A Shift
There’s a shift happening. I feel that this one is in your personal relationships (thought it could be your bank account, or a work partner). If you can stay loose and not be in resistance, this is, I feel, the beginning of a new phase that is more in alignment for you. In the middle of the week there is a sweet energy for feeling good, having an optimistic outlook, and relaxing. But on either side of that there is some tension. On the front side of the week, there is a push for new ideas. On the back side of the week there’s potential for impatience and resentment. But rather than blow up on your people, or repress the feelings, just be with them. Maybe journal your thoughts and feelings. Within a few days you’ll be feeling much less jagged and cranky. There is also the possibility that this week you have a window to exit or escape a situation that you’ve just had enough of or that isn’t right for you. Use the empowerment that comes from the information you’ll receive for good, not evil…*wink wink*
8/24: Mars square Saturn - As mentioned last week, this transit can bring frustration and inhibition. Your desires are strong, and your responsibilities are stronger. The harder you push, the more you’ll meet resistance. Authority issues may come up around this time.
8/25: Mercury trine Uranus - opens your mind to new possibilities, exciting news
8/25: Venus opposite Jupiter - the energy of indulgence, possibly too much!
8/26: Mars sextile North Node - strong sense of purpose and ambition; allow yourself to receive guidance
8/27: Venus trine Neptune - romance, relaxation, and daydreaming.
8/29: Mercury trine Jupiter - optimism and good news
8/30: Venus opposite Pluto - pressure in close relationships; suspicion and jealousy are possible
8/30: Mercury opposite Neptune - mental confusion and the potential for miscommunications
8/31: Venus Square Eris - impatience, resentment and other “negative” feelings about your intimate relationships, likely in regard to your close male counterparts is possible.
ARIES - Be clear about what you want this week. And then be clear about how you’re going to hang on to that. Don’t let anyone deter you from a dream that you are set on. When you start to feel like you need to change you or your core desires to fit int someone else’s narrative, stay awake. It isn’t you that needs to change...its the narrative.
TAURUS - While it feels strange to say this to a Taurus, I’m going to anyway… don’t let anyone cage you in. That means doing things that are contrary to your moral compass, your personal ideals, or things that aren’t going to get you to your goals. It isn’t necessary for you to be a pleaser when this situation arises. Stand your ground. (Yep, that sounds silly, but...I’m just the messenger)
GEMINI - Live life, and go forward on your own terms. You’ve already realized that no one is going save you, and you’re a badass so you’re saving yourself. But now you have to take a moment to figure out what you want and not what others want for you. This could look like a pretty big shake up or change, and that’s more than OK!
CANCER - You’ll need to tackle this problem (and you know what it is) head on. It is much more comfortable for you to approach a problem sideways, in a protective and indirect stance. But this thing you’ll need to charge headlong into in order to make progress. Don’t let anyone dissuade you or distract you. Claws up!
LEO - You need a dose of earth and nature. Even though it was your birthday month, you’ve been through the wringer the last few weeks and you need a breather. You’re likely a bit exhausted and have lost sight of a few things. Get back in touch with the essence and core of who you are. To do that, you need some quiet time of reflection and nature will expedite the process.
VIRGO - Get the sage. This is your birthday month and its time for a clearing. For new energy to come in, old energy must go out. Change is coming. And before you freak out about change, let’s assume its positive and meant for your betterment. Let’s also assume that if you don’t fight and question and resist the change and point out ever flaw with the new reality, it could be a very positive experience!
LIBRA - You are about to undergo a spiritual-relational transformation. Where you’ve had judgement, particularly in love, you will find a new kind of grace and forgiveness. It may come from you, or it may come from someone outside of you. This grace is going to create a hope that you have not felt in a long time. And that hope will transform you from the past, forward. Breathe this in...
SCORPIO - “Ridiculous beats boring”. You may need a reminder that being 1000% yourself is the best way to be. You being completely authentic enables others to be totally authentic. This is also your reminder that speaking up and looking “ridiculous” is better than standing by and being an accomplice to bullshitery.
SAGITTARIUS - You are asked to find the warrior within you...no...don’t interrupt me...I gotta finish this sentence...the warrior within you that still allows you to display kindness. Fierce but compassionate is the goal. Warrior and fierce are not foreign words or concepts to you. But tapping into a different style of engagement is the opportunity opening for you. Setting aside aggression or manipulation (including intellectual) of any kind is your mission.
CAPRICORN - Its time to take back what is your, or what has been taken from you. This could be anything. Additionally, don’t allow anyone else, or any circumstance to dictate how you feel about yourself. If you screw up, forgive yourself and get back in alignment. If you have to forgive someone else and feel you can’t, don’t beat yourself up. It will come. But don’t let the theft of what’s yours, or your inability to forgive the thief tear you down in any way.
AQUARIUS - The world isn’t over, a new world is just beginning. Endings and beginnings are 2 sides of the same coin. And while all these platitudinous wisdoms are swell, things still feel shitty and tiresome and exhausting at times. Like Sisyphus, you feel like you keep pushing the same rock up the same hill. Groundhog day. Two steps forward, one step back. I’ve got a million unhelpful cliches. The point is, you’re going through some tough stuff because you need to be tough because the world needs you, now more than ever. Allow the growth.
PISCES - If I say the word “surrender”, what situation immediately comes to mind for you? Yep, that’s the one! It is time to find, or re-find your faith. The Universe is bringing together all the tools and resources and people you need for the next steps. You don't have to do anything except believe and surrender to the unconditional love of the Divine to take care of your needs.