Aries Full Moon - Tempers and Power Struggles - BitchScopes for October 18 - 25

Oh boy. I think we are in for a high energy week. There is a significant amount of Martian energy, as well as a Full Moon in Mars’ home sign of Aries. Things may go from passive aggressive to plain ol’ aggressive. The good news is we are likely to feel motivated about our goals and dreams. The uncomfortable part is that we may be a little too gung ho and run over some people on our way to our desired destination. This full moon is one that we need to keep an eye on, and by that I mean we need to keep an eye on ourselves. This moon squares Pluto, and since full moons have a tendency to make us more emotional in general, you can bet this one is no exception. Things that have been simmering on your irritation stove may come to a full rolling boil. Right after the moon is full, Mars opposes Eris and squares Pluto, and that’s not a pile of cotton balls, kids. And then, the Sun sinks into deep Scorpio waters for us to dive deep and see what we can bring up from the depths for transformation.

Overall I highly recommend you do what you can to make yourself feel comforted. But that might include letting yourself get mad. Anger is a healthy and normal emotion. Even Jesus got angry occasionally. It is healthy to feel it, and to express it within acceptable boundaries. It is not healthy to: bury it, deny it, talk yourself out of it, project it on to someone else, take it out on someone unrelated to the issue, or lose your shit in an inappropriate way or cross someone else’s boundaries with it. If you feel old wounds festering and becoming aggravated during this time, write it out. If there is a person that you feel anger towards, write a completely unfiltered letter to them. Say all the things you would not actually say for fear of ...whatever. Say it all in this letter. Read the letter through ONE time. Then burn it under the full moon (or any day, really.) and let it go. Then place your hand over your heart and give yourself some compassion and forgiveness if necessary.

Here’s to staying out of jail this week, and being very productive instead.

Oct 18
  • Jupiter Direct - out with the old and in with the new
  • Mercury Direct - thank Goddess, amirite?
  • Mars trine Jupiter - motivated for success

Oct 19
  • Venus quincunx Uranus - feeling restless in relationships; craving change and excitement

Oct 20
  • Full Moon in Aries - danger Will Robinson! Potentially emotional and angry

Oct 21
  • Mars opposed Eris - standing up for oneself, defensive
  • Mars square Pluto - confrontational

Oct 22
  • Sun enters Scorpio - take a deep breath as we all go deeeeep

Oct 24
  • Mercury quincunx Uranus - spurts of genius
  • Sun quincunx North Node - sacrifice or adjustment needed to reach goal or “calling”

ARIES - Since this Full Moon hits you right in the face, you will need to pump your brakes on being overly aggressive or disregarding the feelings of the people around you. Your Sun will be square Pluto, and your ruling planet is in Libra. (Next week Mars will be at 29°, so we’ll talk about that more then, just giving you a heads up). You may be feeling disempowered and more likely to be reactive to anything that feels remotely like someone trying to get in your way. Best advice for you this week is hit the gym hard. Because like a labrador puppy, a tired Aries is a calm Aries.

TAURUS - This full moon will land in your 12th house of secrets and the unconscious realm. You could come face to face with your shadow and it will be confusing AF. Or you might have something revealed that you were trying to keep hidden. Having compassion for yourself is key when you discover things about yourself that are less than pleasing. Meditate, pray, go outside, spend time alone. But be cautious about shutting people out. You might really need quiet more than solitude, and you may find company comforting as long as they are not talking too much.

GEMINI - You may experience some discomfort in your friend groups this week. Maybe you finally see someone for who they really are. Or you may finally feel ready to let go of a friendship or association that just doesn’t give with you anymore. Some kind of upset or power struggle among your peers at work is a possibility as well. With your ruling planet direct but still a little slow, you may not feel as intellectually equipped as you usually do. It might be better to say nothing for now. If you’re going to get angry, it may come a little later in the month.

CANCER - Your competitive side may come out at work this week. You are lined up to receive recognition, which is great. But you may realize that it comes with a price that feels a little too steep. The moon is your ruling planet, and having it in Aries can create a lot of emotional tension, so you are more likely to lose your cool. Turn your nurturing magic on yourself this week, and use the moon to release any old hostilities.

LEO - Boredom could get the best of you this week. And because you are likely to be feeling a little cocky, you might step out of bounds trying to captialize on your own energy. Make sure that actions you take this week are in alignment with your moral compass. If you can answer yes, then you stand a good chance of having a very productive week, as you will draw the right kinds of attention.

VIRGO - This full moon might trigger some sexual healing. If you are indeed in a new-ish relationship, you might be at that stage where real intimacy and deeper sharing happens. This is always a little unnerving. If you feel safe, you have a green light. If you don’t feel safe, you need to do some deeper examination of why.

LIBRA - This moon falls in your 7th house, so a power struggle with your partner or significant other (at work or at home) is a possibility. Chances are, unless you’re with another Libra, that your partner may get peeved with you, and of course you hate that. As always, you have charm on your side. But don’t over use it or be inauthentic. If there is a problem in the relationship, pay the proper attention to it and allow it to be healed. If handled correctly this will strengthen your bond.

SCORPIO - This moon might just motivate you to make necessary changes in your routine or environment, or even your habits. You might finally feel like you can commit to a positive change. It may come on the heels of a realization about an unhealthy habit or situation around work; but once the light comes on about this, you won’t be able to remain in the status quo. This is likely to be very positive for you.

SAGITTARIUS - Lucky you! This Full Moon lands in your house of fun and romance, and you have Venus transiting your sign. So you are charming and ready for some good times. Others will notice this about you. You have the ability, at times, to change the mood in a room. This is one of those times, and it is to the benefit of others who could really use some fun right now. So get out there and mingle!

CAPRICORN - This moon highlights your home life. So you may become keenly aware of things you wish to improve or change, or you may get the “let’s move!” bug. You might also feel annoyed with others under your roof if they don’t do things the way you like them done. Keep your temper in check. Biting off the heads of your children will only make you feel crappy later. Ask them to help with projects rather than getting upset that your family can’t read your mind.

AQUARIUS - You may be busier than you’d like this week, running around and getting things done. You’ll be productive,but you are likely to also be irritable. You are prone to misinterpreting emails and taking things people say the wrong way, as well as coming off a bit too harsh with others. Try to slow down and be aware of what you say and how you say it. You have a lot to do, but rushing will only make it sloppy.

PISCES - This could be a very good week for you financially. If money doesn’t literally show up, you may find an error in your favor in your budget, or in some way strengthen your sense of security around finances. I would wait until after the full moon to move money around. And be sure to keep your eyes open for income opportunities that may show up in the light of this moon.