Boldly go where you have not gone before...
(Re: the title - I don't know how Star Trek has women itself into my mind so much. )
This week offers a much needed change of pace from recent weeks. The Libra new moon last week did its work and has realigned us and rebalanced us, even if we don't immediately recognize how.
There is a lot of relationship-oriented energy in the air this week, particularly as it relates to established relationships. But there are also some strong indicators for love, passion, and even commitment in newer relationships.
But be careful what you wish for. The true meaning of the word passion is suffering. It is a fire, and it will burn you. People often confuse passion for romance. So this week, when the flames of passion are licking at your feet, er… aware and be cautious. This energy is ripe for you to break old, unhealthy cycles in relationships of all kinds. Create something new that works for you, rather than the template that you’ve been given.
The season of Scorpio officially begins this week. The veil thins and we are more connected to things unseen, unknown, unaccepted, and underneath. Take your inner freak out for a walk and really ask yourself what makes you feel good in life.
Love has many faces and purposes in life. Allow yourself to fearlessly explore these faces and try some new ones on. As it relates to your life and your deep knowing, how would you define love differently than how you were taught to define it?
10/19 Venus quincunx Mars Rx- sexual tension (can cause problems in weaker relationships), possible manipulation
10/19 Venus trine Jupiter - optimism and love
10/19 Mercury Rx opposite Uranus Rx- time and thinking are fast
10/21 Venus trine Pluto - intensity and passion in relationships
10/22 Mercury quincunx Chiron - integrating and acknowledging the deep information coming through for you
10/22 Sun enters Scorpio - deeper, more spiritual experiences in all aspects
10/22 Venus quincunx Eris - some confusion about roles within close relationships, feelings of being left out
10/24 Venus trine Saturn Rx - ideal energy for long term commitment in relationships
10/25 Sun conjunct Mercury Rx - strong mental energy and drive
10/25 Venus square North Node - reminds you that you are the only person who can truly fulfill you and achieve your higher purposes
PostScript: There was a definite theme in the individual scopes this week. Creation, chaos, facing fear, trusting the process, dreaming big, and bringing things up from the dark depths. Seems we are all doing much of the same thing in our own unique ways.
ARIES - Your inspiration is not limited by what is concrete and 3D. You have unlimited potential to create and succeed. You are not bound by “reality”, let alone practicality. And if you are questioning if you can really do this thing your heart has decided it wants, the answer is “Yes of course”. In truth, you have already done it.
TAURUS - Is life happening TO you, or FOR you? Your outlook determines so much of how you proceed and succeed. Are you limiting yourself based on past perceived failures? What if those failures were just test runs to eliminate things that don’t work. Did you give up too soon? Be bold, and let the Universe help you.
GEMINI - Do you feel at the mercy or circumstances? What is in front of you that has you quaking in your seasonal slippers, face it head on. Do the thing that scares you! Don’t wait for it to come to you like a feral cat or a timid bunny...go after it. But be a hunter and have a strategy, don’t just chase it.
CANCER - When you are a bright light, you will attract all kinds of people in need. You are not obligated to give your energy to everyone that shows up. Furthermore, don’t get in the habit of only giving all the time, learn to receive, take a compliment, accept help.
LEO - If you’re trying very, very hard to make something happen because you feel it will make you feel accomplished and satisfied and complete, you might be trying TOO hard. Back up, simplify, and bring something in to form, rather than trying to make it perfect before you even consider it. Progress over perfection. Just do it.
VIRGO - You are bringing something from obscurity into clarity, even if only for yourself. When things rise up out of the deep dark places within us, it can make us feel fearful. But fear will shut down the process. So trust that you brought this thing up for a reason and trust your higher self to use it.
LIBRA - Trust the process. If you try on a shoe and it doesn’t fit, do you feel inclined to mangle your foot to make it work? No, you (hopefully) try on a different shoe! Don’t deem yourself a failure because someone else’s template for your life isn’t fitting. Trust yourself and don’t abandon your authentic feelings.
SCORPIO - Wherever you find yourself judging yourself a failure, flip the script. Instead, you’ve succeeded in eliminating an option that doesn’t work for your vision. Release the burden of perfectionism and maintain course. Failure is a necessary obstacle on the path of achieving.
SAGITTARIUS - You may have recently completed something or released something, but where you expected to find satisfaction, there may be chaos. Chaos is a part of the creative process. As you look at the pieces, ask how they make you feel and determine if you keep them or toss them based on that. Stuff that makes you feel guilty...out! You don’t want that in your final recipe.
CAPRICORN - You are uniquely equipped to impose order to chaos and create something out of practically nothing. But you don’t have nothing, you have a lot of stuff that may seem mismatched at the moment. Don’t worry and create wrinkles about how the pieces of your plan fit together. Lay them out and let it come to you.
AQUARIUS - Do you reject people and connections out of a fear that they will not like you? So what if they don’t like you?! It’s not as though you are not used to not fitting in. Forget about opinions about you. Choose to consciously connect to people and energy that fits easily. The intimacy that will come from a tribe created this way is far deeper than what you’d get if you weren’t “picky”.
PISCES - If you’re finding yourself feeling a little dark these days, don’t panic. Within that darkness is so much potential. The darkness is where things grow. You’ve manifested something significant and it is gestating now. This can feel isolating and heavy, but it’s actually powerful and reaffirming.