It's a lot...BitchScopes for December 13-20
Alright! Here we are, y’all. This week the much touted, often grimly painted Venus retrograde begins. I have read so much garbage about this. Look, can shitty things happen during a retrograde? Of course. Shitty things happen every day, and all we have to blame it on is ourselves, our cats, our mothers, or the moon. So we get excited when we have something else to blame! Fact is, we’ve had a lot of sweeping change type transits, including some pretty juicy and potent eclipses…oh, eclipses. Another thing that many astrologers love to spin people into a tizzy about.
So here’s the thing: if you hate your job, you may decide to quit. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is kind of an asshole who doesn’t treat you well, you may decide to end it. You may decide the Lexus you bought was not a great deal after all, or that your new hair style is so bad that you want to shave your head. But if you’re mostly happy with your job, your hair, and your partner, things are probably going to tick along like “normal”. But..are you ready to feel more valued? Are you ready to feel better about yourself? Are you ready to have a job that pays you what you deserve (not what you delusionally want or think you deserve based on the overhyped shit your mom told you when you were 14 and being mercilessly bullied and she didn’t want you to kill yourself…what you deserve based on your skills and education and what you offer the company and clients)? Ok then. Let’s do that.
Venus retrograde will have us examining how we feel valued and what we value and why. It can bring clarity. Like Mercury retrograde, you can harness this to improve your life. Venus retrogrades the least often of any of the planets, so we do tend to feel this more personally. But you can use this period to work on self love, valuing yourself, planning money and resources for the next several months. Fairness, justice and balance are also on the docket. But like eclipses, even when the changes feel icky at first, they are always for our highest good. For instance, If you are in a relationship that you know isn’t going well, you may just finally pull the plug on it. I did this in 2017 during Venus retro (as it turned out, I met him during the previous Venus retro in 2015. Weird huh? The Venus retro in 2010 also marked relationship milestones for me. I moved in with a guy, against all better judgement, and the next retro in 2012 I was moving out). So, Ok…maybe be aware that relationships started under this, may also end under it. You might also try to resist the urge to buy expensive and luxurious items. Don’t drastically change your hair or overall appearance.
But enough about that. There’s other juicy stuff this week. The key here is to focus on yourself, your own behavior, your own words, your own needs. It isn’t selfish. If more people did that, we would actually be in much better shape to respond to the other people around us. Be willing to grow, in spirituality, in how you value yourself, in your relationships, in your career. Growth can cause aches and pains, so if you feel that in some area, it is probably a good thing. If you feel something more than “discomfort”, it might be an indication that something is off balance and needs correcting.
There is a lot of real and delusional “fate” at play this week. Things that happen will feel significant, important, powerful, and “meant to be” in some cases. The North Node makes some significant aspects, and the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Center is hard to ignore as well. Literally, things that happen will be “hard to ignore”. It will be important for you to listen to your gut if you are dating, because on the one hand you may meet someone who really is aligned with your life purpose. On the other hand, you may be wearing the Venus beer goggles. If it seems too good to be true, if he is love bombing you early on, if he says all the right things but doesn’t follow through…red flag!!!
To further complicate this week, especially if you are dating or in a committed relationship, there’s a Full Moon in Gemini. Gemini rules information, and full moons are known to illuminate truths that were previously hidden. So you can expect some new information or news to show up, depending on where Gemini falls in your chart. Luckily, this Full Moon is trine Jupiter, so this information will benefit us. However, the moon is also quincunx Venus and Pluto (Venus and Pluto are conjunct) so there’s difficulty of expression and/or an imbalance of power, affection, or money. It’s likely that we may feel emotionally needy, or have an increased need for affection, but a difficulty in getting it, or expressing the need. Perhaps we struggle with vulnerability.
It’s a lot, and just in time for the thick of the Holiday season. (Holy Crap…I took my kids shopping Saturday and it was so chaotic I wondered if we were in World War Z or something!) Stay grounded and alert. Stay tuned in to yourself. Express your truths and needs with your loved ones openly and honestly. Be transparent and conservative with your finances. Hug your people. Hug your self. Hug your cat.
This isn’t doomsday, it just feels like it in most parking lots. Lean in to love.
Dec 13
Dec 14
Dec 15
Dec 17
Dec 18
Dec 19
Dec 20
Aries - This week, and for the next few, you are likely to be made aware of some new information that will have you really pondering your career path. It will take a minute for you to process this information. Ultimately, whatever this is will lead you to a better position in one way or another. You will have the upper hand, or the inside info needed to negotiate a raise, a promotion, or a new specialty that interests you. This will be a process unfolding for the duration of Venus in Capricorn. But come next April, you stand to be in a much better position!
Taurus - You may be feeling a little beat up lately. Money is an issue that seems to keep coming up. Education of some kind is the key to unlocking more money. The Full Moon will show you some places where your money has been “leaking” or not properly channeled. Over the next few months you will be able to clear up some old debts and agreements that are truly finished. Going forward, you need to look carefully at either taking some classes to advance yourself or teaching as a means of adding to your income stream. It could be any kind of teaching, really. But this would be at a college or beyond level, ideally. Next year will be busy, so stay organized.
Gemini - The next few weeks will have you examining your role in your personal relationships and how it may be shifting in the near future. If things have felt out of balance in the past, that will change. Shared resources (and other people’s money such as taxes, winnings, inheritances) are highlighted by Venus’ travels through Capricorn. Organization, notes, reminders, and yes, even spreadsheets, will be your friend as you level up your status, and the complications that can go with that.
Cancer - Slow your roll, Crabby Patty. You’ll want to give yourself room in your schedule where possible, over the next several weeks. You will need time and space to process some information and realizations you are likely to have after this Full Moon. It may be that a secret comes to light, or that information you have been in a bit of denial about is no longer avoidable. You may be able to figure out something regarding your health that has been a bit of an annoying mystery, or realize a habit you have that you thought was good may be contributing to a problem. You will need your partner to be stable and reliable during this period, as you give yourself some legit rest on a regular basis.
Leo - Information about a friend or associate may come to light after this Full Moon. It isn’t earth shattering, just unexpected. Your work/play balance may be off kilter, and you’ll need to either force yourself to take a break, or make yourself do the boring stupid tasks you get paid to do. Ugh. Some of this balance issue may lead to some awareness in your body. That exercise you do may be contributing to your pain, not helping it…or something like this. Venus in Capricorn is going to ask you to pay more attention to your physical being for a several weeks, so just do it. Capricorn is not fun to try to negotiate with…
Virgo - The full moon will light up information around your career house, and you may have to make some adjustments to keep things moving in the right direction. One of those adjustments may be your work/family balance. Some family issues from times past may show up around this time, so keep your cool. If you have children, the way you parent may be a focus for several weeks. You may need to be a little more conservative or strict to correct something. This could also apply to pets, depending on your placement. OR that family issue you’re dealing with may have something to do with the way you were parented. Oh, the holidays…good times. Stay cool, and seek out fun!
Libra - You may find yourself really changing your mind about something you thought you firmly believed in, and it may rock you a little. Beliefs are not meant to be static. In fact, the ability to change your mind is a sign of evolution, so embrace it. You may want to keep your thoughts to yourself for a while though, because under the current planetary influences, it may not come out right, or you may offend someone you don’t wish to offend (Which for a Libra is most everyone). Family money issues will be a focus while Venus is in Capricorn. If something is amiss or screwy, it should be much more resolved come April.
Scorpio - Well you are pretty much the Queen or King of Intimacy among all the zodiac signs. This full moon may shed some surprising light on intimacy issues you were not aware of. For the next several weeks, you will want to be careful with your words and make sure emails are properly composed so that your point does not get missed, especially at work. Misunderstandings could affect your paycheck in some way. But those intimacy issues could very well involve communication as well. You aren't'll be fine!
Sagittarius - This full moon illuminates your relationships, so you may receive some information that was previously unknown or hidden. It isn't necessarily bad, so don’t let it mess with your head or your sense of self. Venus in Capricorn, even while retrograde, could make you some money. You may get some ideas during retrograde that you can put into action in the Spring to reap the benefits. This could also be some inklings about changing jobs or companies in order to see more value for your work.
Capricorn - Your body may be giving you some messages that you haven’t been listening to, but it will make itself loud and clear under this full moon. It could be something as ordinary as your menstrual cycle, or something a bit more complex. If you happen to have any kind of surgery scheduled, it will go well and provide the needed information. Venus retrograding in your sign will definitely affect the way you see yourself and how you present that self in the world. On the other side of this, you will have a better grasp of your true value as a person, employee, partner, etc. The growing pains may be unpleasant. But as much as you work, and love working, you grossly undervalue yourself in other aspects of life.
Aquarius - The good news is that romance seems to be on the horizon for you…real close! But feel things out properly before you commit to anything or anyone. Relationships started under a Venus retrograde are often false starts, or fake outs. If that happens, know that the real thing is really close behind it. Enjoy the romance (and there will be some), enjoy the parties and the new friends, but don’t put a ring on anything!
Pisces - This next several weeks are all about your people. Friends, family, co-workers…they will all be tugging on your heart. The full moon is likely to show you some information about your family that you didn’t realize before. It could be mundane, or it could be profound, but it doesn’t feel terribly disruptive. Outside of your home life, you will be poised to really grab on to some professional opportunities, and they are likely connected to your friends, friends of friends, etc. You’re going to be busy, so self care and boundaries are going to be essential.
- Mars enters Sagittarius - we are all more passionate and adventurous. (last time was January 2020)
- Mercury enters Capricorn - conversation and thinking are more serious, practical, methodical
- Mercury quincunx North Node - use your intellect to navigate a difficult situation. And pay attention: is there a pattern that you seem to repeat at play here?
Dec 14
- Mars conjunct South node - cathartic release around past “mistakes” or actions
- Mars opposite North Node - tension that can provide motivation toward your goals
Dec 15
- Sun trine Eris - your rebellious nature (OR true authentic self) can find an outlet and have center stage
- Uranus trine Juno - possible breakthroughs in committed relationships particularly around trust
Dec 17
- Vesta opposite Lilith - your rebellious ideas (the stuff that doesn’t fit in society’s tidy boxes) can fuel your career at this time
Dec 18
- Full Moon in gemini 8:36 pm PST - healing old wounds, releasing crap we don’t want to take into the next phase (2022)
- Sun conjunct Galactic Center - supports your soul purpose and brings you into alignment, as well as providing clarity about your path
- Mercury square Chiron - expressing your pain may be challenging (use the moon!)
Dec 19
- Venus Retrograde 26 Capricorn - introspection and reassessment of “values”, what we value, and how we feel valued
- Sun sextile Jupiter - optimism and good luck
Dec 20
- Mercury trine Uranus - genius moments, breakthroughs, exciting news
- Sun enters Capricorn - time to get serious, committ, and do things “by the book”.
- Ceres conjunct North Node - Your nurturing side can take the lead, somewhat effortlessly. It will just happen.
Aries - This week, and for the next few, you are likely to be made aware of some new information that will have you really pondering your career path. It will take a minute for you to process this information. Ultimately, whatever this is will lead you to a better position in one way or another. You will have the upper hand, or the inside info needed to negotiate a raise, a promotion, or a new specialty that interests you. This will be a process unfolding for the duration of Venus in Capricorn. But come next April, you stand to be in a much better position!
Taurus - You may be feeling a little beat up lately. Money is an issue that seems to keep coming up. Education of some kind is the key to unlocking more money. The Full Moon will show you some places where your money has been “leaking” or not properly channeled. Over the next few months you will be able to clear up some old debts and agreements that are truly finished. Going forward, you need to look carefully at either taking some classes to advance yourself or teaching as a means of adding to your income stream. It could be any kind of teaching, really. But this would be at a college or beyond level, ideally. Next year will be busy, so stay organized.
Gemini - The next few weeks will have you examining your role in your personal relationships and how it may be shifting in the near future. If things have felt out of balance in the past, that will change. Shared resources (and other people’s money such as taxes, winnings, inheritances) are highlighted by Venus’ travels through Capricorn. Organization, notes, reminders, and yes, even spreadsheets, will be your friend as you level up your status, and the complications that can go with that.
Cancer - Slow your roll, Crabby Patty. You’ll want to give yourself room in your schedule where possible, over the next several weeks. You will need time and space to process some information and realizations you are likely to have after this Full Moon. It may be that a secret comes to light, or that information you have been in a bit of denial about is no longer avoidable. You may be able to figure out something regarding your health that has been a bit of an annoying mystery, or realize a habit you have that you thought was good may be contributing to a problem. You will need your partner to be stable and reliable during this period, as you give yourself some legit rest on a regular basis.
Leo - Information about a friend or associate may come to light after this Full Moon. It isn’t earth shattering, just unexpected. Your work/play balance may be off kilter, and you’ll need to either force yourself to take a break, or make yourself do the boring stupid tasks you get paid to do. Ugh. Some of this balance issue may lead to some awareness in your body. That exercise you do may be contributing to your pain, not helping it…or something like this. Venus in Capricorn is going to ask you to pay more attention to your physical being for a several weeks, so just do it. Capricorn is not fun to try to negotiate with…
Virgo - The full moon will light up information around your career house, and you may have to make some adjustments to keep things moving in the right direction. One of those adjustments may be your work/family balance. Some family issues from times past may show up around this time, so keep your cool. If you have children, the way you parent may be a focus for several weeks. You may need to be a little more conservative or strict to correct something. This could also apply to pets, depending on your placement. OR that family issue you’re dealing with may have something to do with the way you were parented. Oh, the holidays…good times. Stay cool, and seek out fun!
Libra - You may find yourself really changing your mind about something you thought you firmly believed in, and it may rock you a little. Beliefs are not meant to be static. In fact, the ability to change your mind is a sign of evolution, so embrace it. You may want to keep your thoughts to yourself for a while though, because under the current planetary influences, it may not come out right, or you may offend someone you don’t wish to offend (Which for a Libra is most everyone). Family money issues will be a focus while Venus is in Capricorn. If something is amiss or screwy, it should be much more resolved come April.
Scorpio - Well you are pretty much the Queen or King of Intimacy among all the zodiac signs. This full moon may shed some surprising light on intimacy issues you were not aware of. For the next several weeks, you will want to be careful with your words and make sure emails are properly composed so that your point does not get missed, especially at work. Misunderstandings could affect your paycheck in some way. But those intimacy issues could very well involve communication as well. You aren't'll be fine!
Sagittarius - This full moon illuminates your relationships, so you may receive some information that was previously unknown or hidden. It isn't necessarily bad, so don’t let it mess with your head or your sense of self. Venus in Capricorn, even while retrograde, could make you some money. You may get some ideas during retrograde that you can put into action in the Spring to reap the benefits. This could also be some inklings about changing jobs or companies in order to see more value for your work.
Capricorn - Your body may be giving you some messages that you haven’t been listening to, but it will make itself loud and clear under this full moon. It could be something as ordinary as your menstrual cycle, or something a bit more complex. If you happen to have any kind of surgery scheduled, it will go well and provide the needed information. Venus retrograding in your sign will definitely affect the way you see yourself and how you present that self in the world. On the other side of this, you will have a better grasp of your true value as a person, employee, partner, etc. The growing pains may be unpleasant. But as much as you work, and love working, you grossly undervalue yourself in other aspects of life.
Aquarius - The good news is that romance seems to be on the horizon for you…real close! But feel things out properly before you commit to anything or anyone. Relationships started under a Venus retrograde are often false starts, or fake outs. If that happens, know that the real thing is really close behind it. Enjoy the romance (and there will be some), enjoy the parties and the new friends, but don’t put a ring on anything!
Pisces - This next several weeks are all about your people. Friends, family, co-workers…they will all be tugging on your heart. The full moon is likely to show you some information about your family that you didn’t realize before. It could be mundane, or it could be profound, but it doesn’t feel terribly disruptive. Outside of your home life, you will be poised to really grab on to some professional opportunities, and they are likely connected to your friends, friends of friends, etc. You’re going to be busy, so self care and boundaries are going to be essential.