I guess we better work, bitch...(insert scrunched face here)

There is a theme this week of work, work-life balance, changes in the work you do, etc.  Problem solving and finding work-arounds for things that don’t work are also a theme.  The desire to escape can surface as a means of avoiding conflict and frustration. On the up side, though, there is plenty of information and news to satisfy whatever your question is.  Love and intimacy look good this week (unless you work with your spouse or your spouse is your boss, in which case there may be some spill over tension), as does the healing process. Pay attention to your natal Mars and Chiron...those are the houses that are activated for healing. (for me its my 10th and my 6th and I cannot even emphasize how accurate this feels, because I am really struggling with my work routines and habits!) 

In other good news, the Spring Equinox gives us yet another “new year” of sorts, and an opportunity to have a fresh start on things.  Most of the world celebrates January 1st as the New Year, obviously.  And then there’s Chinese New year in February.  The Equinox, when the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is the astrological new year.  So take advantage of it and set some intentions.  Personally I have felt February and March up to now to be very difficult and I’m definitely going to be utilizing this energy to shift this energy!  Be as idealistic as you feel like being...that is the point!

March 15

  • Venus square Juno - conflict in relationships; compromise and cooperation needed
  • Mercury enters Pisces - our unconscious mind becomes easier to access. Be aware of the desire to escape too much, or get lost in non-reality (i.e. too much dreaming and not enough working)
  • Moon sextile Jupiter - idealistic and humanitarian

March 16

  • Chiron conjunct Ceres (over several days) - strong caretaker energy
  • Chiron sextile Mars - drives you to work on your healing journey
  •  Sun sextile Pluto - boosts your need to succeed

March 18

  •  Venus sextile Pluto - love intensifies and deepens
  • Mercury conjunct Pallas - problem solving; the  desire for new information

March 19

  • Saturn sextile Ceres -  the work/life balance can be achieved with planning
  • Saturn quincunx Vesta - changes and adjustments to work and responsibilities

March 20

  • Sun enters Aries - we can feel more enthusiastic and spontaneous; the desire to conquer
  •  March Equinox  -  It is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when night and day have approximately equal length all over the planet. It is time for rebirth and new beginnings.

March 21

  • Mercury sextile Uranus - exciting news and conversation
  • Mars trine Saturn - provides the drive and stamina for hard work, mental or physical
  • Venus enters Aries -   You enjoy flirting and short-term relationships, no-string-attached. Love at first sight becomes possible

March 22

  • Mars square Vesta - irritations at work

ARIES - Slow your roll, Bitch.  With the Pisces sun in your solar 1st house, your may be caught up in the dream and not notice the details.  Don’t rush ahead without paying attention to what or who is around you.  Don’t try to push a project to completion right now.  Be in the flow and try not to steer the river.  If your finances need some attention, make small adjustments one or two things at a time, as opposed to throwing up your hands and taking out some crazy loan. I know you love to run, but save the running for your feet, not your mind, your mouth, or your decision making. 

TAURUS - Career continues to be a focal point for you, and you might feel frustrated this week by the obstacles in your way.  You can see what’s on the other side of these potholes and rocks, but getting there may require different tires.  Or, you may decide to simply walk the rest of the way, which means you’ll get there later rather than sooner, but you and your “vehicle” will be in one piece. 

GEMINI - You may be a grumpy bitch this week, so utilize whatever is your go-to calming tool.  Little annoyances can add up and make you snappy.  You might feel overly critical of the people around you.  But none of this is about them, so much as the fact that life will not move fast enough for you.  Your mind is a speed racer, and you’re ready to be at the finish line yesterday.  But there are annoying details with paperwork and various projects that are hanging you up.  Just get them done, and try not to be mean to the people around you. 

CANCER -  This week you'll need to find balance between standing in your own beliefs, and being willing to maybe change them when faced with a challenge.   If challenged by a person, you are bound to feel like a defensive bitch and confrontation is an option.  It isn’t your best option however.  Rather than clap back (which you are so good at), say as little as possible and examine  what the person or situation is telling you.  You may still arrive at the choice to clap back, but do the inner work first. 

LEO -  You’re a fire sign bitch, so I don’t really have to explain heat to you.  But be aware this week that others may rubbing against you, and the friction is not sexy (sorry).  Little things might really get on your nerves, and you may feel some friction with your partner about finances or job stuff.  Keep your cool and don’t burn down the village.  This will pass!

VIRGO - Where you feel blocked this week, climb or jump over it.  There is no reason to wait for someone to rescue you, or for a solution to show up, when you are quite capable of getting around this problem the old fashioned way.  Relationship issues may have you feeling jittery and wanting to talk things out.  But a little space and grace will work better than a “talk”.  Give it some time. 

LIBRA - You may feel really over the mundane bullshit of day to day work stuff right now.  The Sun is in your solar 6th house and it just doesn't motivate you.  Adding to your over-it-ness, other people’s moods will be splashing on you and you may just want to lock your office door.  You go right ahead, bitch! If you put your foot down in a reasonable way before this energy really sets you on fire, you will be able to nip it before trouble arises.  If you are buried in work...delegate, bitch!.  

SCORPIO - All work and no play makes Scorp a grumpy bitch. You’re bored.  You’re searching for deeper meaning in things that don’t need deeper meaning.  Accept certain things and people at their very boring and superficial face value.  Find depth and intrigue elsewhere or within yourself.  This period of boredom will pass very soon.  

SAGITTARIUS - This week,  Mars in Gemini says "look at all your options".  Look at all of them.  Not just the ones that you’ve deemed good enough, but even the less desirable ones.  And you may find yourself revisiting this twice.  Here's a thought: maybe  mash together a couple of the concepts will yield the best option yet.  If your neighbors or co-workers are chewing too loud or otherwise being completely irritating, avoid confrontation.  Confrontations are likely to blow up far bigger than necessary right now.  Observe, document, meditate, move on.  

CAPRICORN - During the birthing process, the urge to push can be overwhelming.  But sometimes the doc will tell you to NOT push, just breathe, in order to tend to something that may prove problematic.  This week you need to breathe, don’t push. Find your focal point and observe the situation. Focus on stability and foundation issues before moving ahead.  Create a plan B. 

AQUARIUS - Detachment from outcome is your fancy motto this week.  Just don’t count on things promised...don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, etc.  Family may disappoint you a bit this week.  Or someone who borrowed money from you may hint at not being able to pay it back.  Breathe, bitch.  This will be OK.  It isn’t worth making yourself sick or guilting the other party to death.  

PISCES - You may find yourself feeling foggy  and confused.  It may be the movement of the planets into Aries, but whatever the case, give yourself a break.  Watch yourself for negative self talk, don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t cry over spilt milk etc. etc.  Forget about yesterday. Don’t worry about tomorrow.  Be present in today for whatever it is (it will soon change anyway). Use positive affirmations like I use lip gloss: copiously and frequently.