Thoughts of bread and badassness
BitchScopes for November 23-30
(Note: generally Bitchscopes are for a Monday through Sunday period. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on Monday the 30th, and it is included in this week’s so you can fully utilize and be aware of its offerings and energy.)
Mercury is a busy bee this week. With the sun now in Sagittarius, you’d be well served to direct your thoughts to your beliefs. Specifically, what do you believe about your self? One of the benefits of knowing what is coming up astrologically is the ability to utilize that energy to your highest benefit, so here you go. Spend time thinking and writing about what you believe about yourself. What do you want? Do you even know? Strip away the thoughts and beliefs of all the people around you and get to the heart of it...what do YOU want? Out of life? Out of relationship? Out of a job? Out of parenthood? Out of your food? Whatever!
That’s exactly what this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse can help you uncover and achieve: alignment with your heart and your purpose. Generally a lunar eclipse creates more of an emotional experience, whereas a solar eclipse manifests as something in the real world. In this full moon lunar eclipse, your emotions will likely feel jittery. Venus opposite Uranus, Moon quincunx Venus, and Sun quincunx Uranus all color the energy of this eclipse, so be careful with your money and with your love. You are likely to feel nervous, like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Despite your possibly nervous and irritable disposition, use your words carefully. Today, words are powerful, so choose them wisely! Don’t stray from committed relationships during this time, because this secret will not keep.
There is a method to the madness, though. An alignment between your mind, body, and heart is trying to occur. You’re jittery because your thoughts are not in alignment. Lead with your heart, and your body will follow. Your thoughts may stubbornly fall in line last. Meditation may be difficult for some, although if successful could be very helpful in speeding this energy along. If you can’t meditate, WRITE. Write to yourself. Brain barf it out on to paper. What within you is standing in your heart’s way to progress?
Much of this year’s bullshit and angst has shown us this already. What is really important? What is worth fighting for and about? Now it is time to turn the energy inward and use it to catapult you into 2021 as your most empowered self. Sagittarius is a truth teller, no holds barred, no bullshit. Be that way with yourself when you write about your dreams and desires and ideas. Get the thoughts out of your head and work on it like bread dough. Get it just how it feels right and then but those new, more aligned thoughts back into the oven of your brain to just sit, rest, and proof. Sometime in the spring of 2021 you will take that dough out and see it all puffed up and ready to work!
I’m hungry now. Where is my crusty bread??
Anyway, work on you. Do it for you. Love you.
11/23 – Mercury trine Neptune - creativity, sensitivity, spirituality
11/25 - Mercury quincunx North Node your ideas and ideals may clash with the norm. You CAN get there from here, even if “here” is “weird”
11/27 – Mercury sextile Pluto - depth and intensity to conversations and thoughts
11/27 – Venus opposite Uranus - surprises in your love life, and sometimes your bank account
11/27 Mercury quincunx Eris - your mind may be working overtime to sabotage you. Slow down and lighten up. Get other people’s negative voices out of your head.
11/28 – Neptune direct (began retrograde in June) During retrograde, Neptune says be cautious about an unchecked imagination. Now we will have better intuition and discernment.
11/28 – Mercury sextile Jupiter - optimistic thinking, future planning
11/29 – Sun quincunx Uranus - nervous energy, trying to anticipate an “unexpected” something, boredom
11/30 Mercury sextile Saturn - clear thinking, organization, and a great get er done energy
11/30 Full Moon in Gemini / Lunar Eclipse
Relax, this isn’t one of the giant doozies. But it is a supercharged full moon because of the (penumbral) eclipse. There will be internal revelations and epiphanies, probably unexpected because of Uranus’ influence. Those thoughts could be shadowy because of the influence of Saturn on Mercury. Watch what you say, words are powerful.
ARIES - You’d be well served to be aware of possibly opportunities coming down the pike toward you. There is strong indication of a great financial period for you in the next several months. You won’t be flying solo. There is a partner in this scenario. When you do your releasing and manifesting work, focus on letting go of distrust, and being open to possibilities. There is an expansion in the works!
TAURUS - If you find yourself feeling sad, burdened, and depressed or uninspired, consider the possibility of something as simple as needing sunshine. If you live in the snow, then get creative and do some color therapy with yellow glasses or light bulbs. Sit near a window or on your patio. Light a fire, light some candles. Laughter from almost any source will also help warm the cockles of your deflated heart. That could come in the form of a friend who is like sunshine, or from good ol’ comedy on Netflix.
GEMINI - If you are feeling meh about your abilities, or just generally like your confidence is in the shitter, utilize this moon in your sign to its fullest potential. Get your thoughts trained to serve you. Release your dependency on others for encouragement and validation. Do a moon ceremony and soak up some of those moon rays. Light a fire and let it burn away your self doubt (which you could write on paper and then burn). Get on with your badass self!
CANCER - You, too, may be feeling the darkness of winter and the dread of isolated holidays setting in. Beware of the pity party that your ego wants to throw for you. And try not to dig your heels in and further isolate, alienate or ostracize yourself from people. It may be time for you to take a break from service you do for others, even if just for a few days, and serve yourself. Resentment does not pair well with turkey, or with anything.
LEO - Where are you putting in the most effort in your life these days? Is that truly where you want to see the most growth? You may need to shift your gears a bit. Are you spread too thin? Jack of all trades but master of none? Consider a little education in an area you already are familiar with. Deepening your speciality will show big rewards in the coming months. Just be sure that where you are going deeper is where your really want things to grow...
VIRGO - Oooo gurl. What is the new project you are cookin up? Whether you are aware of it or not, this is the foundation for something bigger in the future. All signs point to an awesome period of abundance, very likely from this new project. You may not have done anything but think about this project, but this is your signal to do something...anything. Take a step in the general direction and life will meet you there. It will be worth the “risk”.
LIBRA - You may have been “asked” to step into a role of bigger responsibility (or it may be coming). Try to set aside any feelings of resentment about this. While you may find the word “dependable” to be a bit boring, it is one of your traits, and one you should be proud of. Trust is the word that comes up here. You are trusted, and you can trust in the process. Because life will reward you for this task.
SCORPIO - Is there something trying to transform in your life that you are clinging to with bloody finger tips? You generally aren’t afraid of change. But there is fear around losing control of this issue. Let go. Really let go. Something better is coming. Endings and beginnings exist within the same processes. In the moment that something dies, something else is created simultaneously. You’re holding yourself back.
SAGITTARIUS - You know what you should do this week? Any thing you fucking want to do. For real. I know the world is always telling you that you’re too this and too that and unrealistic and lost in your dreams etc. Well this week, screw that. You do you. I’m not even going to put any modifying statements in there. Whatever it is, you need it right now. The full moon is significant for you this week as well. Do some writing leading up to the full moon and do a ceremony for...whatever the hell you want!
CAPRICORN - Use this week to get in touch with your fears. They are alway there, right under the surface. Talk to them this week. What purpose are they serving? Have they expired? Let’s clean out the fear freezer. Use the full moon to release unnecessary fears and help you lean into being slightly less realistic and pragmatic all the time.
AQUARIUS - They, whoever “they” are, say that the best predictor of the future is the past. But let’s just play with the assumption that “they” may not be right all the time. What if you allowed yourself to feel hopelessly romantic and optimistic. What if you revisit the concept of forgiveness? You certainly can hold a grudge. Maybe under this full moon, open your grudge book and pick one to let go. And then let yourself believe that magical things really can happen to YOU. Then take a nap. Really. “They” say its good for you.
PISCES - Past trauma and trust issues may be nagging at you or your relationship around this time. Full moons provide illumination. And in this case, it is likely to be something within you, a realization. It is critical that you communicate your feelings about whatever is coming up. If trust is the issue, maybe you really don’t trust yourself. Self sabotage? Its time to let that go! To experience love, you must first give it to yourself. Then you have to stick around long enough to receive it back.