Embarking on a New Era...
It may come as no surprise to you that this week is pretty introspective, as this time of year usually is. It is cold, the days are short and dark, the holidays have passed, and the optimism tends to fade into worry. This isn’t just a coincidence or side effect of Western Capitalism.
At the end of 2019, the last Full and New Moons were Gemini and Capricorn, respectively. We were receiving new information and setting new personal goals.
I personally don’t like to do resolutions. I balk at dated goals and quotas of all kinds and I always have. If I have a goal, I tend to keep it very close to me and not share it at all. The idea of working in sales and having a sales goal or quota gives me an instant panic attack. But some people thrive on goal setting. No matter which category you fall into, your 2020 goals were likely rather screwed up by Covid.
At the beginning of 2020, instead of setting resolutions, or even intentions, I chose a word for the year. It was “appreciate”. I don’t really remember how I came about choosing that word, but it was fitting, because the Universe is listening. Not only have I learned to appreciate so many simple things this year, but I have appreciated in my own value. My sense of value to myself has gone way up this year. I made a long awaited decision to not let people outside of me determine my value. This was a theme for me from the time I was about 19, largely related to education and career.
My word for 2021 is Embark. It is just a word that came to me, and I like it.
This last week of 2020, we are reflecting on a dark time in human history in so many ways. But we feel hopeful that there is an end in sight now. We are anxious and impatient for progress, and may be jittery and bijiggity as a result. 2021 has some fantastic potential, as all years naturally do. The transits of this week invite us to examine the areas where we feel insecure, less than, and misunderstood. If something or someone from the past shows up, it is a chance for us to determine if we truly learned the lesson from that event. The full moon asks us to be in our heart, projecting the light out into the cold Capricorn energy. Determine what “home” means to you, so that when you embark on the new year and its adventures, your personal compass is calibrated to know how to return to home.
I had a cool organizer/planner 2 years ago (I had one for 2020 too. Ha. That was a waste of money! hahaha!) that had awesome words on each corner that you could tear off. I’ve kept them and they’ve been sitting in a box, marinating with some crystal energy. I’m pulling a word for each sign to give you a word, or something to grab on to for this coming week, and beyond. Happy New Year, Bitches!
12/29 Full Moon in Cancer
It is the second Full moon in Cancer, this year. As the year closes, we are reminded to listen to our hearts, perhaps more than our heads. Capricorn grounds us, and Cancer brings us “home”. This moon also aspects Uranus, bringing us flashes of insight, and maybe excitement to this area of your chart.
12/30 Venus square Neptune - feelings of insecurity, distorted self image, or distorted perceptions in love and romance.
12/31 Venus conjunct S. Node - “ghosts” of relationships past may pop up, or relationship issues from the past. You can feel somewhat misunderstood.
1/1 Mercury sextile Neptune - relax, heal, create
1/1 Mercury quincunx N. Node - out of the box thinking (may clash with others, depending on the environment you are in at the time)
1/3 Venus trine Eris - you can reconcile the parts of yourself that have felt rejected; inclusion of some shadows of your Venus
1/4 Mercury square Eris - feeling misunderstood
1/4 Mercury conjunct Pluto - adds intensity to thinking and communications
ARIES - The word I pulled for you is “Intentional” and I feel like this applies to many aspects of your life, but primarily to your personal transformation. You can be passively transformed, or you can be intentional about it. Be clear about what you want from yourself, your relationships, your job, etc. Really think about the feelings you want to feel, rather than the specifics of how those feelings come about. Live intentionally and from your heart, which means being aware of your impulsive nature and reigning it in at times. Happy New Year!
TAURUS - The word I pulled for you is “Magnetic”, which I think is perfect for a Taurus! However, I feel that you doubt yourself and have a tendency to isolate, suffering from “imposter syndrome”, or feeling like you aren’t as good/smart/worthy as your colleagues. Claim your magnetism! You are creative and a fantastic team mate. People are drawn to you for many reasons, and your skill set is one of them. Happy New Year!
GEMINI - Your word is “Trust”. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed (and who hasn’t?), insecure, and like you can’t quite find your source of personal power, this is your sign telling you to trust that things will be lining up better in the coming year. Consider the strong possibility that you’re over committed, or trying to compete with others too much. Let go of some things and trust that you’ll still be secure and taken care of. Happy New Year!
CANCER - Your word is “Prosperous”. How can it get better than that? I feel that you need to channel some Capricorn energy (I know we’re all a little sick of it, but…) and get grounded in reality. Too many projects, balls in the air, or ideas about how to make fast money are just distracting you from your primary path. Focus on what speaks most to your heart and do more of that. Endeavors that help others but only take your energy and don’t give you much “prosperity” are things you should consider paring back. Happy New Year!
LEO - The word I pulled for you is “Spacious”. This is yummy and most people don’t give themselves this gift enough! Give yourself the gift of spaciousness, not just physically, but around your feelings. Like a fish that grows only as big as the aquarium will allow, you need space for your own personal growth. Maybe you need a bigger pond, a more expansive career, or just some time dedicated to feeling only your feelings. Ask “is this mine?” until you arrive at the thoughts and feelings that really resonate as belonging to you. Also, work on expanding your aura and the energetic space around you so you have some padding between you and the outside world. Happy New Year!
VIRGO - The word that came up for you is “Evolution”. It is time for you to bust out of the box you’ve put yourself in and walk upright toward something that is both practical AND speaks to your heart. Something in your life is out of balance. But before you go off half cocked and burning things to the ground, get out that color coded spreadsheet of yours and do some long term planning. Evolution is a long game, not a short race. You are more than you’re giving yourself credit or ability to express. Happy New Year!
LIBRA - Well if the word “Luminous” doesn’t describe a Libra, Idanno what does! This coming year is about pleasure and joy and the return to something that feels like home, but better. When you are joyful, you glow and people notice it. When you are in alignment with your soul, you create space for others to be as well. So your pleasure is not selfish, it is actually good for the collective. We are woefully out of balance and lacking joy, so feel free to radiate your happiness without limitations! Happy New Year!
SCORPIO - Your word is as deep as you are…”Solace”. In case you don’t know, solace is comfort in grief or difficulty. This coming year will give you solace. Hallelujah. If you’ve been trying to escape reality because it has just been too much to handle or digest or feel, you can now come out of hiding and embrace life. You’ve spent time hoping for what could change, and now you can go out and make it happen. The solace you receive will come from both your own actions and the new reality that is coming. Happy New Year!
SAGITTARIUS - The word that I pulled for you is “Tender”. I am laughing because I don’t know a single Sadge who would not be laughing themselves. I don’t really think of the tough love truth tellers as “tender”, but this message comes because you need to be tender with YOU. You could answer your disappointment and dissatisfaction with self judgement, but this is your indication that you need to do the opposite. You aren’t made of iron, and while you may not like it, you ARE human. Treat yourself more delicately as you pursue your dreams. And treat your dreams more like flowers and less like nails…Happy New Year!
CAPRICORN - Your word is “Vivacious”. And this bright word comes to you after a period of restlessness, hard work, and exhaustion. You can look forward to feeling more satisfied and making more by doing less. You will feel less frantic and worried and more calm and assured. This coming year you will be calm and assertive, radiate more personal power and confidence, and voila...vivacious! Happy New Year!
AQUARIUS - The word that came up for you (jumped out of the pile, honestly) is “Significant”. This couldn’t be more fitting for a year that the big planets begin lining up in your sign. Jupiter and Saturn are there now, shifting all that Capricorn energy of structure and foundation into a more “others” focused Aquarian vibe. This year WILL be significant for you. And it will be important for you to find your balance and be able to prioritize things. You may have many balls in the air this year, and it will be fabulous. But you’ll need to be light on your feet as well. Happy New year!
PISCES - Well I don’t think you’re gonna hate this word at all….”Charmed” is your word! This looks like a charmed year for you, and it is probably well past time! Your manifestation powers are charmed. Your prosperity vibes are charmed. Charmed opportunities will show up. It isn’t too good to be true, it will just be a charmed life, and you so deserve it! Happy New Year!