What do you really want? And how will you get it?
Holy Cosmos, Batwoman! There is a lot going on in the skies this week! Wow! This week is a big, shiny invitation to really do some self examination as it pertains to our goals, dreams, values, and even our destiny. We are in Scorpio season, so everything gets a little deeper, and sometimes darker. Our shadows are asking to be seen right now, and by acknowledging this part of yourself, you can empower yourself a great deal. This week feels so much like a hard core therapy session to me.
First, there is relationship tension. We are feeling sensitive and dreamy and desiring deeper connection with the people and the world around us. But in response to our reaching out, Life says “Is this what you really want? If so, why?” And Life won’t let us off the hook without a real answer. What are your values? Are they serving your path to progress? What about your partnerships and relationships? Are they a help or a hindrance? And what are you to their path? What parts of yourself have you shoved in the closet because they felt unacceptable? Well guess what...Scorpio loves closets!
If you do the work of really tuning in and listening to your soul this week, the new moon at the end of the week can be harnessed in a really fantastic way to bring about significant change, transformation, alchemy, and miracles. Your intuition is hot right now, so tap in to it!

11/9 – Venus opposite Mars - can create tension, but not necessarily in a negative way. It rather depends on how you react to things.
11/10 – Sun trine Neptune - heightened sensitivity and compassion
11/10 Mercury enters Scorpio - deep & sincere thoughts and emotions, sometimes brashness in communication.
11/11 Venus quincunx Neptune - unrequited love, or unrealistic expectations based on values
11/11 Sun quincunx North Node - do your core values line up with your goals?
11/12 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto - Personally, this gives you the drive and focus to succeed and take power in your life. Globally, we may know by now this plays out very “bigly”. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. This is the third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, this year. We had this conjunction on 4/5 and 6/30. This may precipitate another spike in the pandemic. But this challenges us on all levels to overcome obstacles.
11/13 – Mars direct - forward momentum in personal and global issues. We may be able to feel a better sense of direction now and be better able to make decsions
11/13 Venus trine North Node - follow your desires, they exist to lead you toward something.
11/14 New Moon in SCORPIO 09:07 pm PST - major manifesting, change, and transformation. Tap into your deeper self, your intuition, even your ancestry, to determine how to utilize this new moon for manifesting a path forward
11/14 Sun sextile Pluto - need to succeed
11/14 Sun sextile Jupiter - optimism and good luck
11/15 Venus square Pluto - simmering tension can surface in relationships, power struggles, jealosy, possessiveness.
11/15 Sun inconjunct Eris - where have you buried or suppressed a part of yourself you felt was unlovable or unacceptable, and how might you be sabotaging yourself by remaining unhealed?
ARIES - You are being called out. You should not be “behind the scenes” anymore. Your calling is to be the beacon on the hill, a lighthouse. However, not everyone can handle confronting their own shadow, so you may lose some people. This is not a sign of things falling apart, but of things falling together. Don't dim your light to make others more comfortable.
TAURUS - When you realize how badass you are, you will attract your equal. Your love for your self will help you be able to love others, and to overcome any jealousy or bitterness that may be brewing. The elevation of your vibe will change everything for the better. Do the deep, hard work using this weeks energy.
GEMINI - There is always more to learn. Even masters can expand their knowledge. Your path forward includes mastery of a skill you may already have. While you love knowledge, you may resist this task a bit. But trust the process, this will benefit you in a big way.
CANCER - You may notice some synchronicities and “coincidences” this week and in the near future. Pay close attention to how this puzzle falls into place...it’s a huge clue about something as grandiose as destiny. Things you’ve been working on will start to come together quickly and something that has eluded you will emerge from the shadows.
LEO - If things seem to go quiet, don’t let it shake you. Step into the lull and let loose with your manifesting power. Adjust your vision according to your instincts...dream bigger, or drill down and get the details dialed in. You will always land on your feet.
VIRGO - Under the energy of this week, don’t let your innate sense of practicality box you in. The possibilities are infinite. Let your imagination run wild and tell your rational mind to shush. It’s actually important that you visualize things you don’t see as currently possible in your life.
LIBRA - Everything you have worked for, including the obstacles you’ve overcome, are a part of your victory tapestry. A personal victory is coming. Don’t let discouragement take over now… things will pick up speed and you’ll be on your way. But take your lessons with you- they’re important
SCORPIO - You have what you need to move ahead. This season empowers you with a deep knowing. Follow the tug of passion, interest, and desire… those will connect you to your purpose. You don’t need to become or obtain anything else. You’re just waiting for the lightbulb to come on.
SAGITTARIUS - There are a lot of changes coming down the pike for you. You may have moments of feeling overwhelmed or like you’re juggling while tap dancing. Truthfully you can stand still and let it all fall and it won’t screw anything up. You can’t miss what’s meant for you.
CAPRICORN - When something you expected doesn’t come through this week, count your blessings. There was a shift and things realigned to your benefit. If there is a friend or colleague involved in this news, don’t shoot the messenger. What will finally come through will be better than you expected.
AQUARIUS - It is critical you be kinder to yourself than usual this week and in the near future. Be more gentle in how you speak to and about yourself. Give yourself a break. Your manifesting will be more successful if you infuse it with more self love than you think is necessary. Dote on yourself in a way that you’d hate from a lover.
PISCES- Stop. Look. Listen. The nagging questions you have are there for good reason. Look both ways before you cross the street, little chicken fish. A new route will appear when you realize that there’s more than one way to your goal. Just hit pause for a moment before marching ahead.