"quincunxy"...1st cousin of "bajiggity" - BitchScopes for August 9-16
It’s a week of a bizarre number of quincunxes. There are 6 of these in this week’s aspects. August in general has a bunch of them. The Quincunx is awkward and requires adjustment to be resolved. That adjustment is not usually one we really like or are happy to make. It isn’t so much that anything here is painful, its just awkward and “Well shit. That’s not how I thought that was gonna go.”
There isn’t a lot of soft or light hearted energy this week, so it's best to bring the softness to the table yourself. Try not to pick fights, be aware of your insecurities, be a good listener and try to be a team player. The New Moon we just had on the 8th is already doing its work to bring in what you’ve been manifesting (The Lion’s Gate made is very potent!), and that means adjustments will need to be made to make those manifestations fit. So if you look at the awkwardness in that way, it is a bit less irritating.
Some of the scopes have some authority imbalances noted. With these kinds of issues in this energy, your best bet is to use your intellect. You can be soft and flexible while still reclaiming your personal authority. It's called "Kill em with kindness" and it is a well honed skill of Virgo. With both Mars and Venus in Virgo right now, and Mercury moving there this week, you can take advantage of that energy to your advantage. Let "them" believe they are getting their way by skillful and diplomatic (not malicious) manipulation.

8/9 Mercury quincunx Pluto - desire to uncover hidden truths or motivations
8/9 Venus opposite Neptune - relationships can be over idealized or cause disappointment
8/10 Mercury opposite Jupiter - big ideas and plans
8/11 Venus trine Pluto - positive passion and intensity in relationships
8/11 Mercury enters virgo - attentive and focused
8/11 Mars square Lunar Nodes - a missed step, in this case an “action”
8/11 Venus quincunx Eris - insecurity and jealousy in relationships
8/13 Mars quincunx Saturn - frustrations about limitations and necessary adjustments that you resent
8/14 Venus quincunx Jupiter - opportunities to advance present themselves but you may be unable to jump on them
8/14 Sun quincunx Neptune - adjustments may be necessary to your dreams and plans but you may be feeling a little too dreamy to enact them.
8/15 Mercury square Lunar Nodes - tendency to over analyze things as they relate to your life goals
8/16 Venus enters Libra - this is “home” for Venus and she is very comfortable and charming here
8/16 Mercury quincunx Saturn - feeling out of sorts mentally, not able to connect the dots
ARIES - If you are feeling a bit disconnected from yourself, it is probably due to an interaction you had with someone that feels shady. The best way for you to navigate this is to be diplomatically tricky and use your intellect to bring things into the light. This is one of those cases where “manipulation” isn’t an evil thing. Stay on the right side of your own integrity, but don’t be ashamed to use your guile to have your own back.
TAURUS - As if often the case for you, things may not be moving as quickly or in the direction you would like. Impatience may be a bigger problem this week than normal, so you’ll need to really keep yourself in check so you don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Look for balance in the difficult scenarios, and if that means you have to be a more cooperative partner or team mate, do what you can to do that.
GEMINI - If you are feeling disappointed or disillusioned, fear not. This is those pesky adjustments and incongruities rearing their heads. Just because you can’t see and fully grasp the path ahead of you, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Your mind almost always moves faster than life does. Pull back, spend some time alone and really assess your desires and needs. Let go of the attachments to how things happen and try to be open to letting them happen in the right way, at the right time.
CANCER - You may have a lot of creative energy bubbling right now. The problem is your motivation is not matching your creativity. If you need to take a break, do so. Dare I say, even allow yourself to be lazy. Gasp! Make notes. Brainstorm. Refine your ideas into a plan and prioritize them. If you need to go into your shell and be a little less productive temporarily, it is OKAY!
LEO - You already know this about yourself, but sometimes your passion burns YOU the deepest. You lead with your heart, and that is your super power; but super powers are vulnerable to kryptonite, and yours is love. See those colorful flags on the field? That’s not a parade, you sweet optimist. Those are warnings. Be careful with your self.
VIRGO - All the struggle will soon pay off. You are, or will be changed by the things that have transpired in your personal life recently. But all things work together for good if you can have faith in the process. It isn’t easy to do. But soon you’ll be seeing the fruits of success. Some really good stuff is right ahead of you...believe
LIBRA - There’s a lot going on in your life right now, particularly if you have children (but this still holds true if you don’t). Their life experiences (or the experiences of your students, family, or work family) and milestones can feel a bit overwhelming at times. You thrive on order and balance, and you can feel pretty bajiggity if anything hits at chaos. Try to remember that chaos is the foundational principle of creation. Sort the chaotic pieces and try to stay organized. Dynamics and traditions and patterns are due for change, and that’s ok. Keep your head on straight, and soon life won’t feel so messy.
SCORPIO - Really good things are on the horizon for you, particularly at home and with your family or close tribe members. A period of renewed stability is coming. Your courage and strength have brought you through some hard times. Now you can focus on turning that strength inward a bit and setting up good boundaries for yourself so that you can truly enjoy the abundance that is coming.
SAGITTARIUS - You may be feeling overwhelmed and a bit exhausted by recent events or situations. It is especially important for you to realize there is help and support around you, and you need to be strong enough to ask for it when necessary. This help may be any number of things, but pay particular attention to the women around you. I also feel you will overcome this busy period of time by using your intellect and ability to recognize patterns and flow within systems. This is temporary, but take care of yourself more than usual.
CAPRICORN - There seems to be an issue with a particular entity, authority, or institution who you don’t trust or who isn’t serving its proper purpose in your life lately. Examine these roles and feel empowered and free to take action, make a statement, ask a question, etc. If you’re feeling stuck, take a look at your interactions with other people. You may be either too isolated and alone, or needing more time alone. But it is clear that things are a bit out of balance. It will clear up soon anyway, but you’d be wise to examine whatever these relationships are.
AQUARIUS - You are in a prison of your own making. You are applying rules and principles to a version of you that doesn’t exist anymore. The version of happiness that you are trying to achieve in your current life is incongruous with the person you are now. The limits and restrictions you’re sensing are the chains of the past. Shake them off and pursue a life of success based on who you are today.
PISCES - There is an imbalance of authority in your life that requires some possibly tough decisions. There is a strong possibility that you have given away a bit too much of your personal power to a team or partnership of some kind, and you can gain it back, but it may feel awkward and uncomfortable. It will be worth it
TAURUS - As if often the case for you, things may not be moving as quickly or in the direction you would like. Impatience may be a bigger problem this week than normal, so you’ll need to really keep yourself in check so you don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Look for balance in the difficult scenarios, and if that means you have to be a more cooperative partner or team mate, do what you can to do that.
GEMINI - If you are feeling disappointed or disillusioned, fear not. This is those pesky adjustments and incongruities rearing their heads. Just because you can’t see and fully grasp the path ahead of you, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Your mind almost always moves faster than life does. Pull back, spend some time alone and really assess your desires and needs. Let go of the attachments to how things happen and try to be open to letting them happen in the right way, at the right time.
CANCER - You may have a lot of creative energy bubbling right now. The problem is your motivation is not matching your creativity. If you need to take a break, do so. Dare I say, even allow yourself to be lazy. Gasp! Make notes. Brainstorm. Refine your ideas into a plan and prioritize them. If you need to go into your shell and be a little less productive temporarily, it is OKAY!
LEO - You already know this about yourself, but sometimes your passion burns YOU the deepest. You lead with your heart, and that is your super power; but super powers are vulnerable to kryptonite, and yours is love. See those colorful flags on the field? That’s not a parade, you sweet optimist. Those are warnings. Be careful with your self.
VIRGO - All the struggle will soon pay off. You are, or will be changed by the things that have transpired in your personal life recently. But all things work together for good if you can have faith in the process. It isn’t easy to do. But soon you’ll be seeing the fruits of success. Some really good stuff is right ahead of you...believe
LIBRA - There’s a lot going on in your life right now, particularly if you have children (but this still holds true if you don’t). Their life experiences (or the experiences of your students, family, or work family) and milestones can feel a bit overwhelming at times. You thrive on order and balance, and you can feel pretty bajiggity if anything hits at chaos. Try to remember that chaos is the foundational principle of creation. Sort the chaotic pieces and try to stay organized. Dynamics and traditions and patterns are due for change, and that’s ok. Keep your head on straight, and soon life won’t feel so messy.
SCORPIO - Really good things are on the horizon for you, particularly at home and with your family or close tribe members. A period of renewed stability is coming. Your courage and strength have brought you through some hard times. Now you can focus on turning that strength inward a bit and setting up good boundaries for yourself so that you can truly enjoy the abundance that is coming.
SAGITTARIUS - You may be feeling overwhelmed and a bit exhausted by recent events or situations. It is especially important for you to realize there is help and support around you, and you need to be strong enough to ask for it when necessary. This help may be any number of things, but pay particular attention to the women around you. I also feel you will overcome this busy period of time by using your intellect and ability to recognize patterns and flow within systems. This is temporary, but take care of yourself more than usual.
CAPRICORN - There seems to be an issue with a particular entity, authority, or institution who you don’t trust or who isn’t serving its proper purpose in your life lately. Examine these roles and feel empowered and free to take action, make a statement, ask a question, etc. If you’re feeling stuck, take a look at your interactions with other people. You may be either too isolated and alone, or needing more time alone. But it is clear that things are a bit out of balance. It will clear up soon anyway, but you’d be wise to examine whatever these relationships are.
AQUARIUS - You are in a prison of your own making. You are applying rules and principles to a version of you that doesn’t exist anymore. The version of happiness that you are trying to achieve in your current life is incongruous with the person you are now. The limits and restrictions you’re sensing are the chains of the past. Shake them off and pursue a life of success based on who you are today.
PISCES - There is an imbalance of authority in your life that requires some possibly tough decisions. There is a strong possibility that you have given away a bit too much of your personal power to a team or partnership of some kind, and you can gain it back, but it may feel awkward and uncomfortable. It will be worth it