Examining Purpose - BitchScopes for August 30-September 6
There are SIX quincunxes this week. I find the quincunx aspect very interesting, but after having a DOZEN of them in August, and having felt the sting of their awkward adjustment energy, I’m over it. Next! More trines please!
There are 5 more quincunxes in the remainder of September, making at least 11, and possibly making September at least somewhat similar to August (shit!) and some degree of uncomfortable... Again. Still. As usual. Ad nauseum. Fuck.
I will say that I feel that the slates were mostly cleared in August and that in September we begin to start something from scratch. The New Moon in Virgo is a great opportunity for us to set intentions for creating and inviting things in our lives that we care about, activities that matter to us, and relationships that serve us better than the ones we left behind in August. The ground IS fertile. Because even after a fire scorches the earth, little green saplings will poke through the destruction as they reach for the Sun. Endings and Beginnings, Life and Death, blah blah blah. It isn’t much fun. But I do not think September will be nearly as harsh as August for most of us.
Mars is very active this week. He's currently in Virgo, so our perfectionistic tendencies will be strong, and impatience may be an issue. This makes for good productivity if you can harness it correctly. Mars can help you get things done at work, but this placement isn't super for relationships. Also not super for relationships is the Venus Pluto square. We can't ignore Pluto, even if we try. Power struggles are a strong possibility. I feel these will likely take place in personal relationships, but many of our work relationships could feel tense too.
I will say that I feel that the slates were mostly cleared in August and that in September we begin to start something from scratch. The New Moon in Virgo is a great opportunity for us to set intentions for creating and inviting things in our lives that we care about, activities that matter to us, and relationships that serve us better than the ones we left behind in August. The ground IS fertile. Because even after a fire scorches the earth, little green saplings will poke through the destruction as they reach for the Sun. Endings and Beginnings, Life and Death, blah blah blah. It isn’t much fun. But I do not think September will be nearly as harsh as August for most of us.
Mars is very active this week. He's currently in Virgo, so our perfectionistic tendencies will be strong, and impatience may be an issue. This makes for good productivity if you can harness it correctly. Mars can help you get things done at work, but this placement isn't super for relationships. Also not super for relationships is the Venus Pluto square. We can't ignore Pluto, even if we try. Power struggles are a strong possibility. I feel these will likely take place in personal relationships, but many of our work relationships could feel tense too.
Speaking of work... Vesta appears a few times this week, and I haven’t seen her around these parts since July. Vesta rules our sacred flame - the work we do in the world that is sacred to us. Service matters so much to Virgo, so this feels very timely. The same is true of Ceres (to a lesser degree), who also peeks out this week. Ceres is sometimes considered the co-ruler of Virgo, as she is the goddess of the harvest. Work and Purpose will take a front seat to relationships this week, which might be an OK thing since relationships might be touchy. Try not to get too buried in any one project, because you might miss the big picture. And try to tread softly in relationships, because insecurity may run amok at this time. Listen to your heart, both in regards to your calling and higher purpose, and in regards to your intimate partnerships. Listen more than you speak. Give more than you take.
Neptune makes 3 difficult aspects this week (more appearances than the last several weeks), so art and music could soothe the aching soul. Listen to music that soothes you or provides you catharsis. I used to listen to Audioslave on my way to the job from hell (we miss your voice, Chris Cornell!). Or sometimes I would listen to Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (sung by Tori Kelly), or “Ave Maria” (my fave is by Christina Perri, but take your pick) on repeat. Both would help me clear my emotions and my head before entering the war zone. Since these transits are a bit awkward and bajiggity, if we lean into the Neptunian portion of it, we can maybe find some solace. Just be sure to not lose yourself in the escape.
Having said all that, there ARE some nice, juicy trines in the rest of September. There are also some squares...but squares can provide us with the impetus to make change, so I don’t find them wholly objectionable. Feeling sassy is better than feeling crappy! This Fall IS shaping up to be juicy, so keep your bitchy lil chin up!
GEMINI - Mars and Neptune activate your 4th and 10th house axis this week, so the pull between work and home/family is emphasized. Vesta will be in your 5th house, which is great for you. The New Moon and Mars will be in your 4th house of family. You have a busy mind, and in this energy you can utilize that in creative ways to get things done both at work and at home. If you need to throw yourself into writing, art, painting etc. in order to avoid a blow up in either place, do it! Feelings of betrayal will pass. Use the New Moon to create a fresh new beginning!
CANCER - Your 3rd and 9th house axis is activated this week. Mars & the New Moon will be in your 3rd house of communication, so if you have something to write or publish, get after it. Neptune in the 9th will stimulate your spiritual side. That 3rd house energy could be really fruitful for you, so beware of the desire to be lazy. Normally I would tell you to soak it up and relax, but this week, its the little devil on your shoulder telling you to procrastinate that might getcha.
LEO - Your 2nd and 8th house axis is activated this week, bringing a focus to money matters, as well as values and intimacy. Mars and the New Moon hit the 2nd house, so use the moon to manifest! Neptune will be in your 8th house, so you may be in some denial about debt or loans. That Virgo energy in your earned income area, however, can compensate with great management and organization. This is a period of transition for you, so get those ducks in a row and utilize that New Moon energy.
VIRGO - Your 1st and 7th house axis this week, bringing focus to your identity and how you project it into relationships. Be aware of self criticism. This New Moon and Mars will be in that 1st house, so if you want to change something about yourself, make sure you do it for the right reasons. Be careful of anything or anyone who doesn't seem honest. However in this current energy, you'll need to watch for that in yourself as well. If someone doesn't value your part of a relationship, don't assume they are right. Do the deep work and find your own value. Use that New Moon!
LIBRA - Your 12th and 6th house axis is activated this week, while Vesta is busy in your 1st house of identity. Mars and the New Moon are in your 12th house of shadows, do you may feel withdrawn. Your instincts can feel muffled in this placement for Mars as well. So if depression creeps in, just realize it is temporary. If your routine has been upended, find something to keep yourself busy. Beware of the desire to procrastinate or be in denial about some part of your life. While you may not feel particularly empowered, you can use the New Moon to manifest some positive new habits.
SCORPIO - Your 11th and 5th house axis is activated this week. The New Moon and Mars will be in your 11th house of friends, hopes and dreams, while Neptune will be in a great placement in the 5th house of creativity. It is probably high time you did something fun with your friends. Vesta will be in your 12th house of shadows, so pay attention to your dreams and spiritual practice. If you find yourself feeling judgey of yourself, or questioning your value, remind yourself that this is temporary. Lean on your friends and if necessary, use the New Moon to manifest new connections.
SAGITTARIUS - Your 10th and 4th house axis is activated this week, and the focus will be squarely on your career and your desire to succeed. Mars and the New Moon in Virgo will be in your work sector. Your energy and your social calendar will probably be pretty busy. But Neptune is transiting your 4th house of home and family. Don't neglect your family just because they don't ask for attention all the time. Your particular sensitivities are needed at home right now, just as much as your skills are needed at work. This would be a good time to do some home decorating projects with your family.
AQUARIUS - Your 8th and 2nd house axis is activated this week, with particular emphasis on your 8th house of "other people's money". Loans and debts may come up for attention or consideration. The New Moon and Mars in that house actually are on your side. Use the New Moon energy to manifest a path forward. Meanwhile, Neptune in your 2nd house of earned income may make your money situation a little screwy, or have you questioning your value. Don't get too bogged down in this energy as it is temporary. Lean into your spiritual beliefs, as Vesta is waking up your 9th house. Meditation and prayer can give you a great deal of clarity and comfort right now.
PISCES - Your 7th and 1st house axis is activated this week by Mars, the New Moon, and Neptune, respectively. Neptune in your 1st house can distort how you perceive yourself. I wouldn't recommend a drastic haircut right now, or anything that changes your appearance, because the results will be distorted through your eyes. Wait until the energy is clearer. This energy lies opposite to the relationship energy being activated by Mars and the Moon. Use the New Moon to manifest more security in your relationships with others and with yourself, and resist the urge to dwell on past experiences.
Neptune makes 3 difficult aspects this week (more appearances than the last several weeks), so art and music could soothe the aching soul. Listen to music that soothes you or provides you catharsis. I used to listen to Audioslave on my way to the job from hell (we miss your voice, Chris Cornell!). Or sometimes I would listen to Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (sung by Tori Kelly), or “Ave Maria” (my fave is by Christina Perri, but take your pick) on repeat. Both would help me clear my emotions and my head before entering the war zone. Since these transits are a bit awkward and bajiggity, if we lean into the Neptunian portion of it, we can maybe find some solace. Just be sure to not lose yourself in the escape.
Having said all that, there ARE some nice, juicy trines in the rest of September. There are also some squares...but squares can provide us with the impetus to make change, so I don’t find them wholly objectionable. Feeling sassy is better than feeling crappy! This Fall IS shaping up to be juicy, so keep your bitchy lil chin up!
- Mercury enters libra - diplomacy rules
- Sun quincunx Saturn - a divide between what you want to do and your responsibilities and obligations
ARIES - Your 6th and 12th house axis will be activated this week, so work is highlighted. What you do in the world, perhaps as a service, is emphasized, as is your spiritual side. Mars & the New Moon will be transiting your 6th house, and Neptune is in the 12th. Be aware of your shadow behaviors like moodiness and heavy- handedness, particularly about things that mean a lot to you. Vesta will be in your 7th house, activated by a number of aspects, and will naturally bring your focus to relationships. Be aware of either criticism or disconnectedness (caused by irritation) . Use the moon to manifest a new routine with your partner.
TAURUS - Your 5th and 11th house axis is activated this week, which is pretty cool, honestly. Creativity, children, friends, hopes & dreams are all activated for you. Vesta will be in your 6th house of routine; the New Moon and Mars will be in your 5th house of creativity and fun, and Neptune is in your 11th house. I smell a furniture re-arranging or re-decorating project! That would be an excellent way to channel your energy this week, particularly if you are feeling meh, insecure or just crappy about your home/family life.
- Mars opposite Pallas - you impulsiveness goes head to head with your strategic genius
- Saturn trine Ceres - your nurturing can tende to be more pragmatic and stoic
- Pallas quincunx Vesta - changes in your work can challenge your instincts and intuition
- Mercury trine Lilith - expression of your more rebellious ideas comes naturally. eep!
- Mars opposite Neptune - feeling discouraged, inadequate and insecure.
- Sun square Juno - potential for feeling at cross-purposes with your partner, conflicts in relationships
- Venus conjunct Vesta - effort to have a peaceful environment; focus on material needs
- Mercury trine North Node - the words and ideas that can advance us toward our calling
- Venus quincunx Neptune - you may be blinded to harsher truths and instead feel dreamy and romantic. Honestly, I’ll take it. Its temporary. Enjoy that fantasy.
- Sun quincunx Chiron - creativity helps heal wounds
- Mercury trine Saturn - good focus and concentration
- Neptune quincunx Vesta - your focus on your work is required; disappointment at work is possible; lack of motivation
- Venus square Pluto - possible power struggles in relationships
- Venus opposed Eris - jealousy is possible in relationships
- Mars quincunx Eris - more power struggles; impulsiveness
- Mercury enters shadow phase (retrograde 9/27-10/17) - this retrograde will happen in Libra...so partnerships and relationships may feel a little detached; but depending on your chart, this could increase connection and intimacy. Let’s not panic just yet.
- New Moon in Virgo 5:51PM PST - Clean slate for starting fresh new intentions.
- Mars trine Pluto - ambition
- Venus trine Jupiter - optimism in love (thank goddess!)
- Sun trine Uranus - positive change and excitement
- Mars quincunx Jupiter - distracted from the real opportunities by shiny objects and busy work; impatience
ARIES - Your 6th and 12th house axis will be activated this week, so work is highlighted. What you do in the world, perhaps as a service, is emphasized, as is your spiritual side. Mars & the New Moon will be transiting your 6th house, and Neptune is in the 12th. Be aware of your shadow behaviors like moodiness and heavy- handedness, particularly about things that mean a lot to you. Vesta will be in your 7th house, activated by a number of aspects, and will naturally bring your focus to relationships. Be aware of either criticism or disconnectedness (caused by irritation) . Use the moon to manifest a new routine with your partner.
TAURUS - Your 5th and 11th house axis is activated this week, which is pretty cool, honestly. Creativity, children, friends, hopes & dreams are all activated for you. Vesta will be in your 6th house of routine; the New Moon and Mars will be in your 5th house of creativity and fun, and Neptune is in your 11th house. I smell a furniture re-arranging or re-decorating project! That would be an excellent way to channel your energy this week, particularly if you are feeling meh, insecure or just crappy about your home/family life.
GEMINI - Mars and Neptune activate your 4th and 10th house axis this week, so the pull between work and home/family is emphasized. Vesta will be in your 5th house, which is great for you. The New Moon and Mars will be in your 4th house of family. You have a busy mind, and in this energy you can utilize that in creative ways to get things done both at work and at home. If you need to throw yourself into writing, art, painting etc. in order to avoid a blow up in either place, do it! Feelings of betrayal will pass. Use the New Moon to create a fresh new beginning!
CANCER - Your 3rd and 9th house axis is activated this week. Mars & the New Moon will be in your 3rd house of communication, so if you have something to write or publish, get after it. Neptune in the 9th will stimulate your spiritual side. That 3rd house energy could be really fruitful for you, so beware of the desire to be lazy. Normally I would tell you to soak it up and relax, but this week, its the little devil on your shoulder telling you to procrastinate that might getcha.
LEO - Your 2nd and 8th house axis is activated this week, bringing a focus to money matters, as well as values and intimacy. Mars and the New Moon hit the 2nd house, so use the moon to manifest! Neptune will be in your 8th house, so you may be in some denial about debt or loans. That Virgo energy in your earned income area, however, can compensate with great management and organization. This is a period of transition for you, so get those ducks in a row and utilize that New Moon energy.
VIRGO - Your 1st and 7th house axis this week, bringing focus to your identity and how you project it into relationships. Be aware of self criticism. This New Moon and Mars will be in that 1st house, so if you want to change something about yourself, make sure you do it for the right reasons. Be careful of anything or anyone who doesn't seem honest. However in this current energy, you'll need to watch for that in yourself as well. If someone doesn't value your part of a relationship, don't assume they are right. Do the deep work and find your own value. Use that New Moon!
LIBRA - Your 12th and 6th house axis is activated this week, while Vesta is busy in your 1st house of identity. Mars and the New Moon are in your 12th house of shadows, do you may feel withdrawn. Your instincts can feel muffled in this placement for Mars as well. So if depression creeps in, just realize it is temporary. If your routine has been upended, find something to keep yourself busy. Beware of the desire to procrastinate or be in denial about some part of your life. While you may not feel particularly empowered, you can use the New Moon to manifest some positive new habits.
SCORPIO - Your 11th and 5th house axis is activated this week. The New Moon and Mars will be in your 11th house of friends, hopes and dreams, while Neptune will be in a great placement in the 5th house of creativity. It is probably high time you did something fun with your friends. Vesta will be in your 12th house of shadows, so pay attention to your dreams and spiritual practice. If you find yourself feeling judgey of yourself, or questioning your value, remind yourself that this is temporary. Lean on your friends and if necessary, use the New Moon to manifest new connections.
SAGITTARIUS - Your 10th and 4th house axis is activated this week, and the focus will be squarely on your career and your desire to succeed. Mars and the New Moon in Virgo will be in your work sector. Your energy and your social calendar will probably be pretty busy. But Neptune is transiting your 4th house of home and family. Don't neglect your family just because they don't ask for attention all the time. Your particular sensitivities are needed at home right now, just as much as your skills are needed at work. This would be a good time to do some home decorating projects with your family.
CAPRICORN - Your 9th and 3rd house axis is activated this week. Mars and the New Moon will be in your 9th house, and you may be craving new adventures or feeling a bit bored. Use the moon to manifest those adventures you are craving. In the meantime, utilize Neptune in your 3rd house of communication to do some creative writing or journaling. Vesta is in your 10th house of career, so you may question the meaningfulness of your job, or crave something more. Don't let this get you down, because this discomfort is temporary. Lean into your spiritual beliefs to get your through.
AQUARIUS - Your 8th and 2nd house axis is activated this week, with particular emphasis on your 8th house of "other people's money". Loans and debts may come up for attention or consideration. The New Moon and Mars in that house actually are on your side. Use the New Moon energy to manifest a path forward. Meanwhile, Neptune in your 2nd house of earned income may make your money situation a little screwy, or have you questioning your value. Don't get too bogged down in this energy as it is temporary. Lean into your spiritual beliefs, as Vesta is waking up your 9th house. Meditation and prayer can give you a great deal of clarity and comfort right now.
PISCES - Your 7th and 1st house axis is activated this week by Mars, the New Moon, and Neptune, respectively. Neptune in your 1st house can distort how you perceive yourself. I wouldn't recommend a drastic haircut right now, or anything that changes your appearance, because the results will be distorted through your eyes. Wait until the energy is clearer. This energy lies opposite to the relationship energy being activated by Mars and the Moon. Use the New Moon to manifest more security in your relationships with others and with yourself, and resist the urge to dwell on past experiences.