Expect the unexpected
Last week I said “This week has the energy of change and unexpected insights and events. Tension is very possible and you’d be wise to be aware of your own energy as you interact with others. You may vascillate between bubbly optimism and desolate pessimism and it's all OK. This Aquarius full moon is a major contributor to this energy, but has a lot of help from Mercury and Uranus. Be fearlessly yourself, or at least imagine what that would look and feel like. Your imagination does give life to things. Journaling this week about who you would be if you had nothing to lose could uncover some delicious and valuable truths for you.”
And I don’t know about you, but it was true for me. A lot of that information pertained to the August 3rd full moon and Mercury/Saturn aspect. So Because we’re overlapping August 3rd this week and last, that whole paragraph still holds true!
This week will be mostly influenced by that Aquarius full moon everyone is talking about.
August 3rd: Mercury opposite Saturn - general bajiggityness, maybe pessimistic thinking
August 3rd 8:59 AM: Full Moon in Aquarius - As if Aquarius didn’t pack enough unexpectedness, this full moon squares Uranus, so changes and “peculiar” events are very possible. Peculiar...what a great word. This whole year is peculiar! Mercury opposite Saturn also lends an uncomfortable energy to this moon. If the moon is full, it is opposite the sun, which is now in Leo. Your right and left brains, creative and logical sides, as well as your inner child and outer adult (um, if you have one?) will be trying to strike a balance. The best way to do that may be to just be loud, bold, uninhibited. Neither of these signs are particularly shy. Both of them are convinced of their rightness. If you were not afraid of anything, or of any backlash, or of losing anything as a result of it, what and who would you be? Imagine that individual during this lunation and give them a voice.
Changes will be happening whether you do this work or not. The energy of Uranus and Aquarius is “expect the unexpected”, and chances are you won’t be able to analyze the clues into a solid answer. So the best way to harness this is to plug in some coordinates and stay loose and light on your feet.
We should expect to see some social changes or news around this full moon as well. Aquarius is the OG social protester and poster girl for civil unrest. There’s so much currently going on that includes these issues, the news could come from anywhere. I feel it will be positive but somewhat rattling. Of course “positive” depends on which side of things you’re on, I suppose. So let’s think like Spock, the perfect archetypal example of Aquarius...Positive change that will affect the needs (not desires) of the collective as a whole. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Live Long and Prosper.
August 4th: Mars square Jupiter - new project energy
August 4th: Mercury enters Leo - our communications become less feel-y and more emboldended
August 4th: Venus quincunx Saturn - insecure feelings about love and finances
August 7th: Venus enters Cancer - Our values and focus shift toward home again, relationships are more connected
August 8th: Lion's Gate (Exact) - “This gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth. The star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light on the inner planes. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called the Lions Gate, or Lions Gateway because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine.”1
August 9th: Mercury trines Chiron - a good day for talk therapy
August 10th: Mercury squares Uranus - Be prepared for the unexpected
1 https://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/the-888-lions-gate-activation/

ARIES - You may receive or happen upon some information this week that will help you make a decision that you’ve been trying to make for awhile. The information you stumble over may actually have little to do with the decision you’re making, but the dots will magically connect. Tap into your creative side this week to find soothing, healing, and inspiration.
TAURUS - You may finally get the recognition you deserve on something. It may be long over due and it may surprise you. In business this week, don’t show your hand yet. Be strategic, maybe even a little sneaky and manipulative (which isn’t an evil thing as long as you’re not going crazy with it) to see if you can get others to show their hand first. This will give you the upper hand when you make your move.
GEMINI - You may feel a little salty, a little like a bitter bitch this week when someone starts bragging about something. You do deserve the credit for the thing you did, and you will get it, perhaps later than you’d like. So try to ignore the braggart. If someone trips over their words with you this week, and you aren’t sure WTF it means, it might be a feeble attempt at an apology. Do with it what you wish.
CANCER - This week you might be den mother, legal counsel, therapist, and several other hats that have to do with managing people and emotions. While this is not at all unusual for you, it could feel a little overwhelming. Have good boundaries and put your energy where it is most needed.
LEO - Try to live in the present this week, even if old stuff gets dragged out of the emotional closet. There’s a lot of positive potential and manifesting energy for you in particular. Choose to focus on your desires for the future, your gratitude for the present, and let the past be in the past.
VIRGO - You may be bored with a major project or undertaking, or even your own business. Your desire might be to just say screw it and move on to something more fun. Of couse you can do that, but you’ll probably wish you hadn’t. Tie up loose ends and get done what has to be done. Take breaks and treat yourself in between productivity sessions. The other project will still be there when you’re done.
LIBRA - You are very likely growing impatient with the pace of life and the seeming lack of progress, particularly on the career front. It is very understandable that you’d shake your fists at the sky and ask “whyyyyy???”. The delay is to your benefit, and while you don’t have to like it, you’d be best served by using this time to accomplish something meaningful.
SCORPIO - There’s an important development in your life right on the horizon. You probably know what it is. So do you rush towards it? The wise answer is no. If you can go with the flow and allow things to unfold, it will be better in the long run. Patience and forgiveness are being strengthened in you.
SAGITTARIUS - You hate being wrong. You are facing an issue that asks you to accept that you may have been wrong about something or someone. Forgiving others is often easier than forgiving ourselves. Can you do it? To find out, life may bring someone from the past back into your life to see if you’ve learned how to navigate this.
CAPRICORN - You might feel a bit grumpy this week, and not in the mood for doing things or seeing people. None of that is in your plan, and your plan makes you comfortable. Structure is good, rigidity is not. What does not bend will break. So as you move forward on your own evolutionary path, try to be a bit more flexible. Accept an invitation or opportunity that might elevate your mood this week.
AQUARIUS - Fake and phony are some of your major pet peeves. You much prefer people to be authentic and real. There may be a situation, circumstance, or project in your life that doesn’t feel like a good fit for you and you are hanging on to it out of obligation. You can either walk away from it, or you can challenge yourself to be more you as you do it...authenticity.
PISCES - Generally you are very compassionate and empathetic. But there may be someone around you who really chafes you and is generally a bit of an ass. Can you practice compassion with the most difficult of people? Doing this can deepen your gratitude for your own life in a meaningful way.