Fog Ahead BitchScopes for September 13-20
This week feels la bit foggy. We start the week with Neptune opposite the Sun, and this does not make for clarity and logic. The the middle of the week we have Mercury in my favorite aspect to Neptune...quincunx! That’s confusing. Then we end the week with the Full Moon in Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces), so I expect that to be pretty emotional. It can also be very artistic.
There is some desire this week to push ahead toward our goals, but the path is muddled and unclear. So it is best to just get your crayons and not push too hard. Next week is much better in terms of knowing which end is up, but then we get Mercury retrograde. This isn’t a bad thing. Mercury in retrograde offers you the opportunity to go back over your goals and plans and see if everything looks OK. Progress can still happen during Mercury isn’t the stuff of nightmares necessarily. But you should be loose and flexible with your expectations and timelines.

The energy is slowing building toward more progress, but for now, try to be content is the slow and steady lane and read a book, color your coloring book, and pay attention to your emails, phone calls, communication in general, and follow your instincts. Hot tip: your instincts are not the same as other people’s expectations…
This week the energy is mostly in the same areas mentioned in last week’s Scopes, so you might go back and read those.
- Sun opposite Neptune - confusion and deception possible
- Venus quincunx North Node - a disconnect between your values and your desires and goals. You may either be too fixated on “success” that your ethics suffer, or you feel a sense of crisis about your goals that you can’t put your finger on.
- Mars enters Libra - Mars isn’t very empowered here; actions can be stalled; however, it is a good energy for diplomacy (depending on your natal Mars placement)
- Sun quincunx Jupiter - pushing hard for success
- Sun trine Pluto - intense experiences, more personal authority
- Sun quincunx Eris - oppression that has scarred you can be healed; regaining personal power
- Venus square Saturn - taking life, finances more seriously; feeling a bit over sensitive
- Mercury quincunx Neptune - you may have trouble integrating information; mental confusion
- Mercury trine Jupiter - optimism
- Mars trine North Node - clarity about your path and purpose
- Full Moon Pisces - can be very creative and calm, but could also be very sensitive and emotional
ARIES - We are still hanging out in your 12th house of the unconscious, due to the activity of Neptune and the Full Moon in Pisces. So you should try to continue mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and dream journaling...whatever of those ideas floats your boat. Your clarity is going to come from going within and being in the stillness. Similar to last week, and probably boring to you, I know. I am just the messenger! Trust me, later this year, probably sooner than we’d like, there will be plenty of action for your fiery ass.
TAURUS - I’m not kidding when I tell you I pulled the same cards from the Tarot this week for you as last week. So when I say this week is a continuation, I guess I’m not kidding! Weird. So lean on your friends, resist the temptation to withdraw, and try to keep your shit together...meaning, don’t let your life fall into disarray and try to stay organized, even if you aren’t particularly productive right this minute. Trust me, your time for productivity will come...soon!
GEMINI - There is a lot of movement going on around you, particularly in your career and public sector. You’re going to need to stay on top of things and stay organized. Things may actually speed up a bit for you, despite your ruler Mercury going retrograde soon. Or things may speed up and then slow down a lot when Mercury stations. Either way, you’ll need your best brain on the case. Get lots of rest, review your calendar every day, and keep your head in the game. Some really great stuff will be coming!!
CANCER - Your faith may be tested. You’re probably already feeling this, and it may have been brewing for awhile. But there is some part of your belief system that is undergoing a shift right now. Whatever this is, it feels very tied to your income. Maybe where you work just isn’t aligning with you anymore. This full moon will highlight whatever this is, either right away or over the next couple weeks. Again, don’t panic...this will be a very positive shift.
LEO - Your house of transformation is (still) activated. This could very well be a continuation of last week’s sexual healing. More than that though, you may be in a position to be someone’s counselor. Normally assuming the role of counselor, particularly in a romantic relationship, is something I advise against in one’s personal life. But in this case, it will be obvious what you need to do. Above all, be honest and truthful, because otherwise you won’t be doing them any favors.
VIRGO - Well the good news is, a new romantic relationship could be showing up very soon. The “bad” news (it isn’t really bad, its more like inconvenient) is that you may feel so overwhelmed by adulting and other annoying bullshit that you may not feel you’re in a position to really receive this person. Try to stay open and let this unfold. Go slow. If this person can stick around while you’re not at your best, and maybe overcommitted in adult life, they are worth giving a shot for when life is a bit easier. Believe!
LIBRA - There’s a lot of activity lately in your house of routine, habits, and work environment. It’s very likely that since the last Full Moon in Aquarius that some opportunities have shown up for you. But you may be feeling a little down in the dumps and discouraged, as well as unsure what choice to make. Proceed on the path that seems the most obvious for the time being. Something better will pop up down the line (maybe spring of next year), but this current opportunity will get things moving in the right direction, so don’t over think.
SCORPIO - The past isn’t going to jump into the future, Scorp. You may be yearning for sweet times from your memories or from your youth. There are plenty of good times ahead. Your house of creativity and play is wide awake right now, so take advantage of whatever inspiration grabs hold of you. You are likely to discover that the future is just as bright (probably far better!) than what you recall from the past.
SAGITTARIUS - Once again, your family and home is the sweet spot this week. It is likely there is some healing needed around a mother issue. Chiron transiting your 12th house confirms this. Whatever this is (and it may not be traumatic necessarily), being with your family is the key to finding peace about your family. That sounds counterintuitive but trust your will confirm this for you. Also be aware of some bad habits regarding how you communicate with your family.
CAPRICORN - I am writing these scopes in order and I’m so freaked out by how much repetition from last week there is! I typed it above in the summary just based on intuition and transit, but it is showing up in the cards I pull too...yours included. Rest is the prescription for you right now, and it is apparently important. Closure is coming. Don’t push, let things unfold. I am certain better things are coming, particularly where relationships are concerned! Take a nap! I’ll wake you up when it is time to be an over achiever.
AQUARIUS - Slow your roll and maybe hide your credit cards. You may need to be reminded that you have everything you need, and to not go into “use it or lose it” mode. So if you have recently gone overboard, pull back. Mercury is naturally going to help you do that anyway. If you’ve been heavy handed in your personal relationships, or with your wallet, the planets will give you a nudge. Pay attention.
PISCES - This Full Moon in your sign may have you feeling pretty bajiggity. So allow this to be your reminder are good enough, you are smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like you! (it’s from an Saturday Night Live skit in the 80s). You are not a failure. Your loved ones and associates don’t think so and neither should you. Try to get your anxiety out of your body. Do some gentle movement and journaling before bed. The anxiousness will pass very soon. Hang in there. You’re a badass bitch...don’t forget that.