The Galactic Center, no big deal...BitchScopes for Nov 1 - 8
My favorite part of writing BitchScopes might be when I look at all the transits to determine what the theme is of the week. It’s pretty cool what happens in my brain and it seems to be almost an audible experience inside my head. That describes Mercury pretty accurately. And this week there is a lot of Mercury!
Deep thinking and exploration of our beliefs, philosophies and ethics are going to happen this week. You may not be so aware of it if you are not a Mercury ruled person, but it will be happening. There is a very strong theme of discovering our deeper, and maybe even our Divine, purposes here. Work, passion projects, and the area of your life where you are most devoted are all emphasized as well. Personal relationships make a brief visit to the party, but mostly in the form of how your partnership fits into your Divine purpose and soul’s journey. The North Node (The lessons we must learn in this life; where we are headed) is pretty strong this week, and we have the appearance of the Galactic Center, as we do every year when planets start transiting Sagittarius.
The Galactic Center is the rotational center of the Milky Way, and is thought to be the transmitter of Divine Consciousness, kind of like the Crown Chakra of the Galaxy. There is a similar vibe between the Lion’s Gate Portal and the Galactic Center, but there are important nuanced differences. The Lion’s Gate is more focused on our humanity, our limitations and boundaries as a physical being (emphasis on physical, making this more like the Root Chakra of the Milky Way), and opening up a portal that allows us to push past those limitations and manifest our dreams. The Lion’s Gate exists around the Star Sirius, which is associated with fame and glory, and opens around the Summer Solstice. The Galactic center is more of a Christ consciousness, located at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius (which the Sun transits around December 19th). The GC passes information along to our sub conscious minds from the Universe, and opens around the Winter Solstice, when the Sun is most still and the night is longest. We wait for the return of the Sun (or the birth of The Son, if you celebrate Christmas...not a coincidence.) and its light,
So yeah, (read with maximum sarcasm) no biggie that the Galactic Center is doing stuff this week. Aaaand, we have New Moon in Scorpio...a fresh start in the sign of transformations. Also pllfffft. Minor. The Sun and Moon oppose Uranus, so expect the unexpected...whatever that means. Stay open and grounded, bitches.
Nov 1
- Mercury trine Jupiter - optimistic
- Mercury opposite Eris - intense communication and exchanges
Nov 2
- Mercury square Pluto - deep thinking
- Mars quincunx N. Node - must adjust action plan; frustration
- Sun quincunx Ceres - feeling unappreciated at home
- Venus conjunct Galactic Center -feeling of Divine purpose
Nov 3
- Jupiter square Vesta - commitments at work require attention
- Mercury sextile Juno - expressions of devotion to partner are supported
Nov 4
- New Moon Scorpio - facing our inner truths, transformation
- Sun opposite Uranus - unexpected events; disruption to routine
Nov 5
- Venus enters Capricorn - romance takes on a more serious tone
- Mercury enters Scorpio - deep thinking and self discovery
- Mercury sextile Galactic Center - philosophical exploration about purpose
- Sun quincunx Lilith - your primitive impulses are repressed, feeling trapped
- Juno conjunct Galactic Center - fated relationships
- Pluto sextile Vesta - passion projects at work
Nov 6
- Mercury sextile Venus - fun and friendly interactions
- Mercury quincunx N. Node - connecting obscure dots to utilize your talents for your goals
- Venus quincunx N. Node - insecurity or finances may hold you back
Nov 8
- Chiron sextile Ceres - compassion/sympathy for the healing journeys of others
ARIES - I almost feel silly saying this to an Aries, bold, especially when it comes to career or professional advancement. Use your voice and dig in your heels where necessary. If it is worth fighting for, then fight for it. Your 8th and 9th houses are activated by this week’s biggest events, so allow yourself to be transformed. Be brave enough to explore the dark, and stay open to learning something about yourself.
TAURUS - Your heart will be touched and opened up this week, particularly in regards to family. More love is needed, both for others and for yourself. Your family may need tending to, and if that is the case, tend to it with passion and focus and devotion. There is nothing more important right now. If you are deeply estranged from your family, spend some time connecting with your ancestors, or researching your family line or connecting to what you consider to be your chosen family.
GEMINI - Communication must be honest and objective this week. It is easy (for you) to argue someone down when they are clearly wrong. But this week, diplomacy is Queen. Where you find yourself completely annoyed, or even vexed, try to see both sides. If you allow your ire to run amok,you will stir up lingering trouble for no good reason. So try to flip the script when you can, even if someone is really stepping on your toes. There will be a time for you to say your peace and maybe even confront this, but the timing now is not good. So focus on the things in your life that you deeply appreciate.
CANCER - If you have been trying to avoid a fight, it may show up this week despite your best efforts. I suspect this is an issue around integrity, and it will feel important to you. It is ok to fight for what is right, but you may need to be tricky in this case. As much as it might annoy you to have to “play the game”, you are more likely to succeed if you are charming and and warm. Yes, I’m talking about “manipulation”, and it isn’t always an evil thing. Oh wait, look who I’m talking to..yeah...just do your thing.
LEO - You are due for a Victory. If you have been feeling defeated in a certain area, things will become clear soon, maybe even this week. Out of the dark places where we cry, new flowers grow, and that is exactly what will happen for you. I feel like this has a family or mother vibe around it, so if that is an area where you’ve been trying to find peace, use this new moon to your favor.
VIRGO - I continue to feel that you are emerging from something, Virgo. You are coming into (or back into) alignment with your purpose. As you continue to step in to more of who you authentically are, don’t feel rushed. It isn’t a race. The little things that catch your attention and distract you have meaning. So don’t feel like you must be perfectly austere and singularly focused. A few little side trips on your journey to the New You are good for you.
LIBRA - Are you second guessing your self already? Well that’s actually normal. It would be helpful if you were to do some work around security, and faith. You truly are OK. Use the moon this week to fine tune your manifesting goals. You have everything you need, except a little more faith in the process. If money is your concern, it may just be a bit delayed, so don’t worry. Balance is the key, as you know. So let the energies balance and trust that they will.
SCORPIO - You have the magic wand right now. Use this new moon to manifest. And then make bold moves toward what you really want. Lean on your tribe for help and advice, but realize that you are particularly blessed right now witht he power to transform things in your life. Joy is one of the keys to unlocking a financial step up for you. Embrace joy, and more joy will show up. And that energy is “the secret”...
SAGITTARIUS - You may feel more emotional than usual this week. Remember that these surges of emotions are coming up to provide healing. Keep swimming. Keep moving forward. Keep breathing. Keep pushing. Cry while you do the work. A lot of things are happening in your life all at once right now, and it can feel overwhelming. But you are safe, and this will pass. There will be a gift on the shore after the water recedes.
CAPRICORN - Realizations, some of them humbling, some of them empowering, are likely to be rolling through your mind this week. See the tough situation through to its end. Even if you are worried about people who do not have your best interests in mind, push the envelope right up to the line with them. Trust that the Universe has your back and will bring justice and balance to any situation. Sometimes it is you that needs to be taken down a notch, sometimes it is someone else. The conclusion of this issue is needed, and will be coming sooner than anticipated. Stay in integrity and things will go your way.
AQUARIUS - Harsh truths may need to come out this week or shortly there after, and this likely pertains to work or the people you work with in some way. Some of the harsh truth will be said by you, and trust that your voice is speaking for more than just yourself. Some of the harsh truths will come from others. But do not doubt that you are strong enough to take on whatever this fuckery is. As much as you dish out, be willing to take the same amount. Ultimately this situation will level you up significantly in more than one way.
PISCES - There may be a possibility that you are overlooking. Are you determined to stay on a particular path just because you have stayed on it this long? What if an adjacent path offered more of what you truly want? Use the new moon to tune in to your deeper desires so you can manifest them. And don’t be afraid of exploring your dark side...without darkness, the light means nothing.