BitchScopes for June 21-28

This week there are some really optimistic and helpful transits. But overall, there seems to be this push-pull, teeter totter between self and other. The moon is full in Capricorn, which rules the 10th house. But the moon rules the 4th house, just opposite the 10th house. So that lunation alone creates a family vs. job vibe. But if you take a look at all the transits (over on the blog at, you’ll see something like this as the play by play/day by day:

  • You feel (and are) attractive
  • You or your “other” are impatient and resentful
  • Everyone is optimistic!
  • You or your partner are jealous and needy
  • You feel so gifted and talented!
  • You feel disillusioned
  • You have long term goals!
  • You need to be spooned!!
  • You spent too much money this week trying to cope with your emotional whiplash, and now you’re stressed about your bank account!! Go back to being spooned…

So, what the hell do we do? Well, first, let’s just focus on this Full Moon, bringing things to fruition and giving our success and ambition a nice boost. The first conflict you may feel this week is the pull between work and home. That could look like many different scenarios. But since many of us have been working from home and are now migrating back to the office, that might feel awkward and yukky.

Next, give yourself permission to think about just yourself once in awhile. Give yourself a you day. And If that is true, then give your partner a chance to think about his or her self as well and have a day for themselves as well.

Stay grounded! Look around you and realistically take inventory of what you have going for you. Check yourself if you feel paranoid or needy, and re-ground. Think about your feelings and then express yourself clearly and calmly to your people.

Then, give yourself time to focus on your work. An hour or 2 of uninterrupted time to brainstorm and organize. Where do you feel overwhelmed or bored? What’s working for you? What part of your work feels like a time-suck with little pay off? Make some post it notes of things you feel you need to do. Lay them all out and prioritize them. Move stuff around to the following weeks or months where possible.

Finally, when you feel negative and pissy, take your list of positive affirmations, look at it, and throw it in the trash. You’re allowed to feel negative and pissy. Give your family a hint about what’s going to happen and then give yourself an hour to just be a fucking brat, stomp around the house, yell at the door frame you just ran into, tell the cats to get jobs because they are freeloaders, tell your kid their room stinks, because it does. Pick up the phone and order a pizza because being a brat is exhausting. At the end of the hour. feed your cats, hug your family members and tell them how much you love and appreciate them, toss some air freshener into your kid’s room, and try to find something that is beautiful or fun or awesome that makes your heart feel bigger. Give your other family members the opportunity to do this as well, as long as it isn’t destructive. Don’t give the cats any opportunity to do this, because they are still freeloading bums.

After you give yourself a chance to feel whatever you’re feeling, then take your list of affirmations out of the trash. Give it to the cats, because all they do is complain.

Move on in love and have a great week.

June 21
  • Pallas sextile Lilith - your gifts and wisdom give a voice to your personal power and rebellious desires
  • Venus trine Neptune - romance and daydreaming are favored

June 22
  • Mercury Direct - Mercury basically “stops”, and takes a few days to get going at full speed in a forward direction. The day Mercury stations is typically one of the wonkiest days.
  • Venus square Eris - impatience, resentment, feeling left out, and other similar feelings about your intimate relationships, particularly with masculine energy; watch out for arguments, behave with your money.

June 23
  • Sun trine Jupiter - Thank goddess! This is an A++ transit! Optimism & friendliness,
  • Venus opposite Pluto - tension in close relationships; watch for jealous behavior, navigate feelings mindfully to avoid power struggles and major upsets
  • Saturn sextile Juno - increased need for security and stability in relationships
  • Chiron trine Juno - Your wounds and needs around what you need from your intimate relationship comes up for examination (in other words, you’re triggered)

June 24
  • Saturn sextile Chiro - self discipline needed to overcome past wounds
  • Full Moon in Capricorn - This moon is influenced by a mixed bag of vibes. The overall theme is success and ambition, and is bolstered by a sextile to Jupiter. But Venus opposite Pluto can pepper things with a bit of neediness. Overall, there’s a good boost of luck and fortune here, just be aware of manipulation by yourself or others.
  • Venus trine Pallas - your gifts and talents are on point, and you are supported by your loved one.

June 25
  • Neptune Retrograde - This period is known for increasing intuition, creativity and psychic connection. Interestingly, during retrograde, you may find clarity on things you may have been viewing with rose colored glasses. The resulting reality may feel harsh, but it is necessary. Neptune will remain retrograde until the end of the year.
  • Venus sextile Lilith - you are charismatic and appealing to others

June 26
  • Mars sextile North Node - Your motivation gets a boost, and your are focused on your long term goals

June 27
  • Venus enters Leo - We are all more charismatic, affectionate, and playful. Also, we may be a little more focused on what gives us pleasure and be more focused on self in general

June 28
  • Venus quincunx Jupiter - relationship tension or financial stress

ARIES - Your enthusiasm about your current/new project(s) may run into some obstacles this week. These aren’t a big deal and are more logistical and practical than any sort of real blockage. If everything feels like an uphill battle, just take a step back and go work on something else...literally anything else. Don’t lose hope, inspiration or organization...just take a break. This is temporary.

TAURUS - There is something to be celebrated but you can’t bring yourself to feel celebratory. Chances are very strong that whatever this is comes from something you absorbed as a child. Like, it's shameful to be too proud of your accomplishments, or your accomplishments never feel big enough or good enough. Give credit where credit is due and don’t be a crotchety old grump!

GEMINI - You might be creating your own problem this week. There is every indication that you’ve been nudged forward, or up, been promoted, or been liberated. But you can’t seem to believe good things are happening and you may be sabotaging things unconsciously. Knock that shit off! Would you rather be right about things not being as good as they seem, or would you rather be happy and believe that things are as good as they seem?

CANCER - You have a choice right now. You can choose to be disillusioned and apathetic, or you can get in the race and kick some ass. This is probably a family situation or dynamic that has shifted over time and you don’t like it. So, get after it and do what you can to help it get corrected. It is important enough to merit discussion, so don’t second guess yourself. If this is a work thing, just go after its wild ass, whatever it is!

LEO - Your intuition has gotten you far, and is on point. But whatever the current situation at the top of your mind is, it requires logic and facts. If the burden is on you to prove something to someone, or prove yourself to someone, get after it! Be logical and clear. The sign opposite of you, Aquarius, could help you with this. If things are not quite clear enough to act just yet, then observe and make notes. The fog will lift very soon.

VIRGO - I feel like I’ve said this to you several times this year, but here goes: be by yourself. Be alone. Be solo. Be your own bitch. Shut out the voices that don’t contribute to your well being. Shut out the clients that are crappy. Take care of yourself the way you want someone else to take care of you, its that simple. You need to pull back from all the giving you do for others and turn that generosity in on yourself.

LIBRA - You may feel frustrated because you’ve made some big changes and you still feel unbalanced. You feel like you need to do more to receive what you are wanting. In fact, you need to stop doing and just be still for a little bit. Receiving is a passive activity. If you’re too busy trying to do all of the things you think everyone expects of you, when can you possibly receive? Walk the talk, Libby, and then sit the hell down for a bit!

SCORPIO - You might be in quite a mood and not the best company at a party these days. You don’t feel appreciated and you could be feeling pissy about money or investments. Sit tight and don’t burn any agreements. You aren’t seeing the whole picture right now, through no fault of your own. The information just isn’t coming through. It will, within a couple weeks or so. Its perfectly okay to say no to some people until you’re feeling more up to it.

SAGITTARIUS - Your current challenge is to find a balance between skepticism and belief, doubt and enthusiasm, idiocy and innocence. You are being set up for a successful venture, but it won’t be without a few risks. Some people around you who love to advise you (or judge you), might be less positive. Take their input with a grain of may be worth considering their point of view, but you don’t need to throw out the baby with the bathwater just because someone else doens’t like the bubblebath...

CAPRICORN - You might get some news that isn’t what you hoped this week, possibly about something you’d really rather not deal with anyway. Don’t panic. Stay calm. Do a little acting, and pretend you really just don’t care because... you didn’t need “that outcome” anyway. “Hmpf. Fine. Whatever. It’s fine.” That may sound silly, but the truth is you will come out of this really OK, probably way better than you expect. In the meantime, you’re fine (fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional), and that’s OK! (Call a Scorpio)

AQUARIUS - You do like control. I think most people do. But when you feel powerless, you can tend to lash out. You can be a very good manipulator when you want or need to be. And to some extent that is OK. But don’t be dishonest with a friend for no good reason. Its possible that fears about money are making you feel like you’re not keeping up with the Joneses very well. Well, screw the Joneses. Stop comparing yourself. Don’t decide what to do with this situation just yet, and don’t say anything to anyone who isn’t an intimate friend until you know more. Relax, you may not be in control but God is.

PISCES - You want to be warm and optimistic, but the truth is you feel jaded and disheartened. No need to fake it til you make it. But also, no need to word vomit all over someone who isn’t currently capable of helping you clean it up. You can still offer your warmth and optimism even if you have doubts and fears. Nothing is black and white. Embrace the gray and be gently honest with yourself and whoever this other person is