Make that Change

Well I’m not gonna lie, Bitches...writing these Scopes has been a struggle. I damn near threw my computer into the ocean. I have been battling a migraine since Friday. So I am definitely not in the mood to wrestle with computers who work slower than I do! But despite my foul mood, in looking at this week’s transits, I am very optimistic and feeling a little excited!

This week has a whole host of transits all aimed at helping us reach our goals and making desired changes in our lives. The timing is on your side, the moon is on your side...hell, even Mars and Pluto are on your side. One minor caveat: watch yourself for being overly controlling or manipulative.

Mercury is now direct...what did you learn during the past few weeks about your inner Spock? Put those ideas to work now!

Now, on to the individual scopes, because this bitch is exhausted!

2/24 Asteroid Lillith enters Capricorn (until March 16) - Lilith here can bring out feelings of being neglected,and will compensate by being controlling. She is willing to use sex as a means to feel in control and to feel accepted.

2/24 Mars trine Pluto - an intense fire and desire to achieve your goals

2/25 Venus enters Pisces - affection becomes more important, but there can also be a longing for something we can’t put our finger on

2/25 Sun sextile Uranus - Can bring pleasant surprises. Also...let your freak flag fly; express your uniqueness

2/26 Jupiter trine True Node - Divine timing is on your side

2/27 1219 AM PST  Full Moon in Virgo - Make that Change (cue Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”) The Full moon is quincunx Saturn (essentially describes work/life balance, adjusting responsibilities) and Trine Uranus (brings awareness that will allow you to make changes you’ve been desiring)

ARIES - This week, you might be aware of how one of the organizations or groups you have a vested interest in has some changing dynamics. It could be that new roles are being handed out. Or you might be changing up your friendships. It could be a little upsetting. Listen carefully to the logical part of yourself, and not the reactionary part, and if necessary, have a talk with certain people. I wouldn’t call it a “confrontation”, but it could turn out that way...and that’s perfectly OK. Bitch, stop apologizing!

TAURUS - Balance, Bitch! Wooo...that financial goal you’ve been working on is getting closer! There may be some changes at work. Now may be a good window for you to ask for a raise or change of department etc. Update your resume and put yourself out there. Better is coming, one way or another. You may find fulfillment and stress relief from a cause that is dear to you...perhaps some volunteer work. Its important to try to maintain balance between work and home, your head and your heart.

GEMINI - No rose colored glasses needed. You will be willing and able to see things very clearly this week. If you’ve been in denial about the need to do something to push you forward, that denial will fall away now. You may surprise yourself with a desire to go back to school or expand your study or something. Be patient, and try to be focused this week. Your squirrely brain will be very active, (as it likely has been since birth...but especially the last couple weeks) so you’ll need to really try to get things done and not be flitting all over the house accomplishing very little. Focus, bitch.

CANCER - Problem solved, Bitch. A financial issue that has been bugging you can find resolution this week, whether through a loan, a surprise boost to your income, or an end to the issue as a whole. Technology is your friend this week, and that is a mantra you’ll want to keep in mind throughout the week. Relationships (mostly friendships) can be transformed this week and next. That may mean a promotion for some friends, and a pink slip for others. It’s time to let some people go, and you know right away who they are.

LEO - You’re a bored Bitch. While you are familiar with the tale of the tortoise and the hare, you are probably sick to death of waiting for things to happen. Everything is slow and its so boring! Things are happening, its just mostly happening behind the scenes. You’re ready for your big performance, but the sets have to be painted, the sound guy has to figure out his sound board, the lighting tech has to replace some equipment...all these things happen without you to make you look your best. So try to be patient and keep running those lines! Your time IS coming!

VIRGO - Upgrade, Bitch. Is it time to upgrade some part of your work life? Yeah, it is. You don’t like change much, and you certainly don’t like not having full control over your daily routine. But if you can set aside a couple days to analyze your work flow, or maybe even install new software or computer, you’ll be glad you did. It may also be time to consider upping your dating game if you’re single.

LIBRA - You are normally pretty tolerant and can be very patient, but this week you may have had it up to here and feel unable to hold it in. You know what? Its ok. Say what you need to say. Because you’re you, it is unlikely you’ll say anything mean or cruel or out of line. So with that in mind, speak on it! That same energy may translate into a very protective vibe with your family (or you may need protection from your family!) Don’t be afraid to do what is best for you! Speak up, Bitch.

SCORPIO - Everything may seem utterly important this week...from people’s words, to your words, to small tasks and routine. You will be in a deeply feeling place and taking everything a little personally. This isn’t terrible, especially if you’re aware. This energy can facilitate a great conversation with your partners, both romantic and business; and your ability to feel into the details makes this a great week for negotiating. Get it done, Bitch.

SAGITTARIUS - Never one to back down from a verbal drama, you may surprise yourself and others this week with an announcement. Disruption is a necessary energy right now, and it might have you cleaning house, in more than one way. You will feel nervous about these changes, but also very excited, which is your favorite emotion. Make small changes to your house, rearrange the furniture, drive a different way into town, turn off your something different than you normally do. Change it up, Bitch.

CAPRICORN - Hide your credit card, Bitch. Uranus really wants you to thrive, and is shaking up things in your money department to get you thinking outside the box. You may be tempted to spend more on something than usual, but resist the urge. Are you bored? Probably so. Make some lists of goals and things you want to achieve this year. Make note of the things that require money to make them happen. Seeing it laid out this way will give you an a-ha moment. You are the solutions master right now, solving problems left and right. Keep going on your own lists as well as other people’s.

AQUARIUS - You may not realize it at the time that it is happening, but you will be doing something with far reaching and ground breaking effects. You are an influencer, and you hate influencers! How’d this happen? Well the world is hungry for your unique ideas and solutions, so now is not the time to be shy or second guess your desires. Keep being your weird self and pushing’re making changes in the world! Just be you, Bitch.

PISCES - You’re a genius, Bitch. A dream or vision or bolt of insight could propel you into a deep inner thought process and a breakthrough. Write everything down and allow yourself to feel excited. This breakthrough will help more than just you. It may be as subtle as deciding to compliment people more, or as ground breaking as a new idea that could change lives. You’ll feel passionately about it, whatever it is. Keep a notebook with you this week!