Ahoy! Lion's Gate Portal Ahead! - BitchScopes for August 2-9

This week has the potential to be pretty bajiggity. If you’re new here, “bajiggity” is a spirit word (according to me) meaning uneasy, nervous, anxious. Uranus has a strong influence all week, which can bring physical anxiety, as well as mental monkey mind. Without question the biggest day of the week is Sunday the 8th.
There is a New Moon in Leo, but it is also aspected by Uranus, AND takes place during the “Lions Gate Portal”. The Lions Gate Portal marks the rising of the star Sirius. Sirius is called our “spiritual sun”. With the rising of this star, a portal opens for manifesting and receiving information from a higher vibration. Realizations and ascensions can take place around this time.This is a period of high creativity and openness. Combined with the fact that it falls on a New Moon, all of this is enhanced.
8/8 is a very “lucky” and abundant day. All of the energy it bring is positive. However because Uranus is aspecting this moon with a square, things may feel chaotic and anxious. Sirius makes this is a very potent new moon and you can manifest changes that can be profound. But changes may come quickly. Some things you’ve worked on manifesting in the past may come to fruition suddenly, and new manifestations may arrive much faster, and that can be a little overwhelming at first. You may not even realize what’s happening right way. But when the Uranian dust settles, things will be clearer.
The month of August overall will ask us to be flexible and make many adjustments. There are 12 quincunxes this month, and that is a lot! A quincunx is an awkward aspect between 2 planets and it feels uncomfortable. That discomfort should serve as a prompt for you to make an adjustment, and then another, and another. The good news is that several planets, including the sun, are in their home signs, and this brings ease and alignment. There is a great deal of potential this month.
So welcome to August, bitches! Stay light on your feet, be open to receiving fabulous things, and hold on to the side railing!
August 2
August 3
August 6
August 7
- Sun opposite Saturn - feelings of restriction and awareness of limitations
August 3
- Venus trine Uranus - the desire for new thrills; unexpected and positive emotional experience
- Mercury square Uranus - excitement and change, nervousness
August 6
- Sun square Uranus - changes can cause anxiety and uncertainty
August 7
- Mercury quincunx Neptune - confusion and misunderstandings
August 8
August 9
ARIES - A large chunk of this week’s action will land in your 5th house of creativity and romance. But be careful to not get too distracted, because some really good shit is coming yur way. This new moon and its influences are poised to deliver you manifestations quickly, and provide you with a sense of abundance you haven’t had in a while. The key to maintaining this and turning it from a great moment into a stable foundation is balance. Keep that in mind.
TAURUS - Your home and family will play a larger role in making you feel stable and secure as you move forward from this point. In the past, you may have felt like you needed to have stability to have a solid family. But now, the home and family actually will create the security you want. The trick is to embrace your personal definition of happy family, because if you are honest with yourself, your dream home and family probably isn’t entirely typical. March to the beat of your own drummer and your family will play the melody, to create harmony. (Oh man I want all the way with that analogy. I’m not sorry.)
GEMINI - You may feel a bit off balance lately. Perhaps a job or relationship has ended. This new moon will deliver new relationships and other opportunities pretty much to your door. Don’t hang on to the past. It is time to learn something new. It might be a new skill set, or a new way of relating with a partner, or a type of relationship you’ve never had before. Opportunities will arise to allow you to grow, and your growth will bring even more opportunities.
CANCER - I feel like I’ve said what I’m about to say to you before so I went and looked at the last few Cancer scopes...and I HAVE said this for the last few weeks! Money is highlighted for you in a really positive way. All signs point to a period of more ease and flow and overall comfort. What is required is a little bit of hustle and quite a bit of stubborn determination. I don’t think you’ll need to try to manufacture that drive...it will just happen. It may already be underway. Keep going!
LEO - This is obviously your time to shine, Leo. Lots of eyes and energy is on you, and things are going to show up for you in a magical way in the coming weeks. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any challenges, or responsibility. Careful and strategic planning and creative manifesting will get you at least half way there. The other part of the equation is pure, unadulterated faith. Believe. Believe in your dreams as utterly possible. Open your arms and receive what the Universe is cooking up for you!
VIRGO - The bad news is there have been many changes to your life. The good news is there are better changes coming! You may find this moon and this week to be challenging to your faith and your ability to trust your intuition. You and the other earth signs have been fighting really hard to get your feet back under you and you seem to keep getting your ass kicked a little. If you were a cancer I wouldn’t tell you to do this, but you’re not so... review your personal history and your victories. Remember how hard it was, until it wasn’t so hard. Good times WILL come, and sooner than you think. You’re just soul tired, and that’s understandable. But believe anyway!!
LIBRA - Life is full of circles and cycles. The finish line is also the starting point. Death leads to life. Life ends in death and allows more life. Things that hurt will give way to things that grow and then things that give joy. This moon lands in your house of friendships. Look at your circle of people. You are worthy of love and kindness...the same love and kindness you so freely give to others. Lean on your true friends often, because they’ve also leaned on you. It’s a circle. Hugs are also circles.
SCORPIO - Lean back and take a look at how far you’ve come and what you’ve built by being determined and dedicated. This moon lands in your career house, and look what a career house you’ve built! You may feel a bit uncertain right now, but that is because you’re at a pivotal point. A new cycle of success and even wealth is on the other side of this weird energy. Be open to things looking a little different than you expected. The choice may not be one you saw coming. But all of these unexpected things will ultimately lead to good!
SAGITTARIUS - This new moon lands in your home base - the 9th house. When you aren’t sure what to believe because everything seems to have changed, believe in this one core truth: you are loved. YOU are loved. You ARE loved. You are LOVED!! What other belief could you require? Other people may have different beliefs and make different choices and maybe even do you wrong. But if you hold to that core belief, it will get you through! If something is trying to leave your life, don’t bar the door just so you can say you were right. Open the door, light up the exit sign and say “thanks for coming. I am loved. Bye”
CAPRICORN - This moon will hit your house of all things weird and intimate. The 8th house doesn’t scare you, because you know that you can do anything! Your passion and perseverance are your super hero strengths, even if others don’t always see it that way. When you meet someone who is wow’d by your stubbornness and willpower, let them all the way in, because those are your people. Intimacy comes when we feel understood. Swimming in deep water is always better with a partner.
AQUARIUS - This new moon occurs in your house of committed partnerships. It is in that house where you will feel things stirred up and manifesting. And it is also in that realm where you will find solace, healing, and peace. The people in this house (which can be marriage, committed partner, or business partners) are the ones who will help you achieve great successes in the coming weeks and beyond. If you can’t identify who might be in the 7th house for you, visualize and manifest it! As strong as you are, that is how strong you need your partners to be. Feel what that kind of support feels like, and let it show up for you.
PISCES - To truly receive, you have to take your hands off the gift you have your eye fixed on. Surrender to the process of receiving and release expectations about it. This moon shows up in your house of health, habits and routine. Focus your manifesting in the areas where you are of service to your self and to others, and trust that what arrives is right for you. If you are waiting for news about some issue regarding your daily work or your health, surrender to the excruciating wait. Ultimately, the delay will benefit you. There will be a celebration.
- Mercury trine Eris - conversation with rejected parts of self; deep inquiry
- New Moon Leo - a strong moon for beginning creative projects, and for reclaiming your personal power. Manifesting energy is strong for this new moon, but can cause some messiness as the changes occur.
- Moon square uranus - moodiness
- Moon trine chiron - trust your gut; drawn to experiences that will provide healing
- Lions Gate Portal (rising of Sirius) - high vibration manifesting; psychic downloads
August 9
- Mercury quincunx Pluto - serious and possibly dark thoughts
- Venus opposite Neptune - heightened sensitivity, especially regarding partner; potential confusion regarding finances and love - watch for “too good to be true” opportunities
ARIES - A large chunk of this week’s action will land in your 5th house of creativity and romance. But be careful to not get too distracted, because some really good shit is coming yur way. This new moon and its influences are poised to deliver you manifestations quickly, and provide you with a sense of abundance you haven’t had in a while. The key to maintaining this and turning it from a great moment into a stable foundation is balance. Keep that in mind.
TAURUS - Your home and family will play a larger role in making you feel stable and secure as you move forward from this point. In the past, you may have felt like you needed to have stability to have a solid family. But now, the home and family actually will create the security you want. The trick is to embrace your personal definition of happy family, because if you are honest with yourself, your dream home and family probably isn’t entirely typical. March to the beat of your own drummer and your family will play the melody, to create harmony. (Oh man I want all the way with that analogy. I’m not sorry.)
GEMINI - You may feel a bit off balance lately. Perhaps a job or relationship has ended. This new moon will deliver new relationships and other opportunities pretty much to your door. Don’t hang on to the past. It is time to learn something new. It might be a new skill set, or a new way of relating with a partner, or a type of relationship you’ve never had before. Opportunities will arise to allow you to grow, and your growth will bring even more opportunities.
CANCER - I feel like I’ve said what I’m about to say to you before so I went and looked at the last few Cancer scopes...and I HAVE said this for the last few weeks! Money is highlighted for you in a really positive way. All signs point to a period of more ease and flow and overall comfort. What is required is a little bit of hustle and quite a bit of stubborn determination. I don’t think you’ll need to try to manufacture that drive...it will just happen. It may already be underway. Keep going!
LEO - This is obviously your time to shine, Leo. Lots of eyes and energy is on you, and things are going to show up for you in a magical way in the coming weeks. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any challenges, or responsibility. Careful and strategic planning and creative manifesting will get you at least half way there. The other part of the equation is pure, unadulterated faith. Believe. Believe in your dreams as utterly possible. Open your arms and receive what the Universe is cooking up for you!
VIRGO - The bad news is there have been many changes to your life. The good news is there are better changes coming! You may find this moon and this week to be challenging to your faith and your ability to trust your intuition. You and the other earth signs have been fighting really hard to get your feet back under you and you seem to keep getting your ass kicked a little. If you were a cancer I wouldn’t tell you to do this, but you’re not so... review your personal history and your victories. Remember how hard it was, until it wasn’t so hard. Good times WILL come, and sooner than you think. You’re just soul tired, and that’s understandable. But believe anyway!!
LIBRA - Life is full of circles and cycles. The finish line is also the starting point. Death leads to life. Life ends in death and allows more life. Things that hurt will give way to things that grow and then things that give joy. This moon lands in your house of friendships. Look at your circle of people. You are worthy of love and kindness...the same love and kindness you so freely give to others. Lean on your true friends often, because they’ve also leaned on you. It’s a circle. Hugs are also circles.
SCORPIO - Lean back and take a look at how far you’ve come and what you’ve built by being determined and dedicated. This moon lands in your career house, and look what a career house you’ve built! You may feel a bit uncertain right now, but that is because you’re at a pivotal point. A new cycle of success and even wealth is on the other side of this weird energy. Be open to things looking a little different than you expected. The choice may not be one you saw coming. But all of these unexpected things will ultimately lead to good!
SAGITTARIUS - This new moon lands in your home base - the 9th house. When you aren’t sure what to believe because everything seems to have changed, believe in this one core truth: you are loved. YOU are loved. You ARE loved. You are LOVED!! What other belief could you require? Other people may have different beliefs and make different choices and maybe even do you wrong. But if you hold to that core belief, it will get you through! If something is trying to leave your life, don’t bar the door just so you can say you were right. Open the door, light up the exit sign and say “thanks for coming. I am loved. Bye”
CAPRICORN - This moon will hit your house of all things weird and intimate. The 8th house doesn’t scare you, because you know that you can do anything! Your passion and perseverance are your super hero strengths, even if others don’t always see it that way. When you meet someone who is wow’d by your stubbornness and willpower, let them all the way in, because those are your people. Intimacy comes when we feel understood. Swimming in deep water is always better with a partner.
AQUARIUS - This new moon occurs in your house of committed partnerships. It is in that house where you will feel things stirred up and manifesting. And it is also in that realm where you will find solace, healing, and peace. The people in this house (which can be marriage, committed partner, or business partners) are the ones who will help you achieve great successes in the coming weeks and beyond. If you can’t identify who might be in the 7th house for you, visualize and manifest it! As strong as you are, that is how strong you need your partners to be. Feel what that kind of support feels like, and let it show up for you.
PISCES - To truly receive, you have to take your hands off the gift you have your eye fixed on. Surrender to the process of receiving and release expectations about it. This moon shows up in your house of health, habits and routine. Focus your manifesting in the areas where you are of service to your self and to others, and trust that what arrives is right for you. If you are waiting for news about some issue regarding your daily work or your health, surrender to the excruciating wait. Ultimately, the delay will benefit you. There will be a celebration.