Healing as a means of progressing toward your goals

I'm keeping the overview here short and sweet: 

One theme I am noticing in the transits of this week is that of established intimate relationships and the security that they can enjoy when they are healthy. There’s  a continuation of the theme of finding your path, adjusting your trajectory, and healing as a means of moving forward. The Universe is asking us to really examine our hearts desires about our future, but the heart must also be healed in order to allow the GPS to work properly.

So this week, get some rest and soak up some of the healing energy offered.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Open yourself up to healing old wounds. Let’s get to it…

March 29
  • Mercury conjunct Neptune - dreamier thinking, meditation, interest in mysteries and art and imagination.
  • Sun quincunx Vesta - potholes on your path are illuminated; adjustments to the goals you hold as sacred
  • Sun conjunct Chiron - Progress with healing; wounds can be illuminated and thereby healed

March 30
  • Venus sextile Saturn - love and relationships take on a more serious/responsible tone

March 31

  • Sun sextile Saturn - serious work ethic; the path forward and what is required may become illuminated
  • Venus sextile North Node - attracts positive influences to your moving forward on your path
  • Mercury square Juno - understanding and communication needed in marriage or close relationships, disagreements are possible

April 2
  • Mercury sextile Pluto -thinking and communication can feel or be intense
  • Pallas opposite Vesta - you plan(s) and your passion(s) may be out of balance

April 3

  • Venus conjunct Ceres - intimate relationships are nurtured and secure

April 4
  • Mercury enters Aries - fast thinking and decision making, action oriented thinking
  • Jupiter sextile Juno - acceptance and openness in intimate relationships

April 5
  • Jupiter sextile Eris - opportunity for growth as a result of upsets, or, the escalation of upsets

ARIES - Touch in with your friends this week. In doing so, you may find that someone is struggling with their identity, or you may say something that triggers them because they are having a hard time fitting in to some box they think they need to fit into. But before you fly into advice mode, think before you speak and be extra compassionate. Most of the zodiac are feeling soft and squishy and you’re straight forward approach might inadvertently hurt someone. Take care of boring, mundane tasks at home as soon as possible or they are going to fall off your list and then you’ll be mad at yourself.

TAURUS - It's time to put yourself out there a bit in terms of your work. Particularly if you do something related to the 3rd house (communications, writing etc.) You’ve put this off for a long time but you have what it takes so get to it. You are a very nurturing partner, particularly this week. Be careful though that you don’t absorb someone else’s drama and trauma. Boundaries are important, even in love.

GEMINI - There’s a lot of information available to you this week. You love information, but you might feel a little overwhelmed. Stop and get still for a little while. For some that means meditation, for others it means physical exertion. Whatever quiets your brain a bit is what you need to do. The decision you need to make will feel much clearer after you’ve quieted your mind. If asked to keep a secret this week...please do.

CANCER - A recent interaction with a colleague or friend may have left you scratching your head and wondering if they are pissed at you. They aren’t, but it wouldn’t hurt to try to re-establish a more typical and happy dialogue with them. You may feel sensitive about all of your friendships and close relationships this week, maybe wondering if you are aligned. Rather than take action about any of these things, cathart via art or writing to get clear on how you really feel.

LEO - You need to give yourself permission to rest this week. You may be busy catching up on things that you procrastinated, but you can still only do so much in a day. Your energy may swing from high to low, so listen to your body and give it what it needs. If you need a place to focus all that “doing” energy, focus on your financial or business stuff.

VIRGO - This current energy has your name all over it. You may find plenty of people around you ready to give you some support, and you may find yourself needed by someone close as well. You love to help others, but can sometimes resist help for yourself. Seek balance in that this week. Give advice when asked for it, but also be willing to receive it when it shows up too...even if it's from an unusual source..

LIBRA - A friend or someone you work with could be in a mood that is making you want to burn a bridge. We both know you can’t even light a match to burn a bridge, but before you do say something too harsh, consider the fact that the person is speaking out of a wounded place. You don’t have to take their shit, but you don’t need to fire them as a friend either. You are highly thought of and it will show in the coming weeks.

SCORPIO - Love is on your mind, and it really wants to come out of your mouth this week. It may have you feeling restless and antsy. Relax...you’ve got this. Anything you put effort into right now is going to have good results, including relationships. Your anxiety may surface in your dream life, but don’t over analyze. Give yourself some peace and just acknowledge the fears and bajiggityness...then it will fade.

SAGITTARIUS - Help is at hand! The right people with the right connections are coming to help you reach your goals. You may find yourself enjoying a level of success that you’ve been missing for a long time. Don’t forget about your friendships during this time of “highs”. They’ve been there for you during the “lows” and they need your support too.

CAPRICORN - A personal relationship that went sideways or ended in a way that chapped your ass a bit may show up again and offer some perspective. The actual person may not physically show up in your life, and they may not even call or text. But the energetics of the situation will be at the front of your mind. Open yourself to the healing process. Your business plans and ambitions are poised to do very well in the coming weeks and months. Make sure your finances are organized...you’ll be glad you did.

AQUARIUS - old connections can yield great new results. An unexpected interaction with someone may re-infuse you with hope and excitement about your plans that have been in the works. If you’ve been discouraged and questioning whether to move ahead, you can find validation this week. There is support for your dreams! On the other hand, if someone pisses you off this week, hold your tongue and put away your matches.

PISCES - If you need inspiration for business or financial plans, you may unexpectedly find it in nature. Maybe it isn’t that unexpected, since you are ruled by Neptune. At any rate, the artistic expressions that you allow to flow out of you can help guide you to some answers about things much more mundane. Let the love flow in your home and with the people closest to you. Everyone needs it right now, and you could use some in return as well.