No Big Deal
Well, yawn, I mean, there’s not much to talk about this week. But I’ll try. The week starts with a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and is followed the next Monday by a little event called the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. It’s kind of no big deal (heavy sarcasm, people). But here’s some bullet points to illustrate that...
- This is the closest they’ve been since 1623 (or 400ish years)
- Last time it was visible from earth was 1226
- The last conjunction was in May 2000 (in Taurus)
- This is the closest great conjunction until 2080
- Jupiter Saturn conjunctions occur every 20 years
- This is 200 year cycle, within a larger 800 year cycle, as the duo changes elements every 200 years
- From 1226-1425 they occurred in air signs, 1425-1603 in water, 1603-1802 in fire and from 1802 to 2000 in earth.
- Earth sign historical markers : establishment of banking system, scientific materialism (the notion that only the physical world is real, there is nothing supernatural or philosophical that is of importance), the machine era, coal as energy, discovery of oil, stock market crash, capitalism conquered communism (which embraced scientific materialism and was by nature athiest), global recession
- The last time these 2 were in air signs: rapid growth in trade, urban life, the signing of the magna Carta, building of the great Cathedrals, formation of guilds, emphasis on communities, institutions formed for the poor and elderly, the founding of schools and hospitals.
- What to expect for the next 200 years: rapid increase in technology (look how far we’ve come with the internet and mobile phones), instant access to data, expression of human creativity and genius, community values, the greater good, focus on equality, social justice, human rights, a transformation of capitalism into…?
So..yeah. Whatevs. It’s just the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! (hahahahaha)
But for us, personally, the effect of the eclipse and all the transits this week seem to point to a period where we are more focused on the future, our goals, our commitments, and a time where we are parsing through a lot of information. Inspiration is hovering just within our reach. Optimism is growing. We are ready for...something, we just can’t quite tell what it is yet...
This is a time to believe in magic, in the highest vibrations, creativity, hope, and the power of human connection to each other, and to God/Goddess/Universe/Creator/Source. Dream big, love big, receive!
12/14 New Moon in Sagittarius solar eclipse 23° sag - set big intentions, being open to new ideas and ways of doing things (see last week's blog for more details info)
12/14 Venus sextile Jupiter - great for parties and intimate relationships
12/14 Mercury trine Mars - increased conversation
12/14 Mercury conjunct South Node - messages, information, commitments from the past
12/15 Venus sextile Saturn - desire and focus on companionship
12/15 Venus enters Sagittarius - relationships take on a more adventurous, as well as spiritual or philosophical tone
12/16 Mercury trine Eris
12/17 Saturn enters Aquarius- Saturn in Aquarius is about organizing for the future. Humanitarian efforts become more of a focus. The health of the collective vs the wellbeing of the individual entity
12/19 Sun conjunct Mercury - great aspect for good communication, gives your mind a boost of energy
12/19 Jupiter enters Aquarius - shifts our priorities to the future, and general optimism toward the collective
12/20 Mercury enters Capricorn - Authoritative communication, well organized thoughts.
12/20 Venus quincunx Uranus - internal conflict or nervousness about commitments, or your affections may be erratic
12/21 Sun enters Capricorn - We become goal focused and more serious.
12/21 Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius - This is IT. This is THE conjunction of the year, and more than that. This is the biggest fucking deal with these two powerhouses in a few hundred years! There will be great shifts in power. Things become more intense and structures are ripe for change. The approach toward “career” will shift over time.
This week’s scopes are written with “changes” in mind, and how you can most effectively kick ass using the changes to your advantage.
ARIES - Whatever may be trying to make an exit in your life, let it go! It is time. In fact, it may be past time. Even if this departure (or departures) hurt a little, there will be a silver lining. Sometimes a tree or flowering bush must be cut back to allow for new growth. You may feel vulnerable, but there’s a fresh new start coming. Forgiveness is also a key ingredient for your prosperity going forward. Don’t carry that negative shit into your new cycle.
TAURUS - Harmonious partnership is coming. That means if you are dabbling in partnerships that do not bring out the best in you, encourage you, or understand you, it is time to let those weeds go. They are taking up room in the garden of your heart, and all they are doing is using your resources and light. What is coming is so much better than what you leave behind. And you can not mess it up, miss it, or otherwise screw up recognizing it.
GEMINI - Your dreams and wishes can and will come true. But, yes there’s a have to learn to say no to things that you know aren’t right for you. This means jobs, people, and situations that don’t align with what you’re trying to be and achieve. Take some time to appreciate how far you’ve come, and get clear about what you need to still do.
CANCER - What appears to be a very annoying delay, or denial, is actually in your best interest. You don’t have to be happy about it, but you shouldn’t spend too much time being bitter about it. Let go of how something can turn up in your life, and focus more on the feeling you expect this thing to give you. Our tunnel vision and limited human thinking prevents us from receiving in so many ways. Let go of the details and focus on the feeling.
LEO - Be alert and awake, because all the information you need is about to be revealed. It is truly your time to shine, and everything is possible. You are very likely ending a difficult cycle becoming a much more stable and secure person. Your relationships will flourish in this new era, and things will come more easily to you than in the recent past.
VIRGO - Be open to what is new, different and maybe even weird. Approach all opportunities with childlike curiosity. Accept that what is different from you is no less worthy than you. This will be an exercise for a few weeks and if you work at it, your creativity will open up in very exciting ways.
LIBRA - Your bright light is far more influential than you’ve been able to admit or accept. It will be time for you to step into the spotlight soon. When you do, some may criticize you. Do not be tempted to dim or turn down your light for people too uncomfortable to stand in it. Your transformation is inspiring others.
SCORPIO - Relinquishing control is not your favorite thing. But if you can let go of the wheel a bit, you will discover what you’ve been missing. This is a call to have faith and believe in what you can not yet see. Instead of “build it and they will come”, you have been working on the business plan, hammering out the financials, and designing the logo. Explore, dream, discover. Then make plans.
SAGITTARIUS - You are poised for significant advancement and success! Your perspective needs a little tweak, however. Get out of the weeds of details and zoom out to the big picture. One of your gifts is aligning with Spirit to gain perspective. Use this gift for yourself right now and believe in things you may have told yourself are unrealistic.
CAPRICORN - Your passion and ambition make you unstoppable. You aren’t afraid of hard work and this not only gets you to the finish line, it gets you there first. Right now its time to tap in to your truest self and live life on your own terms, without concern for people who question you or obstacles in your way. Greet any challenge with the calm strength that defines you at your core.
AQUARIUS - Things are about to shift powerfully in to your favor. So for the moment, take a step back, rest, and gain clear perspective and focus on what you really want to achieve and experience. Being alone with yourself right now will help your mind to not get muddled with other people’s needs and wants. When the tide comes in, you want your ship pointed in the direction of your dreams.
PISCES - Collect the facts and then trust your instincts and intuition to determine how to use them. You do need some outside information to complete your action plan. That information is going to come to you in a cluster of other information. Take note of all of it and parse it out using your gut. Take action when you feel ready, no sooner, and no later.