"All the world's a stage" - BitchScopes for Nov 8th - 15th
There’s quite a lot going on this week in terms of transits. So to get the big picture I brainstormed some key words to sort of tell a story.
Compassion, disappointment, aggressive, alone, frustrated, family is needy, overwhelmed, desire to be understood, overprotective, confident, overcompensating, triggered, anxious, awkward, ignored, proud, supported.
You can see how this week almost plays out like a theater production in 5 acts and comes full circle: introduction/exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, dénouement/resolution. The energy sort of peaks around Wednesday and Thursday and then starts to settle down a bit. I would say that the resolution this week lies in “Saturn trine Ceres” on the 14th and “Venus sextile Pallas” on the 15th.
Mercury is very active this week, so communication is emphasized. Be very conscious of your words, and that you understand other people’s words. Ceres makes 6 transits this week, emphasizing care for others. There are 7 quincunxes this week, suggesting that we will need to adjust to find common ground in various situations. Mars makes several appearances too, which means we might feel frustrated or put-upon based on how situations or others may squelch our actions. And Chiron shows up more than usual as well...so whatever is happening is about healing. I feel this healing is around some kind of anger from the past. So there is a lot to try to be aware of. Try to be slow and deliberate with your words and actions. Stay grounded and tuned in. Avoid distractions when you are interacting and communicating with others.
Good luck out there, Bitches. You’ve got this! Go Team!
Nov 8
Chiron sextile Ceres - compassion/sympathy for the healing journeys of others
Nov 9
Ceres square Pallas - you may be inspired and on fire for something, and bothered that your tribe does not get equally fired up
Nov 10
Mercury conjunct Mars - focus, drive, strong intellect; possibly aggressive words
Mercury square Saturn - hard work, done alone, is favored. Miscommunications possible
Mars square Saturn - frustration
Nov 11
Mercury quincunx Ceres - complicated family commitments; family feeling left out of your schedule
Mercury quincunx Chiron - feeling overwhelmed, but having a hard time sharing
Mercury trine Pallas - thoughts and ideas jive with new and helpful people
Mars quincunx Ceres - over protective of loved ones; too aggressive with your caring
Nov 12
Sun trine Neptune - compassionate and sensitive
Mars trine Pallas - confident and fearless
Mars quincunx Chiron - events or memories may trigger feelings of anger
Nov 13
Mercury opposite Uranus - hectic and scattered thoughts; nervousness; anxiety; foot in mouth
Mercury quincunx Lilith - feeling awkward about communicating your ideas
Venus quincunx Ceres - your personal needs may be obscured by all your other obligations
Nov 14
Saturn trine Ceres - realistic thinking and good judgement will support your mission or goal; cooperation from authority figures is helpful
Nov 15
Sun square Jupiter - confident, proud...tendency to go overboard. Moderation recommended
Sun quincunx Eris - suppression of discord. Feeling your point of view is stiffled
Venus square Chiron - your emotional needs may be overlooked by your partner
Venus sextile Pallas - good teamwork and mutual support
ARIES - This is your reminder that the personal successes on which you stand today are built on the failures of the past. Failure IS an option, and moreover, is sometimes required for us to get the hint that we need to adjust our course. Your instincts and intuition will not let you down. The problem lies only in your ability to discern your intuition from the other noise. It’s not always easy. But here’s your hint: if it feels like contraction, pass it by. If it feels like expansion, say yes!
TAURUS - “Not all fields will yield fruit”. Take a look at the partnerships (likely business, possibly friendship, less likely romantic) that you have invested a lot of time and energy in and be honest with yourself about whether it is reciprocal and mutual. You are generous to a fault, and you know that. You may be stuck between 2 people and forced to take a side. Don’t. You don’t have all the information, and this situation doesn’t benefit you. You would do better to shift your focus to a tree that bares fruit, even if it is hard to walk away from something you’ve been so invested in.
GEMINI - This is your “get out of jail free” card. If you have been in a competitive or divisive or generally ugly situation, you can let yourself off the hook. Staying in this situation will do nothing for you. It may take a little time, and you may get frustrated trying to extricate yourself, but do it. Regain control. Push forward. Move. (And in case this might apply...wait to take the trip.)
CANCER - Ok bitch, listen. Pump your brakes. Stop right where you are and reassess. There are some opportunities that you are about to miss because you’re on auto pilot, or you’ve followed an opportunity and leaped before you looked. Whatever the case, staying the current course will result in a brick wall of sorts. You may need a figurative tow truck, and that’s ok. But it won’t show up unless you call them. In other words, life helps those who help themselves.
LEO - Something is out of whack, out of balance...but you already know that. The good news is that you are about to break free of something that has held you back or held you down, and that’s a great thing! Restoring equilibrium to this situation will take a little time. But you will know when you are on target when you start to feel excited, enthusiastic, exuberant, about the direction you’re heading. This is just a course correction...don’t sweat it, don’t resist it, don’t try to steer it.
VIRGO - It looks like something will be revealed to you soon that will upset the apple cart quite a bit (this feels professional to me, but also like maybe you let your feelings blind you…?) You can work in extremes at times, either very trusting or very cynical. In this situation you may have been a bit naive and placed faith in someone who has well...screwed up pretty significantly. OR, maybe someone trusted you and you are about to get busted? I don’t love that for you at all. But this will set the stage for a fresh new start.
LIBRA - There definitely appears to be something financial or of the physical plane that is causing concern right now. Maybe you feel held back, or like there are endless delays before you get whatever this thing or situation is (travel may be involved). You are blinding yourself from the truth in some way. You’ve either told yourself some bullshit story about how you’ve failed, bought in to some limiting beliefs, or have held some beliefs around entitlement. Zoom out and see the bigger picture. You actually have everything you need already.
SCORPIO - There seems to be a lot happening and converging all at once. This is your reminder that endings are also beginnings. Someone has disappointed you, but if you’re honest with yourself, you may have had unrealistic expectations of them or the situation. You will need to make a decision, but you need to make this a clean translation. Don’t be rushed, or swayed, or manipulated. Likewise, don’t attempt to manipulate a person or situation just so you can maintain the status quo. This ending is actually very positive. Trust the process.
SAGITTARIUS - It is time to put aside some of your more child-like and maybe even childish behaviors and expectations of life. If you feel stuck and depressed, you may be in a prison of your own making (which isn’t to say that your depression is something you should suffer with. Reach out!). You will need to make some decision about what you want your life to be and move in that direction. This may begin as what feels like a drastic change, and possibly the loss of some relationships, but it will all lead to success and independence in the long run.
CAPRICORN - Artistic endeavors are highly favored for you, as is...wait for it...are you sitting down? Rebellion. Secretly you love that shit. On the surface you appear to be a person who really values traditions, but you also love to shake things up! Create something new, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box...and I don’t mean the boxes on your graph paper.
AQUARIUS - Are you being too bossy in your personal relationships? You may need to let go of some control and give your partner equal access to information, resources and decision making. On the flip side of things, the inequity may be in your partner's favor. it is possible that things are out of balance because your partner needs to step up a bit more. Be a bit more conservative with your finances until things are balanced, regardless of what the cause is of the imbalance.
PISCES - There is some strong, maybe even overbearing feminine (which may be male, but of an artistic and creative vibe. It might also be a company or business entity) energy around you which appears to be throwing a wrench in your progress. You might be better off putting a little distance in between you, or going your own way (particularly if this relates to business).The competitive and adversarial nature of this relationship is going to drain you in the long run. So either reinforce your boundaries, or see if you can navigate away from this energy.