The Tea Spilling Rebellion

This week we could feel a bit triggered and quite sensitive. While there are some strong Libran influences for diplomacy and charm, there are plenty of ways for us to feel somewhat wounded this week.  The full moon is likely to make us all feel bajiggity, nervous, and vulnerable. Some of you may feel it in your physical body more than usual. 

It's a mixed bag of planetary influence this week. Mercury retrograde makes some both hard and soft aspects. We will be very alert and quick thinking, but communicating effectively to others will be a challenge.

Relationships are still a strong focus for us. We may be employing charm at every opportunity, but we may be doing it out of a need to feel more accepted.

Chiron is a little busier than normal this week too, hence the triggeryness. Generally there is just an air of insecurity.

But we’re not close to done yet. The big player this week is the Full Moon in Taurus on Halloween. This is our 2nd Full Moon in October, making this a blue moon. When this happens the call to release things is emphasized. So anything that you’re clinging to or that is clinging to you is likely to be challenged over the next couple weeks.

This moon is almost exactly conjunct Uranus, which makes this potentially disruptive. Full moons tend to illuminate information that was previously hidden or unknown, and with Uranus, there’s little chance of predicting it. Of course we instantly think of negative things, but sometimes the unexpected is a blessing (at least for someone). There is also the potential for revolutionary breakthroughs.

You know I love analogies...This lunation is like a little kid who ate way too much candy, refuses to go to bed, and throws a rebellious tantrum. Perhaps he feels like modeling his mom’s lingerie to the dinner guests. If you happen to watch KellyAnne Conway’s daughter, Claudia, on know what I’m talking about. Rebellion & the spilling of tea (that may benefit us, but certainly not her mom). Mars retrograde in Aries is only adding fuel to this fire. The information that is revealed may or may not be about us, but these revelations are always FOR us, even if they seem harsh. Release the things that you are too attached to and that may not allow you to see the big picture properly.

10/25 Sun conjunct Mercury Rx -
mental alertness

10/27 Mercury enters Libra
-   diplomatic and friendly.

10/27 Venus enters Libra
- charm, negotiation, properness.

10/28 Sun quincunx Chiron -insecurity in general

10/29 Jupiter quincunx North Node -conflict between what you thought you believed and where life is pulling you (karma)

10/31 Sun opposite Uranus Rx - brings unexpected and exciting encounters, nervous energy

10/31 Full Moon in TAURUS 7:49AM PST - extremely powerful and very disruptive influence for the next two weeks.

11/1 Venus opposition Chiron
- insecurity in relationships

11/1 Mercury Rx square Saturn-  
hard work and clear thinking, but hard to communicate it with others.

Here’s this week’s scopes.

ARIES - Whatever it is you’re worrying about, try to stop. When we try to anticipate everything that could happen, we often end up blindsided anyway. Trust that things will work out FOR you. And don’t cut off your nose to spite your face in an attempt to “protect yourself”. Wait this will work out for you!

TAURUS - This moon could have you in your feelins’. But if you operate thinking that the people closest to you know how you feel, you could create issues for yourself. If you’re experiencing some regret about something you said or didn’t say to someone you still care about, this is a good time to try to spell it out. Get very clear about what you want to say first.

- If busy-ness is keeping you from focusing on some uncomfortable feelings, this full moon may not allow you any more excuses. Sooner or later you will have to face what you’re avoiding, emotionally. You might consider doing it on your own terms so the Universe doesn’t do it for you.

CANCER - I feel this moon could make your body feel a little worn out. If you’re feeling tired and just UGH in your fleshsuit these days, it will be OK. You really have already done most of what “has” to be done. So it is really OK to take a breather and give your body some rest. Really.

LEO - If I say the word “guilt” what immediately comes to mind? Take whatever that issue is and love yourself through it. The judgement you inflict on yourself (even though the guilt may have initially come from someone else) is way too harsh. It is time to forgive yourself or someone else and move ahead with love.

- When you receive an unexpected gift, compliment, raise, etc in the next few weeks, don’t question it, or be suspicious, or try to deflect the affection coming to you. Take it, graciously, and realize that you’ve earned this!

LIBRA - Your charm is shining brightly this week, despite the general feeling of MEH in the world around you. Your charisma may not exactly get you what you are trying to get this week, but hey, the rest of us are enjoying you. So you do you. Don’t let anyone else’s darkness rain on your parade this week.

SCORPIO - Don’t be afraid of judgement that may come down the pike toward you this week. It isn’t as much about you as it may seem at first. It is more about the big picture and possibly other members on your team. If you start to feel sorry for yourself, remember you’re a badass bitch and keep on truckin. Whatever this is, it is a fleeting problem, despite appearances to the contrary.

SAGITTARIUS - If you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself this week, try doing the opposite of what you would normally do. Normally you would plunge headlong into deep philosophical explanations about the esoteric aspects of life. Instead, be fully in your body, loving and accepting even the parts of it that may fail you. Sometimes that is all that is needed.

CAPRICORN - If you didn’t have a person or thing to blame your dissatisfaction on, what then would you look to for change? Yes. ding ding ding! Yourself. You are in charge. You control so much more about your life than you’re realizing right now. You are not a victim, so quit acting like one.

- The ghosts of narcissists past may visit you this week. Someone you care about who just can not seem to get over themselves may reappear in your life after an absence….a lovely, peaceful, non energy sucking absence. Be very aware of sharing any of your personal feelings with this person. They will retreat back into the woodwork.

PISCES - If you’re feeling physically wounded and somewhat weak this week, consider things that are not physical as culprits. (This is the exact opposite of what I received for Sagittarius... interesting!) Emotional and unseen energies can definitely affect your physical stamina. It is time for a good release and detox under this moon. And consider a couple days by yourself afterward to regenerate.