99 ways to feel better right now!

 Katie Weaver and I came up with this list of ways to make yourself feel better right away! 

  1. Listen to your favorite song from 5th grade
  2. Wear some fancy clothes (even if just around the house)
  3. Go for a walk
  4. Cook one of your grandma’s recipes
  5. Do your make up
  6. Drink something warm
  7. Learn a new language (even if just a few words)
  8. Watch videos of babies laughing (at dogs)
  9. Read a good book
  10. Take a bath
  11. Meditate
  12. Brush your teeth
  13. Eat chocolate
  14. Hold a baby
  15. Crystals (rose quartz and rhodolite, blue kyanite, larimar)
  16. Research a day trip
  17. Fresh flowers
  18. Watch/listen to some stand up comedy (YouTube/Netflix Try Brian Regan & Jim Gaffigan - clean)
  19. Listen to the sound of rain or running stream or ocean
  20. Decorate something: a cupcake, a room, a scrapbook
  21. Rearrange your furniture
  22. Hug a tree (heart on tree)
  23. Put on lotion
  24. Talk to an old friend or an older relative
  25. Smudge yourself/your space
  26. Verbal clearings/affirmations
  27. A cup of tea
  28. Look for feathers
  29. View art
  30. Take a drive
  31. Diffuse or wear bergamot essential oils
  32. Pay for someone else’s drinks at the coffee shop
  33. Open a window
  34. Bake something
  35. Paint a wall or piece of furniture
  36. Get your feelings out (try a sad movie to get your sadness moving. Journal if you’re angry then burn the paper)
  37. Windchimes
  38. Citrus Fruits (eat em, smell em, juggle em?)
  39. Exfoliate/scrub
  40. Eat dessert first
  41. Pizza
  42. Some silence
  43. Bird song
  44. Eat Root vegetables and earthy foods
  45. Sniff grapefruit oil
  46. Create art (even if it sucks)
  47. Throw a living room dance party
  48. A hug/physical touch
  49. Burn something
  50. Go to the beach
  51. Plant something
  52. Orgasm
  53. Make cookies
  54. Watch cat videos online
  55. Paint rocks and hide them for others to find
  56. Drink a glass of water
  57. Color your hair
  58. Fun underwear
  59. Take off your bra
  60. Listen to a podcast
  61. Look at old family photos
  62. Pull a few cards
  63. Eat some chili peppers (endorphins)
  64. Put socks on
  65. Feed a homeless person
  66. Look for cool rocks
  67. Put your bare feet on grass
  68. Paint your toenails
  69. Comb your hair
  70. Learn a joke to try out on your family
  71. Give a small gift to someone/pay it forward
  72. Have a glass of wine
  73. Sing
  74. Look for cool bugs
  75. Eat A bowl of cold cereal
  76. Hot shower
  77. Make 5 nice comments on social media
  78. Read funny Amazon reviews
  79. Nurture something
  80. Fresh sheets (optional: with shaved legs)
  81. Search out a meaningful poem
  82. Throw rocks
  83. Listening to Music/dance/sing
  84. Float in water (or take a bath)
  85. Eat Pasta or potatoes
  86. Organize something (purse, drawer, make up, closet)
  87. Play with money (a stack of 1s, 20s, 100s...whatever you got. Feel it, smell it, spend some time with it. Pull it out of the bank and put it back in later that day)
  88. Colored light (colored glasses/light bulbs)
  89. Stretch (stretching the back releases endorphins)
  90. Cuddle a pet
  91. Go home
  92. Feed the birds
  93. Connect with ArchAngel Jophiel
  94. Turn off the lights and light some candles
  95. Give yourself a facial
  96. Wander a cool cemetery
  97. Sleep
  98. Eat a popsicle
  99. Leave sweet notes in public bathrooms