Feel and Heal
It looks to be a busy week ahead, both for our healing, and with our minds, and probably those 2 elements together. With the sun in Aries and the Spring equinox at our back, we will feel anxious and ready to get on with things. But we need to watch out for rash behavior.
Before we “get on with it”, we have to do some work on ourselves. Our “sacred work”, ideal career, or our “calling” seems to be a focus at the moment. But the planets are telling us that we need to heal and serve ourselves before we can heal and serve others. Where you feel triggered, oversensitive, or fearful this week, take note. That is the illumination of your wounds.
Mercury is active this week, so your mind may run ahead of you. Use the full moon to declutter your mind of painful memories or old hurts. In order to move ahead, you must lighten your load. Things are leaning toward your independence from the things that have held you back thus far. But in order to succeed, you need to be well acquainted with yourself on a deep level. You won’t have any one else to blame for either your happiness or unhappiness. And while we may think that sounds great, we may not realize how often we use the assholes around us that “keep us down” as a way of avoiding responsibility for our own shit. This is a reference to the work you do ior want to do in the world, not interpersonal relationships. Meaning, I am not victim blaming anyone if they are in an abusive relationship...that is a whole other ballgame.
But your personal relationships are not off the hook either. If there are wounds or resentments hanging around, it will weigh you down as you attempt to pursue your dreams.
March 22
Mars square Vesta - irritations or limitations in or at work due to resistance; probably resisting something that is meant for our own good
March 23
Mercury square Mars - good mental energy, but watch for rushed decision making, or agitation
March 24
Mercury square North Node - possibly overanalyzing your next step toward your goal or purpose
March 25
Mars sextile Ceres - putting effort toward helping others
March 26
Sun conjunct Venus - harmonious, increased attractiveness, possibly laziness
Mars conjunct North Node - restless, anxious to implement steps toward goal
March 27
Mercury sextile Lilith - your rebellious or freedom loving ideas are more easily expressed
March 28
Uranus trine Vesta - unexpected changes bring greater independence in your work or career
Venus quincunx Vesta - necessary adjustments in personal or professional relationships (or with your relationship to yourself)
Chiron quincunx Vesta - healing must occur in the areas where you hold sacred beliefs or do what you consider to be sacred work.
Venus conjunct Chiron - vulnerability and healing in relationships
Full Moon in Libra - This is a beautiful full moon for healing, which has been a theme for 2021 so far. We have Venus, Chiron and the Sun working together. The Moon is in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars, so solutions should come with minimal effort, providing you’ve made room for those solutions. We’ve started a new astrological year. Last year (the year of WTF),, the Libra New Moon was in April, and we still had no idea what we’d be dealing with this pandemic for this long. We had no idea what our country and the world would go through. We have so much grieving and mourning and healing to do. We are different than we were. Utilize this full moon to really release any of that old you that doesn’t align with who you are now. Relationships are particularly emphasized in Libra, so if your relationship needs healing, this is the full moon to do it.
March 29
Mercury conjunct Neptune - dreamier thinking, meditation, interest in mysteries and art and imagination.
Sun quincunx Vesta - potholes on your path are illuminated; adjustments to the goals you hold as sacred
Sun conjunct Chiron - Progress with healing; wounds can be illuminated and thereby healed
ARIES - Your solar 12th house is lit up now, so you maybe more than anyone, will be meeting with your buried wounds. The Libra full moon is opposite your Sun so you may feel the push-pull of self vs. other. Do the necessary work on both! Your partner is very likely to be amenable to some romance, fun, and a little adventure. See?! Its not all work and no play! Fulfillment, particularly in relationships, is on the horizon for you, and this one will stick!
TAURUS - Your 11th house of hope and dreams is activated this week, opposite the moon in your 5th house of play. I can hear Taurus going “yay! We get to play!”. Ahem. sit down. Yes, you can play with your friends, but first you need to tend to that inner child. The one that had way too much pressure placed on him or her. The one that didn’t get what he or she needed during some critical phases of your childhood. The moon will help you do this work, you just need to be open to it. After you do your chores, then you can go chase your dreams. Use what you’ve learned from your inner mother to be of service to others.
GEMINI - You’re going to need to be aware of your mental speed this week. Before you get ahead of yourself, pump your brakes. Try to organize your 1 million thoughts and feelings into some kind of play or strategy. Get your ducks in a row at home. Maybe that is literal and you need to get your shit together, or maybe it is a call to look for cracks in your foundation. What beliefs no longer serve you on your path? How do you want to be perceived by the world at large? Dress for the job you want, not the job you have...in the energetic sense. Balance is a challenge for you, but if you can find it, your success will taste so much sweeter.
CANCER - You may definitely be sensing the Spring energy, even if its still cold where you live. The idea of seeing your friends and resuming some of your outdoor activities will be barking at your door. (Do ideas bark? Idanno...I guess they do in this horoscope.) Your healing is going to be focused in the area of your beliefs and knowledge. Healing can take place where you feel that your education or religion has failed you, or in areas where you feel insecure about it. Your siblings and close friends will be an active energy around you this week. Make sure you are not over-giving, and shorting yourself.
LEO - You should be starting to see the saplings emerging from the ashes pretty soon. Not just in the sense that Spring is coming, but in the sense that, areas of your life that may have been burned are regenerating now. Some of this is bound to be financial. I do also feel a strong sense of physical healing at this time. If you feel it is time for you to grieve or mourn some aspect of your life that you’ve lost or never quite had, this is a beautiful time to give yourself that space and gift. Release your pain to the moon. The moon will also show you the holes and leaks in your banking checkbook and your personal valuation so that you can fix them… in terms of things like: loans where you are paying more interest than necessary, loans you may qualify for, sources of income that you may be overlooking, and ways you have not fully appreciated or rewarded yourself. Be L’oreal this week: Because you’re worth it.
VIRGO - Your solar house of self is activated by this week’s full moon. You will want to be alone and bask in its energy, but you will be pulled into group settings and partnerships and relationships all week. You can still make time for yourself, even though you’re arguing with me as you read this. Somewhere in your workaholic (cough cough martyr) schedule you CAN find time for yourself. Ironically it is likely to also take place in a group setting. The full moon falls on Sunday, so carve out some time for your own meditation and healing, even if you do it with others. You’ll have some alone time soon enough, I swear.
LIBRA - This is your full moon, and it will show you the ways to move forward. Finish your unfinished business where you are currently. Address any wrongs or crappy feelings. Heal any resentments you have and give it to the moon. The sun is in your solar 6th house of routine and service. So if your routine has been upended recently, it should be settling down. It is important that you balance your service to others with your own personal healing. The moon may activate guilt you may not have been in touch with until now. Resolve it, forgive yourself, and prepare to move ahead.
SCORPIO - Your boredom with the tedium and monotony of life lately will have you craving some playtime with your friends. Creative play, childlike fun, and creative energy are definitely the way to find your healing right now. Even if you are just healing the boredom, that is a worthy cause! The caveat is to not ignore your more intimate relationships at this time, because there is a definite need emanating from the direction of your partner. So balance your time between your own children and your inner child. Everyone gets a turn on the fun bus.
SAGITTARIUS - Your 4th and 10th house axis is lit up this week, so you may feel tension or anxiety about balancing home life and work, or feeling uncertain about a living or work situation. The moon is lighting up your 10th house, opposite the sun in your 4th. Use the full moon to soothe the tension between those 2 entities and release guilt you feel about either. If there are issues from your childhood that you need to address and forgive, this is a great time to do it. Repairing cracks in your foundation from your upbringing can bring growth in your career as well, because your sense of confidence and security will be strengthened. After this week, you’ll have more clarity about what to do with a situation from one of these 2 houses (maybe both).
CAPRICORN - Brace yourself for a nibble from the travel bug, Cap. You are likely to be feeling the need for speed or for adventure in general with the moon in your 9th house. The sun is in your 3rd house, so gather information and pricing and do some initial planning for that trip you want to take (Shoot for June or July). If communication with a family member or close work partner has been funky lately, this full moon could offer some healing energy. Tap in to the energy of “what do I believe” about this situation, and write it down. You might be surprise how just that could help you make a minor shift in a relationship.
AQUARIUS - Take a breath and a break this week. It is likely to be a feel-y week, so carve out some time to be alone with your thoughts. The moon is lighting up your 8th house, and that’s not the kiddie pool. Old grief may surface for you, or you may feel burdened by feeling you owe someone something. Examine what you value about yourself that is in the way of letting that feeling of obligation go. Use the moon to release any heavy or negative feelings you have about someone from your past. It is time to close that book and truly move ahead.
PISCES - Healer, heal thy Self...as in, the self that is your identity. While the moon activates your partnership house, the sun and Chiron are in your 1st house of self. You may feel a bit needy toward your partner this week and under this full moon. But as always, it is important for you to maintain your self of self and personal identity. Re-examine your goals and dreams and ask yourself if they really match up with who you truly are. Don’t let yourself be defined by other people’s expectations. If you do feel like you need extra TLC from your partner, this moon looks really sweet for getting those needs met.