December is for faith, January is for spreadsheets BitchScopes for December 6-13
This week looks exactly like a week after a New Moon Solar Eclipse filled with sweeping change....because it is. With the exception of Sunday’s Sun square to Neptune, this week is ripe for planning for the future, and motivation to achieve. Formation of new projects is highly favored. It could be interesting to see how said projects form, because on the one hand, Eris is wanting to buck the traditional, and on the other hand, Mercury in Capricorn wants to be practical and maybe even traditional. So I would suggest this: let the Sagittarian fire of motivation and desire burn freely. Take lots of notes, make your wild vision board, let your imagination run free. When Capricorn kicks in, you can review those notes and knock off the “unsuitable” edges.
Mars and Venus are sextiling right now, so be on the lookout for opportunities and invitations. There is an easy flow between the very powerful placements of Venus in Capricorn (practical and committed) and Mars in Scorpio (a detective driven to uncover truth and deep connections) this week. Say yes more than no this week. Next week when Mars is in Sagittarius, you will feel inspired to pick up the ball and run with it, right into the Capricorn end zone. (OMG look at me making sports references! Who am I?)
I can’t wrap this up without saying that there is some sexy energy to this week as well. Chemistry may be hot, but be forewarned, Venus will be in Capricorn for an extra long time while she retrogrades (later this month), so flings and half-assed relationships are not favored, but commitment is. So be careful who you flirt with.
Dec 6
Mars sextile pluto - drive to achieve goals
Dec 7
Venus square Eris you may feel strong desires for freedom (and/or sex) but feel repressed in some way
Mercury square Neptune - distorts thinking
Dec 8
Mars square Jupiter - initiative to start new projects
Dec 9
Mercury trine Eris - expression of rebellious ideas is well received
Dec 11
Venus conjunct Pluto - desire for deep connection
Mercury sextile Jupiter - planning for the future is favored
Dec 12
Sun square Neptune - feeling unmotivated, vulnerable
Dec 13
Mars enters Sagittarius - very motivated, especially by our ideals and beliefs
Mercury enters Capricorn - serious and “proper” conversation, serious and practical thinking
ARIES - Your career continues to be an area of focus. The way you are valued or the pleasure you do or do not take in your work will be slowly transformed. Your desire to climb the ladder and achieve goals is stronger than usual at this time (and normally its nothing to shake a stick at!). Check your loan interest rates, stock options, and income streams that are not related to your work, as you may uncover some treats.
TAURUS - You are probably feeling restless, and ready for things to move on to the next phase already. Your itch to travel or experience some kind of freedom is somewhat dampened by obligations and boring shit like responsibility. But this is a very good time to explore new business relationships, negotiate contracts, and deepen existing relationships. Things will build up until around February and March, so do what you can to be ready for whatever that is.
GEMINI - Get thee to a massage and day spa, with haste! Ok it doesn’t really need to be “with haste”, but you do that naturally anyway. Your sensuality is heightened right now, and your physical body needs attention. Another reason for a massage is that perfectionism may be causing you stress. Progress over perfection is your mantra for the next couple months, at least.
CANCER - If you are married or partnered, get your honey and go on a date. Leave the kids at home or with grandma and go experience the magic of Christmas, adult style. Co-workers and employees could use some fun as well. So if it is within your power, see if you can organize some kind of holiday get together that has no business purpose, just pleasure.
LEO - Home is where the heart is and where you’d rather be most these days. In the quest for security and snuggles, be aware of not being too critical of the people you live with. That criticism may also be directed at yourself, specifically your body. Love your temple and honor it for the ways it serves you, daily. If you’re due for a dental check up, or a bone density test (yes, that’s oddly specific - Venus in capricorn in your 6th house), this is a good time to get it done.
VIRGO - You should be feeling confident and sharp as a tack these days. Take advantage of your clear and creative thinking right now. Your wit is sharper than usual, so do take care to not fling verbal barbs at someone without meaning to, or engage in hurtful gossip. Lean into any artsy or creative tendencies you have to channel that energy.
LIBRA - You may be feeling sensitive, and even a bit needy this week. Both emotionally and physically you will be desiring some deeper connection. Your focus will be on your home and family, so you could certainly fill that need with some quality time with them. But ideally, some intimacy would work wonders. If you’re partnered or married, I think you know how to scratch that itch. You may be a little preoccupied about money matters, but you need not worry. This area of your chart is well tended right now.
SCORPIO - Not that you are usually a wall flower, but you will be on fire for a couple weeks. Mars transiting your 1st house makes you bold and confident. Your energy level will be high, so put it to good use, but also be a good steward of your time. You will be more outspoken than usual during the next couple of weeks as well, and you know how you can get. Be nice. Be a problem solver, not a pot stirrer.
SAGITTARIUS - You can be very lucky with money these days. But watch your wallet, because the urge to splurge may be strong. This money will be earned, and come from work you do. “Practical arts” (I may have just made that up) are favored, which makes me think of “the trades” like construction and electrical and those types of jobs. The quandary here is that you will not feel much like working and people’ing as much as usual. Do some charity work or donate some time or items...that may fill your emotional cup and jump start your motivation.
CAPRICORN - Your charm volume is set to high for the next several weeks. Enjoy being as social as you wish and the attention you receive. If you’re thinking about changing your appearance, do it soon, or wait until the Spring. If you get that itch, avoid doing anything too drastic, just for now. Your participation in your workplace or other community may be challenging because you may be feeling rather argumentative and full of yourself. Chances are you are correct in your opinion, but keep your eye on the big picture rather than the little quibbles.
AQUARIUS - You may be feeling a bit Bah Humbug, and its OK. Aquarians are famous for loving humanity but hating humans, and that sounds about right for you at this time. Time alone to rest and reset is perfectly acceptable. This is especially true if you are clashing with authority figures (um, aren’t you usually?). Your career is poised to make a significant jump, but you don’t have to push. You will be noticed without a lot of extra effort. In other words, chill the eff out!
PISCES - You will benefit from being around lots of other people this week and possibly for a few weeks. Your expression of self will be most inspired and authentic when you are surrounded by a variety of people. Charitable events might also scratch an itch for you, especially if you attend with friends. Legal, religious, and educational issues are highlighted and will be positive for you this week.