Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - BitchScopes for November 15-22
I feel like there's a lot of shadow energy afoot this week. Your dark side needs some air. Your wounds need healing. You may find you feel pissy, resentful about how you've been wronged in the past. You of course have to ya know...not go to jail. But give your feelings a voice. Better yet, let that shit go under the Full Taurus Moon with a nice fire ceremony.
The big news is of course. the partial Lunar eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse starts a new cycle of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio. This is a super juiced Full Moon, and as such is a time of deep releases and revelations about self worth. Our physical bodies are emphasized, as is our need for security. This full moon aspects Jupiter and Venus, really doubling down on the concept of what we feel we are worth. Things that are not in alignment with that will be shown the door. We need to be light on our feet, as Uranus is also active during this eclipse. All eclipses are realignments and course corrections. Uranus makes that a bit more unpredictable than a regular eclipse, which in my opinion are already unpredictable.
Whatever comes about is good for you, even though it may feel annoying at best, and painful at worst. It's nothing to freak out about. I get really annoyed with the doom and gloom of some astrologers. We aren’t cavemen. No need to curl up in the fetal position and quake. Just try to stay present and aware. Do your grounding exercises several times a day. Move slowly and deliberately. Drive carefully. Wear clean underwear (? I just felt like I was rattling off a lot of momish advice so I threw that in). You know what though, don’t wear underwear. See what happens. Trust the process, even if it seems weird this week.
Nov 15
Sun square Jupiter - confident, proud...tendency to go overboard. Moderation recommended
Sun quincunx Eris - suppression of discord. Feeling your point of view is stiffled
Venus square Chiron - your emotional needs may be overlooked by your partner
Venus sextile Pallas - good teamwork and mutual support
Nov 16
Sun sextile Pluto - desire for power and success
Sun quincunx Eris - overcoming past repression
Nov 17
Mars opposite Uranus - outbursts of anger are possible; impulsiveness
Venus enters the Shadow - watch how your relationships and self worth feel and behave
Nov 18
Mercury trine Neptune - creativity and imagination
Jupiter sextile Eris - go ahead and show your dark side, it benefits you at this time
Venus trine Uranus - urge to try new things
Nov 19
Full Moon/ Partial Lunar Eclipse at12:57 am PST 27° Taurus - Deep releases; examinations of self worth, relationships, and personal growth.
Vesta opposite North Node - determination about meeting your purpose
Juno quincunx North Node - partner’s needs may overshadow your professional goals temporarily
Mars quincunx Lilith - your desires and ambitions may be repressed, or feel stifled
Nov 20
Mercury square Jupiter - positive mindset; long term planning
Mercury quincunx Eris - hard to express your deep and more difficult feelings and opinions. Communication can be less direct, but deeper
Nov 21
Sun enters Sagittarius - we are more truthful, bold, adventurous
Mercury sextile Pluto - deep thinking and conversations
ARIES - Keep an eye on your checkbook and bank account. If possible, try to look at your automatic withdrawals and bill pays so there are no major surprises. You are just about ready for a change and you might have a pretty low threshold for bullshit. Particularly if you have made your desires known, or given directions to someone, and it was pretty much disregarded. As much as you’d like to grab hold of this and fling it around like a pit bull with a toy, let it go and let the Universe handle it. .
TAURUS - This is a biggun for you. You have gone through a significant growth process and will continue to. The relationships in your life (not just romantic) have been a big part of this development. Expectations of you may be high, but not nearly as high as the ones you hold for yourself. Ease up on yourself a bit. Good things are coming! A new era is trying to form, and that is as complicated as it sounds. Just have faith.
GEMINI - You may be Princess-and-the-Pea’ing this week, feeling irritated AF by some very small issues. Your mind will want to fixate on fixing it or finding it or otherwise solving it. But the fact is, it is probably fine as it is and the world will keep turning if you let this issue go. You may be frustrated with lack of movement in your career (or maybe relationship). If so, turn to a trusted old hobby or outlet that has made you feel like yourself in the past.
CANCER - Find an outlet and do it ASAP.Your friend circles may be a bit dramatic or screwy, and the Full moon only emphasizes that. Seek out a disinterested 3rd party, unload your raw feelings, and then go do some guerilla kindnesses (you know, leave flowers on a porch, knock on the door and run, or write nice messages on the sidewalk or leave one on a car. ) What you need is a release... some really stupid fun...some laughing til you pee, ridiculous, childish/child-like good times.
LEO - You’re about to level up, professionally. But of course that means you will need to balance things with the home and fam. And it also means that there are bound to be some adjustments and changes to your projects/clients etc. There is a certain catharsis you can expect this week too. Maybe you feel safe enough to share something with someone that you haven’t in the past. The time is right, so just follow your gut.
VIRGO - If there is something you have put off doing, do it. This eclipse will shake things up for your 9th house, indicating travel, education, adventure, and philosophy. In regard to the latter, you may have to agree to disagree with a difficult person or client this week. It isn’t going to be easily resolved until later. So try to keep your cool and find a release in some kind of adventure.
LIBRA - Finances continue to be a theme. Or maybe it is not actually cash money, but the value you place on something, or how you feel valued. A revelation is likely this week regarding something you’ve been stressed about. You are aligned. Trust your gut to lead you in the right direction. If you feel like what’s in front of you doesn’t reflect your worth, let it go.
SCORPIO - While your heart may seek a deep connection this week, you may be cornered in a relationship that doesn’t fit the bill. This may be professional, but it is very likely temporary and exists to shake up your brain a bit. If a big change comes to mind as a result of this, guess what...its right on time. Your creative side will lead the way.
SAGITTARIUS - You may be caught between a desire to be alone and a desire to grow a certain relationship that has been difficult to nail down. A secret or other hidden information may come to light this week, offering an opportunity to make progress on that same difficult relationship or issue. Spend some time thinking about your purpose in the world. Hint: its something that makes you feel excited, interested, and fulfilled and you’re already good at it.
CAPRICORN - It may be irritating to hear this but the hardships you’ve been through recently are creating fertile ground for a new start. This eclipse falls in your house of fun and romance, so you might be able to spice up your life a bit, and it is likely to have some staying power. A realization and conversation may happen out of the blue this week, offering some progress and maybe relief on a difficult issue within your family. Remember...fertilizer.
AQUARIUS - Family drama may be afoot. There is healing and growth behind this issue though, so try to trust the process. Your work life may pull on your home life as well, upsetting a schedule you’re trying to establish. Good fences make good neighbors, and good boundaries make good clients. Your creative energy is high right now, so you are likely to be very productive. This Full Moon can help you kick off a new professional era.
PISCES - Pay attention to who crosses your path this week. You are likely to meet someone interesting, particularly if you are traveling. This moon may stir up your mental energy quite a bit too, so write things down. New opportunities may arise out of seemingly no where, and they may not be your dream role, but its pretty damn good all the same. Trust the process.