Intimacy is Sacred
Last week was a Habanero. (was it for you? I'd love to hear. It definitely was a little too spicy for my energy last week!) This week’s transits paint a complex picture. Obviously this list of transits doesn’t come close to all the gears that are moving in any given moment, let alone a week. Your personal natal chart overlays all of this, and your partner’s chart, and your employer/employees’ charts, your childrens’ charts, and so on. Even the individual horoscopes I do aren’t the whole picture, but it gives us a template to build on and to be aware of.
Sometimes I get burned out on predictive astrology because psychological astrology is so much more interesting and useful in my opinion. But as long as we aren’t throwing our hands up in the car and going “Jesus take the wheel! Pluto and Mercury and OMG I cannot!” and completely abdicating responsibility for our own choices, it can be helpful to know what could trip us up or bless us in the coming few days.
Pluto stationing retrograde, as it does every year in the Spring, is something we will feel for a few weeks. It moves very slowly and when a slow planet like this stations, it does what I call “burning a hole” in the chart. In fact, Pluto has been sitting at 26 degrees of Capricorn since February 27th and will back into 25 degrees on June 30th. Wherever you have Pluto (or planets at 25-26 degrees), you’re likely to feel some tension. Once he’s moving at regular speed, albeit still slowly and “backwards” relative to Earth, he will start to do that deep work that he loves to do and bring us awareness of things that were previously at the back of our minds or somewhat out of reach, mentally or emotionally. But during this whole retrograde period he only moves 2 degrees or so. It is going to get hot in that spot on your chart,
The other planets almost echo that same deep vibe this week. There is a strong focus on intimacy, partnership, sensitivity, and a deep sense of yearning for something we may not understand yet.
In perfect cosmic timing, all of this lines up with Beltane on May 1st, which is the symbolic marriage of the Goddess to the Green Man, and honors the potency of Nature. Flowers, fire, and fertility are all honored during Beltane.
There are a good number of transits that speak to our desires to move closer to our destinies or divine callings as well. This has been a theme for most of 2021 so far, in fact. Look at the opportunity this week offers: a full moon in Scorpio, under which we can release anything that might be holding us back from advancing to the next level, including our desire to control something that is out of our control; Pluto retrograde, to help us begin to uncover deep truths, and Beltane, to bless what we have planted so it can bring abundance. What do you need to release? What are you realizing? What are you planting? How will you celebrate?
April 26
- Full Moon in Scorpio - your deepest desires and your personal power will want to rise up. The tendency to go too far is possible.
- Sun trine vesta - striving for personal excellence
- Mercury sextile Pallas - your ability to communicate your wisdom is enhanced; your creativity can be profitable
April 27
- Pluto retrograde in Capricorn - Pluto retrogrades until the 6th of October. This will pour a little cold water over things where we may have rushed ahead and been too enthusiastic, pumping the brakes a bit. The outcomes of your efforts (or the collective efforts) will become apparent. On a collective level, we will see our grade on how we’ve handled Covid. There will be transformation. Expect major themes of change around institutions such as the police, school, taxes, and corporate America. Personally, you may become a little more conservative about sex and things in the 8th house. Many people will be in strong resistance to the changes that come up, and some of that won’t be seen until the very end of 2021.
- Venus sextile Pallas - cooperation, patience and diplomacy. Your creativity combined with your intelligence can yield great results
April 29
- Mercury sextile Neptune - psychic sensitivity increases; relaxation and healing
April 30
- Sun conjunct Uranus - excitement and change
- Pluto square Ceres - possible family drama, stemming from your desire to nurture being misunderstood
- Mercury quincunx Juno - tension with your partner stemming from needing to make a decision
May 1
- Beltane - Fertility, summer, Goddess meets Green Man, nature, fire, youth, vitality, celebration
May 2
- Venus conjunct Lilith - independence and sexual expression are highlighted
- Mercury quincunx Galactic Center - awareness of your purpose may increase
- Mercury trine Pluto - powerful mental energy can help solve problems
- Venus sextile Neptune - sensual vibes
May 3
- Mercury square Jupiter - positive thinking, optimistic about the future; we can overstep or speak out of turn, or overestimate our words
- Sun square Saturn - frustration, low energy, depression
- Mercury enters Gemini - good communication and socialization
- Venus quincunx Juno - feelings of instability in partnerships
ARIES - Listen Bitch, you’re as tough as they come. It is time to assert your own inner authority over a situation that is potentially unhealthy. With this full moon and Beltane energy, embrace the innocence of your youth. Try to allow your childhood wounds to be healed. Trust people at their word, believe in magic, embrace joy at any opportunity. Let down those tough walls so your inner child can trust you.
TAURUS - Don’t be a pessimistic Bitch. Allow yourself to believe because a significant and positive change is coming to you. You may feel jaded about “luck”, but you may want to open your heart so you can receive this. You can expect a certain amount of chaos and disruption just before this gift appears for you. So when you are at the end of your rope, you’ll know to hang on because its a sign that something brand new is amazing is about to appear.
GEMINI - Don’t be discouraged,’re almost there! If there is a goal or achievement you have been working hard on, and you feel disenchanted and negative about it, here’s your sign! You will need to face your fear of failure and accept it as an option so that you can actually succeed. Sounds counter-intutive maybe. But you’re going to call bullshit on your own self in order to move ahead.
CANCER - It’s OK to be an indecisive Bitch...for a minute. But your minute will be up soon. This is a significant decision in front of you and it requires leaving some things behind to pursue something very new and different. You may need to trick yourself into having a different perspective on the situation...something as seemingly silly as pretending to be someone else and viewing the situation from their angle. You should do it, whatever it is.
LEO - Transform or be left behind, Bitch. The transformation may have already happened but you have not accepted it completely. You need to take a moment to tap into your intuition. This full moon is likely to be challenging to you. The best thing you can do is to really lean into the discomfort and into the Divine. Prayer and meditation are needed so you can accept this new reality.
VIRGO - Don’t overthink it Bitch. Desire is a sacred thing. Stop trying to talk yourself out of it. The problem isn’t your desire so much as what or who you’ve attached your desire to. You’ve been fooling yourself and closing yourself off to better things by clinging to what you think this should look like, simply because you’re afraid it won’t come around again. It will. Re-examine your desire without the specifics and hold on to that core essence of it.
LIBRA - It’s OK to be nervous, Bitch. You aren’t going to screw it up, you aren’t going to fail, you aren’t ruining anything. The feelings that you are feeling need to be felt, not dissected. You are safe to look at the situation with both eyes wide open, rather than feeling around in the dark with them clamped shut because you’re afraid of what you’ll see. The truth is not that scary. The truth will validate the choices you’ve recently made. You’ve got this.
SCORPIO - Buckle up, Bitch. The winds of change are coming to you and they’re going to blow through in a sudden and possibly upsetting way. Try not to freak out and nail everything down. Once this passes, and it will be quick, you’ll see that it has cleared away something that kept you from moving forward and you’ll be grateful for the shove...and the mess. You’ll be excited and ready to deal with it.
SAGITTARIUS - Never give up, Bitch. Persistence is key. And if you find you’re lacking the strength required, lean on your family, both living and gone. Take some time to connect with the people closest to you and your fears about things will look much smaller. And when it doubt, go south. (No idea, that just came through and I’m passing it along!)
CAPRICORN - Move your ass, Bitch. Ok that is harsh, but so is your current energy. Grief, sadness, depression,’re no stranger to any of them. But in this situation, you may need to force yourself to get up and go. Go for a walk, do some stretching, do some yoga, go throw a frisbee around. Whatever...just move. You literally need to move the heavy energy out of your body and your normal conqueror energy will return.
AQUARIUS - You’ve got the power, Bitch! You have magic in your finger tips, luck in your pocket, fate on your side...insert other cliches here. There is no doubt that you are going to have a breakthrough very soon. You’ve been manifesting this for a long time, and have been starting to feel defeated. But chin up, wand up, eyes’re movin’ on up!
PISCES - Ease up, Bitch. Do you ever hug your kids so hard that they tell you you’re squishing them? You might be loving someone a little too hard. You’re trying to get your own needs for security met by securing the bejeezus out of someone you love. Just be ok with being isn’t a flaw. Your needs for love and security are sacred and valid. But you’ll get farther by telling your loves what you need rather than trying to squish it out of them.