The Bajiggity Quincunx

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a week with this many quincunxes! The quincunx, also called an inconjunct, is an interesting aspect. It isn’t as frequently discussed as other aspects. I first became interested in them when I was trying to understand the “Yods” in my chart. Yods are fairly complicated, and we’ll get into those another time. As for the quincunx, it is a 150 degree angle between two planets. The 2 planets are 5 signs apart and have nothing in common. Some key words for the quincunx, or the inconjunct are : redirecting, challenging, requiring adjustments, diverting. The 2 points involved are difficult to blend. This oil and water characteristic can lead to overdoing one of the points, and possible dissatisfaction
with both. 

There are 6 quincunxes (That I am aware of, anyway) this week (!), making this a time period where not a lot of progress is likely. We are likely to feel tension, ambivalence, obsession, compulsion, over-doing, under-doing, laziness, over reacting, and just general bajiggityness.

Sounds like a blast. But we can do hard things. And it is entirely possible that with the big full moon we just had in Aquarius (energy of change), and the Lion’s Gate portal that occurred on the 8th, that all these adjustments are necessary to re-align us with our purpose, our soul, our calling. If we can get through the discomfort of the re calibration, we might just find ourselves on a fresh new path toward fulfillment. However, if you fight the forces, butt heads with the conflicts, struggle to keep power, and resist the changes, this is much more likely to be difficult and uncomfortable and you’ll continue to be in a position of resistance, defensiveness, and feeling cornered.

Aug 10 - Mercury square Uranus - excitement and/or nervous tension
Aug 11 – Sun quincunx Jupiter - laziness, unrealistic expectations
Aug 12 – Sun quincunx Neptune - spending energy on unrealistic goals or expectations or projects; finding a balance between ego and self pity
Aug 13 – Mars square Pluto - power struggles and confrontations
Aug 14 – Mercury quincunx Jupiter - potential for laziness, unsure of how to make a decision, ambivalence
Aug 15 – Mercury quincunx Neptune - delusions of grandeur. “Your mouth writing a (figurative) check that your ass can’t cash”
Aug 15 – Sun quincunx Pluto - a potential for power struggle. Something feels like a threat. An opportunity to “let go”
Aug 15 – Uranus Retrograde - encourages internal change that will affect external life changes. Societally, this offers an opportunity for pleasant connections and activities. Fear is everywhere, and Pluto aspects this Uranus retrograde period in a harsh way. But Venus and the moon come into play to create opportunities for love, affection, and creativity.
Aug 16 – Mercury quincunx Pluto - harsh judgment, compulsive behavior, and negative thinking can hold up personal progress
Aug 16 – Sun trine Mars - self confidence boost

The challenge this week is to stay aware, loose, light on your feet, and flexible. To that end, this week’s BitchScopes are written to advise you the best way to stay safe and sane this week while we navigate the waters of inconjunction. 

BtichScopes for the Week of August 10-16

ARIES - This week if the ghosts of failures past come to haunt you, just let them pass through. The path to success is paved with failures all throughout history. Don’t let shame or guilt bog you down. This is not a week for big activities or a grandiose to do list. Do yoga instead of running. Set aside tasks that don’t have to be done right this minute. Engage in gentle activities, sleep, journal and meditate.

TAURUS - Theres’s no such thing as a coincidence. When something comes up this week and it makes you say “whoa” or “hmmmm”, spend some time with it and what it could mean. Maybe this is a sign of things to come, maybe it is a hint about your future path. If it is a negative dejavu experience that comes up, take it as a sign that you are breaking that pattern. And then be open to the adjustements necessary to move away from that energy. Change is hard for you, but whatever is stirring wants the best for you!

GEMINI - Are you afraid that if you stop moving, you’ll drown? Or that If you stop trying, you’ll fail? What are you in pursuit of that takes up most of your (abundant) thought energy? What happens if you stop chasing and hold still? That incudes your mind. How can you quiet your very busy mind? Do that thing which you find soothing and pleasurable, but which has nothing to do with progress or success.

CANCER - You have a solid reputation as an emotional creature. But Cancers are the ultimate survivors! You are a tough competitor and a force to be reckoned with. Don’t talk yourself out of something you want because obstacles rise up, this week or at any time. Be fearless, even if that means standing completely still for right now.

LEO - What you need right now is laughter and a lot of it. My long standing recipe for feeling good is YouTube videos of babies laughing. Babies laughing at dogs is also excellent, or in your case, cats...sorry. Funny movies, stand up comedy, a board game like Cards Against Humanity or something along those lines that can really give you space to laugh...that’s what you need.
Find a way to let the laughter flow out of you like water!

VIRGO - You’ve likely been working too hard. This is just normal for you. So when this week’s energy throws up speed bumps and blockages and general frustration that thwarts your forward movement you could feel pretty pissy. You are transitioning from one phase into another and you can’t just keep grinding forward in a straight line. During birth, there are times when the Doc or nurse will tell you to not push, which is against all your physical urges and instincts. In this instance, the birth progress is halted temporarily because something isn’t ready. This is what’s happening in your life right now. Don’t push...just breathe.

LIBRA - Life may be trying to tell you something by bringing certain things into the light. Perhaps you’d much prefer to look at these things in the flattering light of candles. But in the shadows of the peaceful dimness there are things holding you back, things that need to be corrected, things that can sabotage you if you remain unaware. Be strong and let the illumination of things that might be painful bring you into this new (and better!) phase of your life.

SCORPIO - This week you might feel uncomfortably vulnerable by the stillness. It is possible that a peace will wash over you that makes you question where it came from and why it is yours. It’s so Scorpio of you to question the motives of a pleasant experience. As I used to say to my cat when I picked him up to love on him, “take the wub”. Meaning, don’t resist the love the Universe is giving you by questioning it to death. Just accept it and say thanks.

SAGITTARIUS - In this awkwardness of this week there is an invitation for you to be with yourself and feel your feelings. As deep and philosophical as you are, maybe emotions are not your favorite thing. This week do what you can to let them flow, all of them. If you are angry, express it clearly and healthily. If you are hurt, say so. If you are sad, cry. This is your portal to a new path and life phase, but you have to release some old feelings first.

CAPRICORN - If you find yourself feeling angry this week, try to let it flow. Don’t resist or repress those emotions. There are no “bad” emotions. Your anger or frustration can serve as an anchor for you, or a launch pad. It can motivate you to change, or allow change. Feeling sick and tired of something this week is a great sign that you are about to move on, as long as you don’t try to squash your anger down.

- You aren’t a mess. You’re a badass. You tackle everything that comes up in your path. Sometimes it might be a messy job, and maybe you screw up a little in your effort to conquer an obstacle. As much as forgiving others is hard for you, forgiving yourself is harder. Letting guilt weigh you down will just pull you backwards. Stand up and walk forward with love and forgiveness for YOU.

PISCES - Metamorphosis is not pretty. It is often painful. Resisting it can be even more painful. So do you have a choice? Of course. But chose to transform anyway. Your life is trying to reconfigure in a way that aligns with your higher calling. The seeming chaos of this process can feel really awful. But you are totally whole. You are totally worthy of joy. You are totally a badass and you can do this. The cocoon is a difficult place full of change we don’t understand. But it is temporary and you will emerge with wings!