Hey, Bud...
What seems to be happening here is many chances to figure out what it is we want. Usually that is a process, not a lighting strike. The Universe is absolutely conspiring in your favor, giving you all sorts of chances to get in alignment with the best outcomes for you.
Some of us feel frustrated by the lack of results after a lot of hard work over the last year or 2. The garden WILL grow!
For over a year I have felt that April 2021 was the turning point when life would speed up, things would fall into place, blockages would dissolve or move, and progress will begin in a big way. Now that we are IN April, I feel like time is moving so fast! I guess I got accustomed to the slow pace of the Pandemic. About halfway through March, something lit a fire under me and I started doing all kinds of Spring Cleaning, creative crafts and organizing projects. Now both of my kids have the option to go back to school, more things are opening, and life has just taken on a majorly Aries vibe...DO DO DO!!
This new moon will not be your last chance to get it right. Life is always working out for us. But it definitely IS a process. So this week, be aware of your feelings. Check in with yourself daily. Listen to your intuition and then use all that information to manifest during this new moon. This is a great time to start new projects or really get them going. And if you still feel stalled in the coming weeks, don’t lose faith or hope. There are plenty of opportunities coming!! There always are. Because like any crop or garden, the growing conditions, the weather, the soil, the water, the PH...so many things need to work together. You are the bud.
Anaïs Nin
April 5
- Jupiter sextile Eris - opportunity for growth as a result of upsets, or, the escalation of upsets
April 6
- Venus sextile Mars - great socializing vibes, strong romance aspect
- Uranus sextile Pallas - flashes of genius, problem solving, pattern recognition, tech problems solved
April 7
- Sun conjunct Ceres - you are a source of inspiration and nurturing
April 8
- Mercury quincunx Vesta - possible confrontations and misunderstandings in your workplace
- Pallas conjunct Lilith - your intuition and your will create a strong strategy for advancement. Don’t let your feminine Darth Vader run amok, however.
April 9
- Saturn trine North Node - you are ready to do the work to advance your career
- Mars square Neptune - a battle against delusion. You may be distracted by gossip, drama, deceit.
- Mercury conjunct Chiron - desire to share/communicate about your wounds or healing journey, or things you feel insecure about
- Eris trine Juno - overcompensating for insecurity in committed relationships
- Venus trine Juno - cooperation in relationships
- Venus conjunct Eris - determined to win others over
- Venus sextile Jupiter - positive, happy, optimistic energy
- Mercury sextile North Node - boosts mental intellect and offers potential uses within your calling
- Mercury sextile Saturn - clear thinking and good jugdgement
- Mercury trine Juno - harmonious conversations with your partner
April 11
- Venus square Pluto - intense feelings can complicate a situation or relationship
- New Moon in Aries Sun conjuncts Moon in Aries. Some astrologers call this the actual beginning of the New Year. Yes the Spring Equinox kicks it off, but the first Aires New Moon is fantastic for starting something new, planting the seeds, taking action. Don’t overthink...just DO IT!
ARIES - What may be holding you back from reaching your goals or highest potential right now is quite simply guilt. Guilt is like shackles. Guilt is to the body what injury is to the body. So set aside some time to be with yourself and try to work through and release whatever this is regarding. This is your moon and your time to take off and fly high. Utilize this new moon to either clear your guilt or plant intentions for success, or both!
TAURUS - With a stack of planets in your solar 12th house, it is time for you to do some hard shadow work and examine the ways you have held yourself back because you were overwhelmed. Guilt about lack of achievement or success that someone else begrudges you may also have held you back. Don’t keep yourself small to make others comfortable. Aim high and use this moon to help you set intentions for a clear conscience.
GEMINI - Don’t let fear of competition keep you from trying. You have likely spent time overthinking the situation and your options, to the point that you don’t know what your options are anymore. The moon and sun and a stack of planets are in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, so step up to the plate and take your shot!
CANCER - There looks to be a bit of discord somewhere in your life, and with this many planets in Aries, its likely your solar 10th house of career . It has really weighed on you and made you feel disheartened or defeated. Someone, career related or otherwise, has built a cute little box for you to get in, with nice labels on it and your name in fancy writing like you like. You still don’t have to get in it. Use this new moon to set intentions for how to better handle this from an empowered place rather than a people pleasing place.
LEO - Looks to me like love is in the air around you. Your obstacle may be your tired ego. If you’ve convinced yourself that it just won’t happen, or that no one will measure up, use this moon to upgrade your thoughts. Be realistic about your list of what you want this person to be and let go of some of the partner traits that haven’t worked out that you thought you really wanted. Focus on how you want this person to make you feel. The person I am seeing is stable and responsible and mature. Congrats to you!
VIRGO - Feel stuck? I feel it for you as well. You’ve been pushing and trying to force something that just ins’t taking root. This moon falls in your solar 8th house and that can be very deep. Intimacy requires you to be intimate with yourself. Having someone else appreciate you means you need to also appreciate yourself. You get the idea? Do the deep work required by this moon and then lean back and receive and quit pushing.
LIBRA - Changes are afoot that could put you in a leadership, training, or teaching position. You might be excited but also terrified, and that’s perfectly OK. Let your 3rd chakra (solar plexus) shine and radiate the amazing person you are and you’ll be fine. Change is inevitable, and it is always unnerving. But this is good, so lean into it!
SCORPIO - I feel the union of a strong nurturing woman and a stable, generous man. This could be in any part of your life, except that this pile up of Aries planets is in your 6th house of routine, which makes me think this is a job, change in work environment, or something to do with your healthcare. Either way, you will need to do a little work to be ready to receive this. If you have bitterness and resentment about a past situation in this area of your life, you need to find a way to cathart and release that. Use this moon to set new, healthy intentions.
SAGITTARIUS - If the pieces aren’t falling in to place, perhaps it is time to change the pieces. I do see a delay or you walking away from something that wasn’t working and pursuing things from a different angle (Because this is in your solar 5th house, this could be about your older children as well, but it affects you in some way.) Financially speaking, make the choice that resonates with your heart, or your creative side, because the money will come once you’ve aligned yourself.
CAPRICORN - This pile up of Aries planets falls in your solar 4th house of home and family, opposing your natural 10th house. While there may be some forgiveness and release necessary in regards to something in your family, it is also time you examined how you have contributed to this issue. There is also a possibility that you have given your family life too much of yourself and it is time you went out there and shone like the badass you are. Own your greatness, as well as your flaws.
AQUARIUS - Even though you are used to being the odd ball, you can experience rejection like anyone else. If you’ve become frustrated because something hasn’t quite materialized yet...it is coming. But it is critical that you own your actions and stop blaming other people for the things that haven’t worked out. You are a fixed sign and stubbornness can get in your way. This moon falls in your 3rd house of communication. Plant seeds for an open mind, less judgement, and better dialogue with your people.
PISCES - Your first/root chakra is up for some work, and it particularly pertains to money. If you can free yourself of the fear of not having (which is way easier said than done), you will find a greater flow in the direction of your life. Better flow means equal giving and receiving though. So if you are bound up in the giving department (financially), you can expect that to reflect in the receiving too. Use this moon in your 2nd house of income to free yourself of the crippling fear of losing stability.