Info on the Inspo - BitchScopes for January 3-10
Welp, 2022 is not wasting any time in grabbing us by the shoulders. If you’re tapped in, inspiration and insight are being handed out like strip club coupons on the Vegas strip. However, this inspiration may come from a place of “WTF” or “How dare they?!”, but your fire is bound to be lit. If you have a good idea about your personal mission or higher calling, you may start to feel an infusion of verve and clarity you haven’t had in a while. So expect your feelings to be activated on a deep level.
Connections with others, particularly partners, feels deeper and more spiritual lately. If you’re in an established relationship, this is great. If you are starting a new relationship, remember that Venus retrograde puts on rose colored beer goggles and we may lose that deeply connected feeling in February and beyond. Go slow until then.
If you have planets at 27-28° Sagittarius, pay attention to what happens this week. Everyone will have their chart at those degrees activated by transit on the 5th. On Wednesday, an alignment of Vesta and the Galactic Center may really ignite your passion for justice (the flavor may vary based on the planet placements). Dreams, visions, whisperings, enthusiasm…all may tap you on the shoulder with Divine insight into an issue or a project you’re working on. (word that describes the energy of the Galactic Center: “afflatus”. Look it up. It will be on the quiz next week.)
We are invited to recognize and accept our own value, independent of others, their opinions or how they value us. This invitation, if we accept it, may take us out on a bit of a spiritual walk about. Not all who wander are lost, so feel free to explore parts of yourself and parts of life that you maybe have not until now. This may include examining old wounds, and some bubbling up of strong emotions. Anger, resentment, rebellion, and feelings of that flavor may be activated by your journey into self. This can be really fantastic if you stay aware and don’t project that shit on to the people around you. And if your passion for something has been reawakened, make sure you channel it appropriately and don’t fling it around your work place etc.
I do think this year will offer a lot of opportunities to heal, both ourselves, and some parts of society. It certainly won’t all get fixed this year, but there’s been a pretty significant shift and I think we will start to see things improve on some parts of the world stage. Spirituality, connectedness, compassion, creativity are all balms to soothe our very, very frayed collective nerves.
Create things this week. Create art, food, music, love. Let the energy of Venus and Neptune inspire your 2nd chakra and your heart and just enjoy the process!
Jan 5
Venus Rx sextile Neptune - creativity
Vesta conjunct Galactic Center - you may receive inspiration regarding your calling, vocation, or Divine mission. Particularly if you have any planets around 27-28° Sagittarius
Jan 6
Venus conjunct Juno - good vibes for committed relationships
Jan 7
Ceres quincunx Vesta - adjustments needed to balance your desire to nurture and your higher purpose, which may not be connected
Venus Rx quincunx Lilith - need to reject conformity to fully realize your value
Jan 8
Sun conjunct Venus Rx - very positive and pleasant time, value of self (with dependence on opinion of others) emphasized
Mars square Pallas - intense desire to take action (particularly re: social justice), but your ego may get in your way
Sun sextile Pallas - leadership in issues regarding justice
Venus sextile Pallas - your ability to promote your mission is enhanced by charm and connections
Jan 9
Vesta quincunx North Node - your passion and your purpose are not in alignment
Sun quincunx Lilith - self repression, a bit of energetic wandering trying to find yourself
Neptune sextile Juno - spiritual connection with spouse or partner is emphasized
Mars opposite Lilith - personal interests and ambitions can be driven by anger and resentment
Mercury sextile Chiron - willingness and success with facing wounds
Jan 10
Sun sextile Neptune - heightened sensitivity, creativeness, and psychic awareness
ARIES - Career, or the public facing part of your life is still a strong theme for you. I sense a lot of expansion is possible for you this year. Your higher mind will be active this week, and if you have a meditation practice, you are very likely to get some great philosophical downloads. However, your rebellious side is likely going to want a microphone this week, so make sure you “read the room” before going off.
TAURUS - If you are in an established relationship, your intimacy level may really deepen this week. You might notice you are very in sync with your partner. Your self esteem may flounder a bit this week though, so make you’re allowing the love in. Allow yourself to be taken care of, either by your partner or by the universe. Reject others' opinions about money this week.
GEMINI - Your relationships (mostly personal ones) should feel on track and very connected this week. Be careful that your rebellious side doesn’t get in the way of intimacy and connection with a partner. Don’t go on a spending spree just to spite someone or some principal. Let your walls down a little bit and let the right people see the real you.
CANCER - The service oriented part of yourself may get the fire of inspiration this week. Follow your heart. In your alone time, however, secrets and fears may make you want to act out in some way that is probably self sabotaging. Self reflection is a more productive route to heal. Leaning on your partner is also favored. Allow yourself to receive as much as you give (or visa versa).
LEO - Your creative side may really show up this week, so follow that thread to whatever gives you joy. Play and connecting with friends is a great idea this week. Play and creative exercises can also be an act of service in some way. Maybe someone around you, someone you work with, or a client, is in need of some joy. Don’t be shy about offering some up.
VIRGO - When you are disappointed by the people you work with, or if you feel you’ve disappointed them, you can be a bit ruthless, especially this week. You may feel cornered and want to lash out. The better way through this is with as few words as possible. Time will offer a cooler head and better words. To let off steam, go home and clean, or decorate, or both. Being around young children will also help.
LIBRA - If you’ve lost faith in something, it probably wasn’t the right receptacle for your faith in the first place. Don’t let this make you jaded about this particular thing. Retreat to your sanctuary, which lately is likely home. A sibling or a short trip may help you regroup as well. You may have some brilliant insights this week…write them down as they occur to you.
SCORPIO - You will have a charming and disarming way with words this week. And your love language may be words of affirmation right now as well. Good communication will help any relationship issues that come up due to insecurity or intimacy issues. Your financial life could be inspired this week. That passion project looks like it will bear fruit.
SAGITTARIUS - You should be feeling very much yourself this week and it looks like things will go your way. One of the aspects of being you is the desire for freedom. For some of you, committed relationships may sort of chafe you. For others, it might be a work contract that feels too restrictive. You will have charm and inspiration on your side though, so don’t be shy about negotiating what feels “off” to you. This is the week to get what you need and want.
CAPRICORN - The great news is you will have charm on your side this week and pretty much be able to get your way. People will be very receptive to your ideas. But you will be most productive and inspired when you are alone or in a quiet place. Avoid the desire to fully retreat and hide, because if you do, that charm and inspiration can’t do its work for you. Meditation and plenty of alone time will give you the balance you need this week.
AQUARIUS - Both your compassion and creativity meters will be pegged in the red this week. You will feel inspired by other people, their stories, and just being around them. Make sure you give yourself a creative outlet. Play is strongly encouraged, whatever that may mean to you. You may feel very drawn to social justice and humanitarian issues now, and that could be a great outlet for your energy.
PISCES - Your friends feel like an important and valuable asset to you right now. You may be inclined to throw yourself into work, either because you feel very inspired right now, or because you’re avoiding something at home, or both. As long as you have some awareness, it should be cool. This could be a very productive week if you’re able to focus on work and not just your fantasies.