didn’t know you were looking for.

Look at your personal sense of “faith” this week and examine what it is these days. It has changed a lot over time. Identify what and how it is, and lean into it more. The new phase of life you’re entering will ask you to have more faith, and less direct control. To a Cap, that sounds terrifying. But imagine yourself as a child - who or what did you trust would take care of you? That energy still exists.

AQUARIUS - Perfectionism is the collective wound we all suffer from these days. The fight for rightness is a raging war. Where in your own life is perfection in the way of progress? Are you thinking 3 steps ahead of where you currently exist? Pull back your energy into the now and relax a little. If you’re struggling with the sting of rejection, remind yourself that failure is a stepping stone on the path of discovery. Failure is progress. Don’t give up now!

PISCES - There are a lot of voices in the world. Media and Social Media and a zillion sources of “information”. This can be distracting and cause a lot of confusion. This week challenge yourself to be quiet and still. Maybe even take a brief hiatus from some of those voices and just be with yourself. Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings and see if something new emerges from what was previously confusing. You have all the information you need inside you.