Coming into Alignment - BitchScopes for January 24-31
This week feels pretty groovy to me, both in a “cool baby, coooool” way and in that I feel that professionally most people will be “in their groove” and feeling pretty good about it. Relationships are on track and beneficial to the larger goals. We have gained some clarity from Venus retrograde and our values and our plans are coming into alignment. Productivity and smooth interactions look very likely.
The big news this week is that Venus stations direct. While retrograde, she asks us to examine what we value, why we value it, and how we express that. It can be a bumpy time for relationships, particularly if they have been struggling. Venus insists on harmony and balance and she will achieve it one way or another. So if a particular relationship is “off”, she may sweep it out of the room so that balance can be achieved. At any rate, her direct motion is a relief, and we don’t have to mess with that again for more than a year.
Next week we have Mercury going direct, and last week we had Uranus station direct. So progress should start happening on projects that have been sluggish. We may feel a little restless or anxious to get things going in some areas, but, all in all, this week feels neutral at worst, and progressive at best. Enjoy!
Jan 24
Mars enters Capricorn - Mars is happy in Cappy. Mars is exalted here and is deliberate and rational
Ceres conjunct North Node - your sense of purpose and your compassion unite
Pluto conjunct Juno - intense and magnetic attraction
Jan 25
Sun square Moon - inner drives are at odds with needs for security
Neptune square Lilith - confusion and illusions about how we fit in
Jan 26
Mercury trine Ceres - desire to talk about feelings
Jan 27
Mercury trine North Node - you can find the magic words to further your progress
Mercury conjunct Juno - easy expression with partner
Juno trine North Node - your partner can be a benefit to your mission
Jan 28
Chiron square Vesta - painful realizations regarding family
Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto - deep thoughts, possibly darker than usual
Sun sextile Chiron - healing & growth
Jan 29
Venus trine Uranus - freedom of expression in relationship; changes in the things you value
Ceres trine Juno - nurturing in partnership
Venus Direct 11° Capricorn - clarity about how goals align with our values
Jan 30
Sun square Uranus - antsy, bajiggity, restless
Jan 31
Mercury sextile Pallas - firing on all cylinders and ready to execute the plan
Uranus trine Vesta - enthusiastic and on course; productivity can be increased by tweaking your routine
ARIES - Keep your hands at 10 and 2 and keep your eyes on the road. Things should start falling into place around career and income. It is not an accident that I used the driving metaphor 10 and 2, because those are the houses that are most activated for you at this time. Your mission, soul purpose, destiny…whatever you call it…it’s on track to line up with your career and the way you make money, and that’s good! That is usually the goal, and you’re very much on track. So just keep on truckin’!
TAURUS - The phrase “coming in to your own” comes to mind when I look at your current chart. You are refining what is important to you, what you believe and why, and starting to be able to more confidently take that out in to the world. We don’t do this just as we are becoming adults. We go through this process many times in a lifetime. It’s called personal evolution, and without it, we’d all be pretty screwed. Life should feel like it “fits” you a little more comfortably these days, and being yourself should come a bit easier.
GEMINI - You are in a much deeper period than some of your peers. There is deep healing happening for you internally and on a spiritual level. Your connections with your closest people will have a natural intimacy about it, and this is good…it just isn’t always comfortable for you. Rest assured though that some old “stuff” (hurts, traumas, karma) is working its way out the door. A lot of this progress will come from what you do for others, which is a pretty natural vibe for you. Stay in that lane and you will be in great shape!
CANCER - Bust out your game boards, cute outfits, or fine china, depending on how you exercise your social skills. Your people will be a strong presence on your path to success for quite awhile. But right now, they want to party. Of course partying looks different to an introvert vs and extrovert, but a good time is coming! You are entering a more social, outgoing, and fun period of time that will allow you to use your considerable creative skills to benefit all of you. Just enjoy life, and watch some of your wishes come true this year.
LEO - There’s a strong focus on what you do for a living, and how you go about it. Your career, longer term goals, soul purpose, and mundane routine are all intersecting and this is fantastic. It isn’t a cake walk, however. There will be quite a bit of work to do this year. You may find your focus shifting away from your children, if you have some, and toward your own professional goals and dreams. This is personal evolution and it is healthy, so don’t second guess your desires!
VIRGO - Creativity is highlighted for you right now, so strike while the iron is hot. Your long term higher purpose(s) and your personal beliefs are in the process of aligning. This makes me think of myprinter, and the print heads are misaligned so the words come out all funky and fuzzy. As you come in to alignment with your purpose and your beliefs, the words will become crisp and clear and easy to read.This is usually a very rewarding and satisfying process.
SCORPIO - If communication in your marriage, work partnership, or other contractual connections has been screwy lately, it should be getting better very soon. Your ability to progress as a person via partnerships is going to be a theme for you this year. How you see yourself, how you express yourself, how you feel about yourself, all will be viewed through the lens of the “other”. If you’re committed to being a lone wolf, this period of time may be annoying. But ultimately, you will have to play well with others in order to get where you want to go.
SAGITTARIUS - It may be time to get your act together and be a bit more committed to a routine. Ultimately, how disciplined and organized you can be is a strong determining factor for success and making that money you like. Now that Venus is direct, you may get a job offer or a promotion. Just keep in mind that your values should be reflected in how you live your every day life.
CAPRICORN - Ok now that Venus is direct, you can go get a new haircut or redecorate your office, depending on your chart. Creative expression takes on a much deeper meaning for you this year, so you’ll need to juice up that spreadsheet and really flaunt your creative skills. Your work should reflect not just your creativity, but who you truly are. That is the key to arriving at your soul purpose…authenticity. Give up people pleasing for Lent…and maybe forever.
AQUARIUS - Venus is coming out of your 12th house closet with secrets in hand. Don’t worry, she’s not spilling your tea to anyone but your subconscious mind. You may indeed have some strong intuitive insights and aha moments over the next little while. Facing any shadow shit that arises from this will benefit not just you, but your whole family. Family and home is a big focus for you this year. Doing this work will give them, and you, the best of you.
PISCES - Venus retrograde may have had you rethinking some of your dreams and goals. They may not fit the current you, and the past you is gone. Refining our desires is a normal part of evolution, so it doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that you’re giving up. It means you’ve learned about yourself and you’re adjusting your goals to match. It means you are coming in to deeper authenticity. This year, communication of all kinds is really emphasized for you. That includes publishing and broadcasting, so if you’ve been toying with the idea of writing or speaking…do it! You may help others refine their goals in the process!