Honest and Vulnerable - BitchScopes for 5/24-31

Hey bitches. It is a big week! Saturn will be retrograde as of Sunday May 23rd. This is bound to bring up some issues for you around authority, responsibilities, fatherhood. It is so weird that this falls so close to the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I have Saturn retrograde in my 12th house, and when dad died, this pipeline of “knowing” just opened up for me. I have had some big breakthroughs in the last 4 years. Where Saturn is transiting your personal chart, you are bound to be pulled in by its gravity, figuratively speaking. Spend some time with your difficult feelings and let them out somehow.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a lunar eclipse as well. Your beliefs may come into question or be up for revision. Truth and discernment are a big theme for this lunation. This cosmic course correction (think of your GPS on your device when you miss a turn and it “recalculates route”) could be a test of faith in some way. Get clear about what is true for you.

Mercury will retrograde next weekend in its own sign of Gemini. Expect communication snafus, screwed up mail deliveries, and the usual hijinx of this transit. You don’t need to stop working on things or put off buying a thing. Just read your paperwork, fine print, disclosures, etc. I have found that Mercury retrograde increases my intuition quite a bit, so pay attention to what feels true to you.

Other themes this week: emotional intimacy, committed relationships, vulnerability and healing, sensuality and connection, art and music. There is a lot of tender energy afoot this week. Tread softly with your loved ones and with yourself Lean into your creative gifts to soothe yourself (and maybe others). Tell the people you love that you appreciate them. Tell your body that you appreciate it (and mean it).

Be kind and have a soft week.

May 23
  • Saturn Retrograde - reflection and realizations about our responsibilities and failures; renewed commitment to causes or behavior possible; be aware of guilt

May 24
  • Venus opposite Juno - imbalances in relationships; values around money can cause disagreements

May 25
  • Mars quincunx Juno - triggers in marital relationships may come up; your intimate relationship requires attention

May 26
  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - truthful communication; emphasis on truth; realizations about our true selves and our beliefs; course correction; spiritual experiences; test of faith,

May 27
  • Venus square Neptune - vulnerability, need for tenderness; insecurity about appearance
  • Mercury sextile Eris - logic needed to settle discord

May 28
  • Chiron quincunx Vesta - tend to your “wounds”
  • Mercury conjunct Venus - expressions of love are emphasized

May 29
  • Venus sextile Eris - feeling appreciated
  • Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini - all sorts of communication issues are possible, from mail to email to phone and verbal snafus. Be present and conscious of how you use your words

May 30
  • Uranus trine Vesta - unexpected events can bring greater freedom in work environment
  • Neptune conjunct Pallas - using your dreams or creative gifts to move a situation forward or problem solve
  • Venus quincunx Pluto - trust issues and intensity in relationships, ungrieved losses
  • Mars trine Neptune - sensual and passionate

May 31
  • Mars trine Pallas - energy put toward your skill and talents will pay off
  • Mercury Rx sextile Eris - intuition may lead you to pick something back up that you put away some time ago. This could be a disagreement that was had in the past
  • Sun conjunct N. Node - enthusiasm about the future

ARIES - lean on your friends this week, or, let them lean on you. Trust issues arising from betrayal in the past need to be looked at and healed if possible. This is an inside job and doesn’t require you to contact the other person. Examine what you believe about the friends you have currently and confess to your self who you do and don’t trust. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable with your safe people and get yourself a hug..

TAURUS - If you’re feeling in a slight slump, be kind to yourself. You aren’t seeing your true value at work or with your people. You are far more appreciated than you realize, and hopefully your loved ones will tell you this. If not, just appreciate yourself. You contribute a great deal! Get yourself a hug or some snuggles this week.

GEMINI - You may have some big revelations this week (and after) about how you fit in to the professional world, how your career does or doesn’t line up with your belief systems, and who you are in the world in general. That is all pretty heavy and significant stuff and your already busy brain is likely to be even busier processing all this. I strongly encourage you to journal over the next several weeks.

CANCER - You are likely to feel pretty sensitive this week...more than usual. Habits, your surroundings, pets, and some of your secrets or secret feelings are likely to require some attention. Take some time to craft a routine that feels good to you, and allows you personal time for meditation, reflection and prayer. You need to carve out time for yourself and let go of the need to be all things to all people.

LEO - Loneliness is likely this week. Are you missing someone particularly strongly? Surround yourself with the people you love and work on some creative projects. Really nurture your inner child and try to heal trust issues that were born during your elementary school days. Which friend wound are you still carrying around? Tend to it this week, with love and creativity.

VIRGO - Work-Life balance is up for review for you. Covid greatly changed the way we work and where we work. Take some time to create a routine that best reflects who you are right now, and not who you were last year. You have changed a lot, so your life should reflect that. Your committed relatiohships sector of your chart is beefed up for intimacy, so let your walls down a bit.

LIBRA - Take time this week to visit with your 7 year old self (any age from 3-8 will work). What does that kid believe about the world and about his or her self? How many of those beliefs are you still carrying and are they true about the world you live in? Consider letting go of the out dated stuff and replace it with something that is true for you right now. Take some time to appreciate your physical body as well.

SCORPIO - Your focus is likely to be squarely at home for a bit. Financial and family responsibilities take precedence now. Tell your people what they mean to you. And be open to receiving more love in general. Love makes you feel uncomfortably squishy sometimes, but sometimes your people need you to be squishy.

SAGITTARIUS - Who you are and what is true for you, particularly as it relates to intimate relationships, is being revised. These changes are already underway, but your awareness may be somewhere else. Reign in the squirrels and take some time to be with yourself and who you are today. Create a home environment that reflects that person.

CAPRICORN - Guilt and shame and other hard stuff about money are likely to be on your emotional radar. Has money been used to control you? Have you used money in that way with someone else? What are your hidden beliefs and secrets about money? Do you believe you can have money or do you only focus on earning it? You are more than your paycheck. Define yourself in a healthier way

AQUARIUS - You may be just about ready to let go of some friendships or some associations. Your creativity will be high for the next few weeks, so let your sacral chakra lead the way. You will be feeling more optimistic for the next several months about your place in the world and your value. Some of that is directly related to releasing relationships that don’t really feed your soul.

PISCES - Release your guilt! Guilt isn’t doing anything for you or your family, so work on letting it go. That requires some conscious healing of core wounds around “being enough” for your family. You are more than your current definition of self expresses. Expand your understanding of your self and you will be a stronger resource to your family.