It’s Fresh! BitchScopes for December 27-January 3
Well, here we are…2022. It’s the future, and we are in it. My flying car is very shiny and my in home teleportation device is very cool. I got a new food fabricator for the Winter Solstice Holiday and I just love it. And I was gifted a programming module for my house-bot that teaches it to give me a massage. I love the future!
I’m pretty sure I’ve been making Jetsons jokes on New Years Day since 2020. I can’t stop myself.
This week, there’s a continuation of the theme of planning for the future. Mercury is pretty significant this week, making our minds sharp and focused. The new moon in Capricorn is goal oriented and grounded, but thanks to Uranus’ influence, has one eye on the future. Uranus provides the new moon cycle with innovative energy and some potential for positive changes and excitement.
There’s a good amount of determination and motivation in the air from several sources. And that, paired with an abundance of optimism, makes for some beautiful and magical manifesting. (If you don’t have the clarity yet, Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn Mid month, And that could help you.)
The optimism primarily flows from Jupiter, which enters Pisces on Tuesday where it will remain for quite a while. This is a fantastic placement for Jupiter that will benefit us all.
Manifesting is a powerful practice that requires you to feel what it would feel like to have your desires be true. It asks you to believe in possibilities as though they were easy and accessible. Capricorn gives this moon a certain amount of pragmatism while still having Uranus’ visionary powers. We are inspired, determined, and grounded all at once. I cannot think of a better energy to start the new year with. It is truly a new cycle, a new phase of life, a fresh start.
I’m not a big “New Years resolutions” person. But this year, consider setting an intention about how you want to feel this year. It might be the most powerful resolution you could make.
Dec 27
Jupiter square North Node - risk of “over expansion”; pace yourself; at odds with your higher self
Dec 28
Mercury square Eris - impulsive or rebellious speech, you may encounter resistance to your expressed ideals
Mars quincunx Uranus - non conformity
Jupiter enters Pisces - joy, optimism, inter connectedness, compassion
Dec 29
Mercury conjunct Venus Rx - expressing love, thoughts about self love, artistic inspiration
Mars sextile Saturn - determination and endurance
Dec 30
Mercury conjunct Pluto - deep thinking, intense conversation.
Venus square Eris - motivated by repression.
Jan 1
Sun trine Uranus - positive changes and flashes of insight
Mercury trine Ceres - nurturing expressions
Mercury trine N Node - ability to attract the right people to advance you toward your goals and calling
Jan 2
Mercury enters Aquarius - sharp, progressive thinking
New Moon January 2022 at 12°cap 01:33 pm pst - new cycle beginning, with focus on planning; expanded vision for your future
ARIES- There’s a growing collection of planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury & Pluto…Mars enters this area in late January) in your career house, and the new moon in Capricorn will join them. There’s no doubt that career and public image are hot topics for you lately. Take a little time to envision what your dream job looks and feels like. Be honest with yourself about what you want. Do you really want fame? What kind of responsibility are you willing to take on? What kind of leader do you want to be? Manifest according to your feelings, not your fantasies.
TAURUS- You may be feeling pretty restless. You can’t scratch your travel itch so you might lean in to your intellectual side. Deep, philosophical, and hypothetical questions can entertain you for now, but the craving for intense experiences will be with you for a while. You may be starting a new career path this year, so setting aside some time to explore your education options would be smart. Even if you are going back to school, really envision the path forward from here. The shift of the moon's north node into your sign later this month will ask you to look at self sufficiency and doing the work to reach it.
GEMINI - You will be swimming in deep waters for the first several weeks of the new year. Generally you like to change activities several (read: a zillion) times in any given time period. But there’s a laser focus needed and asked if you now. This intense focus will help you move ahead in ways you haven’t anticipated. But you might also feel bajiggity and anxious and not know why. Financial planning is one area that you should pay some attention to. When you start to feel anxiety building up in your body, find an outlet to move it (meditation, exercise, grounding, etc).
CANCER- Your 7th house of partnerships is very emphasized right now due to all the Capricorn energy. Take some time to really, clearly, sincerely communicate your feelings to your loved ones. You may express your love in many different, very nurturing ways. But sometimes people need to hear the words. This is also a good time to evaluate all the places your energy is committed. How many projects do you have and are they all necessary? You may need to prioritize a bit and create a hierarchical (oh. Bonus word) to go list based on deadlines and importance. If in doubt, call a Cap.
LEO- All this Capricorn energy probably feels awfully stodgy to you. But it’s piling up in your house of habits and routine, so it might be time to take a good look at those things. There are changes needed in your day to day life that will change the flow in amazing ways. In much the same way as rearranging furniture can shift the energy in your house, so can changing your route to work, when you shower, the order of operations in your day. You’re creative! Have fun with it. Experiment all month long.
VIRGO- You may find yourself wanting to drop the hankie in front of your love interest. (This is a metaphor for coyly showing interest like in the old days when a woman would drop her handkerchief and see if the man would pick it up for her. It’s code for “hey baby”) Things could get serious or deeper in new-ish or even established relationships. You may also find that your creative energy is enhanced now too. Pursue more joy. There’s always time for work.
LIBRA- Home and family continues to be a strong theme for you these days. Be a good steward of the money you are earning. Hold off on extra spending until March. Your family’s roots are undergoing some shifts and it can feel unnerving and imbalanced for someone who craves harmony. Doing work on your physical home is favored right now. And because there’s a lot of energy in this house, and your literal house, you need an outlet. Spend time near water when you feel irked…even if it’s just a bath. Growth is what you are experiencing, and it’s just a tad awkward right now.
SCORPIO- If you’re sitting on a book or publishing project, now is a great time to get on it. Once you sit down, you may be surprised how easily it flows. Communication in general is very emphasized now. Make your emails clear and professional. Write the proposal, request the info you’ve been needing, file the papers, make the phone call you’ve been dreading. You are favored in any of these interactions. Also. If you’re looking for a sign that tells you to go ahead and say “I love you”…here’s your sign!
SAGITTARIUS- Lots of change has happened over the last 6-8 months and you should be feeling pretty optimistic. Right now you have great energy behind you for changing jobs, finding a job, or getting a raise. Start a savings plan this month. Slow down in the way you communicate, as this will be a theme later this month. Be clear about your needs and expectations, and…be realistic. You have great planetary love at your back, but your pie-in-the-sky thinking will clash with Capricorn's stern pragmatism. Use your natural luck in practical ways. Later in the spring you will be able to have more fun.
CAPRICORN- Well, happy birthday season! You look pretty damn good considering the metaphorical wood chipper you’ve been in for a couple years now. This new moon is another step toward the new cycle I keep talking about for you. Set your intentions about who you want to be and how you want to be in the world and go ahead and shoot for the stars! The shit show that keeps harassing you will be improving, and by spring you will feel lots better. There is so much beautiful planetary energy happening for you now. As January progresses it’s going to get better and better.
AQUARIUS - You may start feeling like you need some space and solitude as January progresses. Do what you need to do. Meditation, shadow work, and dream work are highly favored for you right now. Tap into the deep parts of yourself that you may overlook in favor of humanity related concerns. You are part of humanity, after all. We can heal others far better when we’ve healed ourselves. Listen to your gut and intuition this month. Watch for signs and synchronicities.
PISCES- The world is your oyster right now. Jupiter in your sign will be such a soothing balm for your exhausted soul. Swim swim swim. Really allow yourself time to experience magic, whatever that is for you. You may find your friend group is a little funky. Some friends are likely to be quite cranky until Spring. And others may start to fall away. This is a normal part of life, like exfoliating old skin cells. New people who are more aligned with you will start filtering in and will help to tend to your delicate inner fire. This year is going to be good!