New Moon in Libra - BitchScopes for 10/4-10/11
Well Bitches, I hate to say it, but I think this week could be frustrating. There’s a lot of Uranus activity, several quincunxes, and a couple planets stationing direct. I love a New Moon, which we have on Wednesday in Libra...however this moon is conjunct Mars and quincunx impulsiveness, nervousness and tension are very possible. There is, however, a good chance that if there are tensions or conflicts, parties will be more willing to come to an agreement than they might otherwise be. That’s thanks to the Libra stellium on that day: The Sun, Moon, Mercury & Mars. This offers the day a considerable amount of Libran harmony.
Saturn and Pluto both station direct this week, and Venus moves into Sagittarius. When there are planets stationing or ingressing, we have to take a beat to readjust. Flexibility and sea legs will be helpful tools this week. But also, don’t forget to pack your “biting your tongue” clamp, your “ego adjustment” wrench, and your “keeping your temper in check” thermometer.
Forewarned is forearmed. Stay grounded, stay aware, and stay cool.
- Saturn square Vesta - job difficulties
- Mars quincunx Pallas - a passion project may pique your interest; adjustments may be necessary to channel your energy in the right direction
- Sun trine Ceres - you can be inspirational to others
- Mercury quincunx Neptune - feeling misunderstood, misunderstanding others
- Sun quincunx Pallas - your insecurities may temporarily get in your way of achieving goals, or you may have difficulty getting your mission “out there”
- New Moon Libra - new beginnings, harmony
- Mars quincunx Uranus - restlessness
- Sun quincunx Uranus - nervousness
- Pluto Direct - what’s been excavated comes to the surface
- Venus enters Sagittarius - freedom loving and optimistic
- Sun conjunct Mars - ambitious, energetic, and motivated
- Pluto square Eris - rebellion and power struggle; transformation via excavation
- Sun conjunct Mercury - communications enhanced
- Mercury conjunct Mars - busy, talkative,
- Venus conjunct South Lunar Node - release of old relationships/karmic debt
- Saturn Direct - you’ve put in the work, now let’s see what you harvest!
- 1010 numerology - discovering new possibilities, faith, truth, intuition, positivity
- Mercury quincunx Uranus - you might be mentally overstimulated, jumpy, and tense
ARIES - Positive shifts in relationships are happening for you. The stability you seek, or have always wanted, looks to be either on your door step or just around the corner. You won’t and can’t screw up what is meant for you.
TAURUS - Forming healthy new habits and routine should be on your radar. This is a great time to take care of you and heal from previous wrongs. If you are struggling to let go of resentment for a betrayal of trust or dishonesty that hurt you, the best thing you can do is help others (i.e. charity, volunteering, etc)
GEMINI - This moon will bring in more romance and play for you. In fact, there are strong indications for a happily ever after. This could pertain to a relationship, or you could hit the jackpot on a creative project. Either way, enjoy!
CANCER - Family is probably your focus more often than not. And this week you may feel the tug of nostalgia pulling you back. What you are probably missing is simpler times when things felt more secure (we all relate!). But there is great potential for a big financial uptick for you that might help you achieve that sense of security again.
LEO - You might be a popular Bitch this week. Check your calendar and make some room. But do keep a balance between self care and connecting with others. You run a slight risk of losing sight of your true tribe as you rub elbows with “important” people.
VIRGO - This moon lights up your solar house of earned income. So you have every reason to expect a strong new start, financially. You should be feeling a sense of fulfillment either now, or very soon, particularly if you are starting a new job. Don’t guard yourself too carefully...put yourself out there.
LIBRA - This is your time to shine. You’ve been through so much crap and your reward is about to land in your lap (if it hasn’t already). Make your dreams come true! Things are coming into alignment for you, so open your arms and receive!
SCORPIO - You may need or crave some alone time this week, and you should try to give it to yourself. If you feel you’ve been wronged, (particularly professionally or within your family unit), spend some time listening to your heart and work on healing. You are about to embark on a new beginning and you don’t want to drag all that baggage with you.
SAGITTARIUS - Your social circle may be undergoing some changes, perhaps some difficult ones. This new moon should offer a nice restart or opportunity to make new connections. However it will be important to address any difficult feelings and offer apologies where necessary.
CAPRICORN - There are fresh opportunities coming to you in the professional realm. This could be new projects or a new job. Be ready to take the leap when it feels right (you’ll know. This is your sign to do it!) Be aware of isolating yourself this week. You need your people right now.
AQUARIUS - You may want to take a hiatus from noise this week. That might be social media, family drama, or other things that are really just a distraction. Focus on your true heart’s desire and don’t use squirrels as an excuse to get derailed. You will be inspired if you take time for yourself.
PISCES - This moon and its energy may offer you a deep dive and some intimate reconnection time. That reconnection may be with yourself, or with others. You will find a deep reserve of motivation and your competitive fire may re-ignite.