Crepuscular Afflatus - BitchScopes for September 27 - October 4

Well if you are feeling a bit unclear about the direction of your energy, your goals, etc., perhaps this will help you understand why:

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Mercury retrograde in Libra

This retrograde-a-palooza happens every year, with a minor change up in the starring characters. All of the outer planets retrograde every year for about half the year. We know Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year for about 3 weeks each. Venus and Mars only retrograde once every 18-24 months. The latter 2 are the most noticeable for many people. We do have Venus retrograde at the very end of this year. Mars won’t retrograde until October 2022.

Because the majority of our planets retrograde regularly and for several months each, and due to the fact that the outer planets tend to offer less personal fuckery and more social issues, retrogrades do not really jack with us individually as much as we’d like to blame them for. That retrograde energy is just part of our existence and we’ve mostly integrated it. Mercury is definitely more personal, but also doesn’t need to be something we clutch our pearls about. It is retrograde and in its shadow for so much time each year, many of us are somewhat used to it. I think the more awareness and potential for positive change you assign to Mercury, the less the fuckery splatters on you. (We will talk about Mars and Venus later.)
So, yes, retrogrades can be positive. But if you feel like you just can’t quite get grounded, or focus on your goals, or even determine what your goals are...that is probably the retrograde. Summer time is generally a flurry of activity for most of the world. In the Autumn, everything slows down a little. In this time between the long days and the long nights, when energies are balanced, we can gain a lot of clarity.
It is also widely believed that the veil between this world and the next is thinner at this time of year. As seasons go, Spring is Sunrise, Summer is Noontime, Autumn is sunset or twilight (did you know the word “crepuscular” means twilight? What a weird word...sounds more like a skin tag or something!) and Winter is nighttime. During this Autumnal, crepuscular (ew) season, we gather in the harvest, celebrate our blessings and abundance, and store up for the winter, wherein only darkness and quiet grow. So when we are thinking of family, and roots, both agriculturally and ancestrally, we can really lean in to the wisdom of our bloodline. This can help us gain clarity too.
This is a great time to dig out any old family photographs you have. If you have family heirlooms in the way of jewelry, dishes, furniture, it would be lovely to give them a stage and a voice this time of year. I seem to be the family photo keeper, and I have some very old photographs of people I never knew, but who are my direct bloodline. It is amazing to me how much you can really see and feel about someone just in a photograph. (Photo reading was how I got started doing psychic work. I didn’t know photo reading was really a thing, I just thought I was what everyone always said I was: imaginative and over sensitive. Turns out its a bit more than that.)

So this week as we sense the year drawing down we may start to feel edgy. Hell you may have been edgy all year and I wouldn’t blame you a bit. We are frustrated with the things going on in the world and we are so tired, and isolated in many ways. Take time before you fly off the handle at your boss, your spouse, your kids, or strangers on Facebook (who may actually deserve it), get quiet. Sit with a photo of your grandmother or some other ancestor. Think about their life, if you know any of it Remember their sense of humor or favorite things. Remember how you felt when you were with them and why. This kind of introspection can go a long way in helping you integrate your own shadow.

Ambition is a theme this week, but it is surrounded by lack of clarity. So do your research and concoct a business plan, instead of buying the office building or switching jobs (unless you can’t avoid it. Only because starting a new job can be stressful and throw you off.) But hey, if you’re starting a new job, congratufuckinglations! Really. Don’t rush. Take lots of notes. Write down your questions about the processes you are facing. Journal. Buy a planner. Be mindful of your breathing, your body posture, and what you’re eating. Get your sleep hygiene in order. All of this will put you in the best possible position to jump on future opportunities.

I say this because in October, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury will all station direct, making October what I believe to be the exhale we’ve all be holding in. There is a lot of activity building in Libra: The Sun, New Moon, Mercury Retrograde, and Mars. And Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto all go direct this month in Aquarius and Capricorn. So I will be looking at those parts of your chart.

I have an astrology reading called “Ambitchous” that you might find helpful (I discounted it for the month of October.) It looks at the planets in your natal chart that relate to your soul purpose, your calling, and your natural gifts. If you feel like you’re floundering a little too much, hit me up. I’d love to help.

  • Mercury stations retrograde - Mercury retrogrades through Libra, emphasizing relationships, the need for balance, and an opportunity to revisit goals and plans in this area of life.

  • Venus trine Neptune - romance, daydreaming, chilling out
  • Sun trine Saturn - achievement and recognition

  • Venus square Jupiter - optimism and social activities are favored; difficulties in relationships are softened; excessive optimism or vanity may have you over extending yourself

  • Sun trine Lilith - your edginess can easily find expression and foothold
  • Mercury opposite Eris - intense feelings and memories can come up; watch for sarcasm and sabotage
  • Mars opposite Chiron - feeling defensive; your own impulsivity working against you
  • Mercury square Pluto - deeps thoughts, intense interactions

  • Venus quincunx Eris - disruption in relationship due to past traumas or rebellion; face your shadows
  • Venus sextile Pluto - love can deepen and be expressed in non verbal ways (yes, sex)

  • Mars trine Ceres - nurturing and compassion come more easily
  • Sun opposite Chiron - difficulty in finding people who align with you, and your ego may feel wounded
  • Mercury trine Jupiter - getting along nicely with others, but tendency to be too contemplative

  • Saturn square Vesta -job difficulties
  • Mars quincunx Pallas - a passion project may pique your interest; adjustments may be necessary to channel your energy in the right direction

This week I’m using 3 decks in addition to astrological placements to write your horoscope. “Dark Goddess Tarot” by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince is what’s in your shadow; “Line Strider Tarot” by Siolo Thompson is your action this week; and “Love your Inner Goddess” by Alana Fairchild is what you have to look forward to this Fall.

ARIES - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 7th house of “other”, while the outer planets set you up for more prominence on the public stage and with whatever groups you associate with (10th and 11th houses). In your shadow is Artemis,asking you to clear your spaces out physically and energetically. Sage, oils, fresh flowers and evergreens will all help. Let go of things you are keeping simply out of obligation or nostalgia for a time that no longer reflects who you are. Artemis protects all girls and women, as well as nature. So maybe now is a good time to start composting. The 2 of Pentacles tells us that you need to seek balance this week. You have a transformation coming that you can absolutely look forward to. You will handle it with ease and grace, and I feel that all of this also points to an uptick in income. So clean out those junk drawer and closets this week to make room for the future!

TAURUS - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 6th house of “routine, habit and health”, while the outer planets set you up for expansion of career, possibly through education (10th and 9th houses). In your shadow is Kali, goddess of destruction Your routine may really get a change up, but it is always for the better. Reversed Knight of Swords says “pump your brakes bitch”, you need to simmer down and check the details of your plan. Let go of the things you are most tied up and worried about and reframe your thoughts in a positive way. You’ve caged yourself in some way. You’ll be bustin’ out this Fall!

GEMINI - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 5th house of “creativity, fun and romance”, while the outer planets set you up for a deep dive into your beliefs (9th and 8th houses). You have Sekhmet in your shadow, inviting...pushing you to step up and step in to your utmost power. Fuck fear! 6 of Swords says you’re movin’ on up. If there is a risk you’ve been on the fence about, you’re being guided to take it! Don’t let the influence of others be the shitty voice in your head. Your uniqueness and rebellious nature is your strength!

CANCER - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 4th house of “home and family”, which your sign naturally rules. while the outer planets ask you to go deeper into intimacy with yourself, your shadow, and your significant other (8th and 7th houses). In your shadow you have Ishtar, suggesting that you’re holding back and maybe playing it too safe. Where you find tension (5 of Swords), maybe at home, avoid being a “right fighter” and look for the best solution for everyone, while also taking into consideration that you may cave to other people’s wishes too often. You WILL find a balance between using your own voice of individuality, and being the hub of your family’s universe.

LEO - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 3rd house of “communication”, while the outer planets set you up to make progress on committed or contracted relationships, work, and personal routines. (7th and 6th houses). In your shadow is the Lady of the Lake, the enchantress who beguiled Merlin and led King Arthur to greatness. The Lovers card is reversed. And then we have another water card: The Mermaid. You have underestimated your own power, and you are afraid to be seen as manipulative. Embrace the concept of benevolent manipulation and don’t be tempted to give your power away, as Merlin did.

VIRGO - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 2nd house of “earned income”, while the outer planets wanna talk about your body, your sacral chakra, and good sex.(6th and 5th houses). In your shadow you have Epona, goddess of the Horse. The horse, as a totem, speaks to courage, determination, freedom and good natured service. There is also wild, raw sexual power in horse energy. The Tower card tells me that you are finished with holding back the powerful sexual energy you’ve always had, but held back to make other people happy. There is some self forgiveness that needs to happen where you may have misused your power in the past. But going forward, you will feel much freer to fully express yourself in creative and sexual ways.

LIBRA - The Libra energy in your chart of course appears in your solar 1st house of “identity”, while the outer planets suggest a strong focus on children and play (5th and 4th houses). In your shadow is the Dark Goddess Strength card: Samovila. She is the slavic guardian of the forest. You have denied your own power and influence for too long. Lean into whatever earth energy you have available to you and reconnect with a more primal and powerful part of yourself. The 9 of Pentacles is about success and wealth and also tells me you need to own your own greatness. Your adherence to your ethical compass and high integrity make you an admired person, even if you don’t see it. There’s a new moon in your sign next’re about to embark on a brand new journey and it’s going to be great!

SCORPIO - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 12th house of “shadows and secrets”, while the outer planets are very focused on communication around your home, family, and neighborhood (4th and 3rd houses). In your shadow you have Baba Yaga, the Russian witch of the woods. She is related to the Hermit card. You have trouble trusting the journey. Don’t judge an experience until you’ve gone through it. Distractions that lead you off the beaten path are not necessarily bad! The 4 of pentacles reversed is a reminder to follow more than just the money or fame. Stay in authenticity. Finally, the Gypsy card says to say Yes to opportunities and adventures and trust the journey they take you on.

SAGITTARIUS - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 11th house of “friends and dreams”, while the outer planets set you up with a means to communicate, publish or otherwise share your ideas related to earned income. (3rd and 2nd houses). In your shadow is the Black Madonna. You have lost your belief in miracles. The 6 of Pentacles reversed suggests that you think life has been unfair. The take home message here is that YOU are the miracle! Celebrate creation. Celebrate life. Reconnect with your friends and maybe with your siblings. Recognize the walking, talking miracles that all of those people are, and the miracle that you are as well.

CAPRICORN - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 10th house of “career”, while the outer planets are working on a deep personal transformation that will ultimately increase your income. (2nd and 1st houses houses). In your shadow you have Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. You have put your light under a bushel, and forgotten that it is even there. You’ve lost your groove, baby. That inability to see your own warmth and beauty has also made it difficult for you to recognize your true desires. Desires are hints of your soul’s purpose. And frankly, no one reaches their soul’s purpose or full potential when they have a self imposed paper bag over their head. Stella, get your groove back! You are a goddess...Own that shit!

AQUARIUS - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 9th house of “education, belief and philosophy”, while the outer planets ask you to really examine who you are, and to face your shadow, wounds, and secrets in order to expand yourself (12th and 1st houses). In your shadow you have Vesta, goddess of the hearth. Vesta speaks to the sacred flame that each of us has and must tend to with devotion. This card also relates to the Ace of wands/Ace of Fire and speaks to Divine inspiration. Years ago I wrote a blog about the word “Afflatus”, which means “breath of inspiration”, or “Breath of God”... It is the perfect word here. Where you feel or have felt the most betrayed (three of cups reversed) is the wound you can heal and leap forward from, on your own terms this time.

PISCES - The Libra energy in your chart stacks up in your solar 8th house of “kinky shit and borrowed money”, while the outer planets ask you to examine who you associate with and how you may have attracted some of your tribe from your shadow side. (12th and 11th houses). In your shadow you have the goddess Brigid, the goddess of craft and healing. This also relates to the Temperance card, and the need for balance. You have stuffed your feelings of pain, grief, and rage into the 12th house, and tried to distract yourself (7 of cups reversed). Stop internalizing your pain. Give your feelings a true voice, and use the power of Brigid to turn pain into power. Claim your Divine inheritance of love, justice, and mercy. Your tribe will shift when you do.