Embrace your best bitch self
Well Bitches I am happy to report that this week is looking quite nice! There is an energy building of optimism and this is a great week to really focus on your longer term goals, what you want your life to look like, and really do the work to move your toward your calling, your destiny, and your dreams.
It's a good week for communications and feeling positive. Even though Mercury is retrograde, the aspects it makes create opportunities to express our deeply held thoughts and beliefs, even if only to ourselves (which is the most important person in that conversation!) You may feel more open to new ideas, advice, or guidance toward changes than you normally do.
There are a couple of transits that are a little more harsh than the rest, but those also are pushing you to be your best self. Saturn sextile Chiron really wants you to heal something so that you can pass Go and advance toward your best self. Mercury square Mars does have the potential to create a disagreement if you don’t watch yourself. Eris comes in to give you confidence, even though she may be a smidge too aggressive, it is time for you to stand up for what you deserve.But the best part of this week is The New Moon in Aquarius. This is a very empowering moon which encourages independence, uniqueness of self expression, and the inspiration to pursue your dreams. In rocky relationships, this could lead to some distance. But well established partnerships will benefit from this lunation. New moons are a great time for setting intentions and planting new seeds or starting new projects. Shoot for the moon and dream big...If its something that you really feel in your heart, you’re supported in your quest, no matter how weird.
And of course, on Sunday...Happy Valentine’s Day, the most dreaded of all the holidays. Love it or hate it, embrace it or ignore it...it’s up to you. The colors of V-day are great for supporting a connection between your root chakra (red) and your heart chakra (pink), giving you a feeling of stability and self confidence, and the desire to truly love yourself. At the very least, give yourself a day of self compassion for whatever you’re going through or have gone through. Be as gentle with yourself as you would with a very young child who needed some TLC. Or better yet, harness this for healing your wounds around acceptance and rejection.
Speaking of rejection, I’ve included asteroid lilith in this week’s Scopes. I will do a show on BitchSplaining soon to talk about the Dark Triple Goddess. She’s pretty complicated, so for now and to keep it brief: Lilith represents what we sacrifice for our independence, grief about hard choices, our rebellion, and our exile for standing up for ourselves. She aspects Mercury, Venus and Jupiter this coming week, giving what should feel like a bold confidence about our value as an individual.
It’s a good week for Bitches!
2/8 Sun conjunct Mercury Rx - Despite Mercury being retrograde in this aspect, this bodes wells for good communication. You may even be able to access thoughts and feelings that you normally have trouble finding words for
2/9 Saturn sextile Chiron - this can feel a little harsh at first, but this transit encourages healing at a deep level in order to accomplish your work in the world.
2/9 Mercury Rx trine North Node - You may find yourself more open to ideas or communication that advance you towards your calling
2/10 Mercury square Mars - impulsive or rushed thinking, pushiness, short-temper
2/11 New Moon in Aquarius 11:08AM - Independence, goals, hopes, dreams, innovation
2/11 Venus conjunct Jupiter - Luck in love and/or money
2/11 Sun sextile Eris - a medium level “take no shit” vibe; ambitious, demand for recognition.
2/12 Mercury conjunct Venus - “I just called to say I love you” vibes, expression of appreciation, feelings of gratitude and harmony
2/12-13 Asteroid Lilith conjunct Venus and Jupiter - this is also a strong aspect for self confidence through healing, and through embracing the whole self (shadow work)
2/13 Mars sextile Neptune - romantic, sexy energy; also creative drive
2/14 Mercury Rx conjunct Jupiter - good news, optimism, feeling happy
2/14 Venus trine North Node - attracts the right people into your life; connection that benefit your destiny
2/15 Asteroid Lilith conjunct Mercury - thoughts go deep, dabble in the dark, feel empowered
ARIES - It is time to let some of your guard down in regards to making new friends and connections. Those defenses have served you well, but you are safe now to deconstruct some of those walls. You don’t have to fit in, exactly. Just be yourself. Use this week to heal any wounds around friendships and rejection. Mercury is retrograde so it doesn’t mean you should call up your ex BFF and try to reconcile, because that has ended for a reason. Can you make peace with it and be open to the next BFF? Of course you can you silly bitch!
TAURUS - There’s some chaotic energy around your career. It could be that a change is coming, if it hasn’t already. It is a positive change, even though this transition may give you some anxiety. If you feel less than qualified to deal with whatever challenge is in front of you right now, be reassured that you have everything you need to kick ass. You are more ready than you think you are! Tap into this week’s transits for more confidence. You’re a badass Bitch!
GEMINI - Let your mind undergo the shift and transformation that is trying to happen. Your beliefs may shift, as well as what you really want from life. There’s a portal for you this week to receive a lot of Divine insight and clarity around your goals, and what you need to do or learn to achieve them. Accept help when it shows up, in whatever form it appears. Practice saying yes this week and letting go of the need to know or be right. Stop arguing with Life, Bitch.
CANCER - Introspection is not only your friend this week, but it is likely to happen automatically. Your ruler, the moon, is absent from the sky (to our eyes) so your voice may feel a bit muted. That’s Ok. In the seeming absence of the Lunar Mother, give yourself the gift or nurturing and unconditional love. No matter what kind of feelings you have, or mood you’re in, or how you feel about yourself, hold yourself with no judgement about any of it the way a perfect mother tends to a fussy baby. Let yourself be and feel cared for exactly as you are right now. You’re a sensitive Bitch and that is OK!
LEO - You may be asked to be bold and brave this week (and you know by “asked” I mean lovingly shoved in the direction of”). Luckily this is one of your strongest skills. You’re about to level up in some aspect of your life, and it will require trust and faith as you jump “blindly” into some unknown. You may second guess yourself around this choice or issue, and some close to you may question it as well. Jump anyway. Bitch. This is your sign.
VIRGO - While your routine and your life in general may feel a bit shaken up and messy, there is certainly a plan. Have faith in the power of the law of attraction. What you seek is also seeking you. But in your quest to have things a certain way, you’ve created chaos in the path. Let go of how things happen and visualize the end result. Needing to control the “how” is a defense mechanism and it speaks to your difficulty in having faith. Surrender, Bitch, and let life happen FOR you.
LIBRA - You also need to let go of the “how” in life. Focus on the “what” far more than the “how”. If your projects and relationships aren’t moving the way you want them to, let go of the steering wheel and trust the process. If relationships or goals fall off the list, that’s OK. This is how you grow...by shedding things every so often. Stop overthinking and trying to control everything, Bitch.
SCORPIO - Anxiety and excitement have very similar vibrations. The butterflies you feel when something happens or you meet someone new are often ambiguous. Is it a warning sign or is it meant to be? Your need to be in control to avoid pain is holding up a process. Vulnerability is called for, which might mean you lose your shit a little. It needs to happen. Put yourself out there in whatever way is called for and unleash the hounds. Let go, Bitch.
SAGITTARIUS - New opportunities are knocking! Stay in the flow. Focus on your goals and the outcome, and the energy around those will expand. A certain amount of discomfort and chaos is necessary to create the changes in your life that you seek. Getting out of your comfort zone is necessary. Stay focused on the end goal and narrow your field of attention. Open the door, Bitch.
CAPRICORN - A clearing out of the old has been happening in your life for some time. You may feel more like a lone wolf than ever, as so much of what has been familiar has either left, been stripped away, or been released by you. You are in an open pasture, on a blank canvas, and great things are going to be built. There is no question. Let this happen and unfold, because it is going to be better than you hoped. You’re in an awkward place now, but you’re about to embark on some cool new stuff. Embrace the emptiness, Bitch.
AQUARIUS - The price of individuality is that you must guard it and care for it. Because even you, oh weird one, can fall prey to the desire to fit in and be “normal”. Honor your own truths and your own unique journey by simply remaining on your path and being yourself. An exciting change is coming for you, and you will find it on that road less taken. You are a square peg in a room full of round holes, and that is just fine. Be a 4 cornered Bitch, because that’s what you were born for. Your square hole is coming.
PISCES - You have a natural tendency to become like those you are around most often. You absorb their ideas and thoughts and feelings. You are truly a shapeshifter as you move through your day and your life. Use this week, this moon, and the current energy to reflect on the true you, stripped of everyone else’s stuff. It might even feel foreign or awkward to only feel yourself. But it is important you keep sight of who you are and what you want, not letting what others want for you pollute your truth. Dry off, you watery Bitch, and take time to feel only yourself.