BitchScopes for the week of December 7th

I’ve been in the habit of distributing the Scopes to readers on Tuesdays, so lately I’ve been overlapping Mondays so that you don’t miss important stuff on the first day of the week. 

We have such a Monday event on the 14th…

But before I get to that, let’s look at the week in general.  This is sort of a mixed bag in terms of energies, motivation, and confidence.  It isn’t the best week for productivity and kicking ass in the world. There are a couple of boosts to our ambition, drive and confidence, but there are better odds of feeling like you’re missing someone, forgetting something, lacking information, feeling like something is going to happen, or like things just won’t go your way.  It is a good week for a party, but parties are so maybe set up a zoom party with your people.  Overall, you’ll be best served by staying grounded and remembering who YOU are, don’t worry so much about who other people are or aren’t or what they’re doing.  Don’t pick any fights this week, because things are feeling just a little too personal. 

Ok so what about that eclipse? 

Eclipses are always a talking point and reveal interesting things, somewhere in our world.  As I mentioned 2 weeks ago in the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, missing information becomes illuminated.  While lunar eclipses tend to be more of an internal experience, giving us epiphanies and realizations, solar eclipses tend to be more about external events.  Information that was in the shadows can surface and surprise us.  It is not always bad, and it won’t always smack you in the face...only sometimes.  In August of 2017, the “Great American” Eclipse was at 29 degrees of Leo.  It happened to land smack in my boss’ chart on her ascendant and moon, within 2 degrees.  She was in way over her head and had been a thorn in many sides.  The day after the eclipse they fired her.  It was traumatic, I’m sure (I didn’t talk to her), but it was actually beneficial for her for numerous personal reasons. She had childcare struggles, a special needs kid, and the job was just a shitty fit.  She got the job it via the good ol’ boy connection from a Scorpio and another Leo (2 Leos do not a great management mix make!)   She went on to do something muuuuuch more suited to her.  These are the things that an eclipse can do.  Granted, that was also a 29 degree eclipse which is a bit more critical and a “hair on fire” sort of thing, but you get the general idea.  

December 14th is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (not visible in North America).  

Donald Trump is a Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Leo Rising. 

December 14th is also the day that the Electoral college meets to cast their votes and certify the election.  Trump’s Sag Moon is in his 4th house, and perhaps I’m being glib, but it seems like this eclipse is going to make a relocation necessary, for certain. I mean, we’ve known this, but I’m not sure he has.  Anyway, you get the idea. 

In more general terms, this is a super juiced New Moon in the optimistic, philosophical, navel gazing, existential crisis having Sagittarius.  Expand!! Expand damnit! Expand your consciousness, expand your horizons, expand your mind! This is what the New Moon in Sagittarius wants you to do.  New moons are for manifesting.  The last several lunations have been asking us to not think and be so small, but to dream big.  

 12/9 Sun square Neptune - lazy, unmotivated energy

12/10 Venus sextile Pluto - intense longing, love, and fixation

12/10 Pluto square Eris  -  we may feel persecuted or sabotaged

12/10 Venus quincunx Eris - some confusion about roles within close relationships, feelings of being left out

12/11  Mars sextile North Node - diligence, ambition to get on your path

12/11 Sun trine Mars - a boost of energy and confidence 

12/13 Mercury square Neptune - distorted and unclear thinking, confusing conversations

12/14 New Moon in Sagittarius solar eclipse 23° sag - set big intentions, being open to new ideas and ways of doing things

12/14 Venus sextile Jupiter - great for parties and intimate relationships

12/14 Mercury trine Mars - increased conversation

12/14 Mercury conjunct South Node - messages, information, commitments from the past

ARIES - What are you clinging to the tightest in life right now? Loosen your grip.  Fear of change is causing you to hold on to something, someone, some place, some way of living, some belief, that doesn’t work or isn’t needed anymore.  You are a fearless badass.  Can you trust that something better will replace this thing or idea?  

TAURUS - Receiving sounds great.  Seems like it should be easy to just...receive (happy sigh and angels humming).  Its actually not that simple because we have myriad ways of closing ourselves off because we are afraid.  When you are truly open, you will receive both good and bad things, both criticism and reward.  If you feel you have been rejected recently, it means you’ve been open, and that’s good! Don’t shut yourself down and close the doors and windows.  Own what your flaws and faults may be, and continue to be open to receiving joy.  

GEMINI - If you’re feeling bajiggity lately, I wouldn’t blame you. Your ruling planet, Mercury, has been pretty busy.  The Eclipses are on your axis as well.  But don’t try to anticipate every possible outcome.  Your powerful and brilliant mind can sometimes be your undoing.  Whatever happens, that same mind will handle it like a badass.  So give your brain a rest and let life come to you.  

CANCER - Guilt...its a terrible color on everyone. You have a right to feel worthy and loved.  But if you are feeling insecure, guilt ridden, and ashamed, you are curled up around your chakras and they can’t radiate that amazingness out into the world.  Open up and let the light shine on you.  Stand up and be loved.  I love it.  Feel it.  Say it.  Do it.  

LEO - Failure is definitely an option.  It’s actually a requirement.  If you've never failed at anything, you probably haven’t ever left your house.  All the great inventors failed many times before they were successful. It’s a learning process.  The glass is not half empty, nor half is just a work in progress.  Pursue life even if it means you trip and fall sometimes. 

VIRGO - If you are worried about disappointing someone by saying “No” to something, quit it.  You’ll end up disappointing yourself.  You work too hard and sometimes for the wrong reasons. You are not obligated to fulfil every request from every person or thing.  Pick something that gives you joy and fill your own bucket for a while...a few hours, a few days, a few weeks….whatever you need.  Learn to say No. 

LIBRA - You may be resisting expressing your unhappiness or anger about something because you really hate discord.  So what if you offend someone or piss someone off for speaking your truth.  Can you handle that? If you shove down your anger too much and too often it will just fester and give you wrinkles.  

SCORPIO - What if you didn’t have a thing to worry about and your only job was to feel joyful? If you had no worries, what would you blame your mood on? (Get a cat, ask me how I know.)  Just be open to experiencing more joy and love and less fear and worry.  Use your vivid imagination to do something more productive than worrying about what has happened, or what might happen. 

SAGITTARIUS -  Your self esteem may be low, or you may be feeling depressed about the state of things, or guilty about something that you weren’t able to do.  These are all very human.  But don’t let that shit dim your light.  Your idealistic nature is the magic that the world needs, even if the world is too dark to see it right now.  Just be you, without apologies.

CAPRICORN - If you’re too busy to accept a compliment or feel some joy, then you might be in martyr mode.  Hint: you’ll never get that last nail in…  Slow down.  I know you’re the King or Queen of getting shit done, but busy-ness is sometimes just a crutch.  Feelings are Ok, especially this time of year.  Some feelings are even nice...try it out. 

AQUARIUS - You need a nap in a dark, quiet room. Really. You may feel like you’re never going to get all the things done that you “need” to do for all the people, and you actually may not get it all done.  So what?!  I know it dismays you, but You ARE human.  Take a break, take a nap, dream a little dream.  Rest is required for growth!

PISCES - “Let that shit go” is a popular saying.  But you really can’t just “let it go”.  You have to actually face it, feel it, heal it, and then you can let it go.  It can be scary, even terrifying to face the things in your shadow, but you can do it. You’ve done it many times in this life already.  Don’t resist your fear...lean into it.  That's how you overcome it and then it will let YOU go.